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for Legend Forever:
The probability of triggering depends on HP of damager and target.
If DHP ≥ THP, then
Probability = 25% + 3% * (DHP/THP);
Probability = 25% - 3% * (THP/DHP)
» DHP is the total remaining HP of the damaging stack;
» THP is the total remaining HP of the target stack;
» Trigger probability lays within the interval of [5%;75%];
» The moments to calculate the probability differ depending on the ability type.
For Blinding brilliance, the calculation occurs after the attack and before target's retaliation; |
Magic Guild.
If i were to take magic guild in PoT, do i gain access to all schools or just the school for my current faction? |
for Minjoot:
All schools for that magic level. Includes all mass spells as well :) |
Sorry if this has already been asked/answered.
How many wins/battles are required for getting the weapon? |
for narutoayan:
Last time the threshhold was 1000 Crystals of Time or more. We cannot be certain if this will remain the same, so always try to aim a little higher :) |
Ah okay, I still have to do some then haha..thanks! :) |
Any good build worth 560 crystals? |
My build are based on tier 2 creatures. This way i dont spend cristals buying another tiers that i use very low amont of troops cause they are not cheap. So i use the upgrades of forest keepers, Wolfe raiders, updraded golems and goblin warlock. I need to becarefull with the wolfes because they are weak. So i use golems to receive the retaliation and then the wolfes do tree atacks and receive no damage. I think is a great build. |
Any Good Luck for 21+ level withing 1300 crystals?
Good Recruitments of troops
67 Forest Brethens
101 Swordsman
51 Modern Golems
42 Crusaders
10% Att
10% Def
6% Ini
5% Troop Count |
how is scoring done?
how do i know my points? |
for barb-h2so4:
The CoT you have are your points. You get them by winning in combats |
thnx lucknowi Player banned by moderator Edwin until 2015-04-09 16:51:41 // FR 1.7//Additional characters aren't allowed to post in main forum |
closed by Corey (2015-04-26 01:27:31) |