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Author | Unbow |
How to unbow? | Do you mean how do you reverse a BOW block?
What character are you trying to get unblocked? If the BOW is just a standard request by the owner to block the character - It will not be unblocked.
If the BOW is a conservation block then there is a chance it may be unblocked. When I say conservation I mean, the account owner has asked for it to blocked because it was hacked etc. and the reason for the block was to preserve the account until the email and password could be changed.
The Official Appeals Commission does not deal with BOW blocks. | Ohk if it was conservation block then i will have to? PM one admin? | Could you link to the character? | Actually my secondary was hacked :(
Selemene my main char | Right, so that complicates things immediately. Even if it says BOW in your transfer log, you may still be able to recover the account if it had been hacked. This is the only option I can see for you, as I don't believe the Appeals Comission won't deal with your case because it says you have asked for a BOW. - Read this to find out what options you have if you are hacked.
In particular, read point 2: "The following characters are beyond salvation:" - If any of those points apply to your character, do not bother trying to recover the account, you will just be wasting other people's time.
If however, you think that your character is clear of those points, message Lexa and describe your situation. Don't bother to message Arctic, he is not here. | ok thanks alot :) | closed by Corey (2015-02-06 11:46:27) |
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