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AuthorBreaking news. Mercenaries' guild got changes.-3
Others input? What input? We have no input.
funny :P

1) Admins made a huge change in TG system when i played in .com... for some time we received 8K/0.5 or 9K/0.5 exp/fsp for loss. horrible exp/fsp ratio. some chose to stop playing TG. now its better.
2) i bought TGI for 1+ million gold, now it changed.

everything changes, and you have choice what to play and what to skip.

I'm listening all points of view, if somehow you can't stand a different view, then won't be you, who can't stand others others input, instead?
feel free to complain or bash in next 100 post, can you change anything ?
i seriously doubt that. accept it and play wisely.

there are other MG quests, you can do that...
feel free to complain or bash in next 100 post, can you change anything ?
i seriously doubt that. accept it and play wisely.

there are other MG quests, you can do that...

I can't, change anything, indeed, however I'm merely writing about the new update, and it's new upcoming features, the same way, you're debating about the subject. how boring would be if everyone copy and paste the exactly same words than each others, isn't? If I do agree or not with some changes, all I can do, for the matter is stop donating, which I'm already doing, but if we're talking about an possibility of reverse this new update, we would need the union of the community, at least 20%, to tell "hey, it's not fair, why don't you propose something that everybody will be happy, instead?"

But why old players, would want something that will benefit them, removed?
Doesn't makes any sense, but at same time, this game seems to lose players every day, some between old and middle levels due staticness, and some new players, due the harsh mechanics applies in here, and when they eventually realize there's a big gap, some will definitely leave the game, for good. It's not something uncommon or absurd, there's just other options out there, that will threat the consumer on a better manner.
The old players who farmed monsters:
now got more free MG points (big bonus to MG)

New players:
less MG points from monsters, but more points from other MG quests (overall, no bonus to MG)

Is this a balance?
my advice: buy lots of elements, their prices r gonna increase for sure
The way how you guys complain about "advantages for old players because they farmed a lot of Mg points battling monsters":

Think about it: will you ever reach their combat level and fell that "huge disvantage" because you will compete against those "old players"?

Unlikely to happen, 90% of those who complain about it here are campers...
Correction: where I said "fell" it should be "feel"; where I said "disvantage" it should be "disadvantage".
for Vengeful Spirit:
exactly, the administrator is benefiting everyone, except level campers.
but some level campers here is crying and complaining, and they even thought they are representing "us"!
If a camper will never fight an 'old' player, then why the campers would be 'crying' asking a fair game balance? What a amazing logic, I'm so proud of this line of reasoning. I think it must be awared 10 Oscars at least.

I see no problem with. "I'm a CL 16, I've played long enough, and I think I do deserve some advantagefor my PvP battles." But, instead we have this, "anyone else, who disagree with my personal point of view, must be a whinner cryer." I think, it's pretty obvious how amazing the above line of thinking is, but come on... Why people can't just talk about something instead, focusing personal attack each other? This feature is unlikely to be changed anyways, due the amount of players, who learn to not complain or stand about something that will go against their interest, and other's obviously want some advantage.

In sume we've this, One side is complaining about how unfair a particular feature, from the new update is, to the new players.
The other side, doesn't seems to have an solid argument about the importance from this particular 'mutiply monster *3,' featire, then are focusing on personal attacks instead, because they either don't want to lose this advantage, or because they're controlled by an emotial subconscious conginitive response, and 'must' defend his/her beloved game, and everyone else must be 'destroyed,' for a 10 years old, it's ok I guess...
for Angel of Death:
Your logic is ridiculous.

You only see those MG points literally "lost" for new players, but you did not see how new players would benefit from other changes.

An old player who reached all armies at {20}, say so, would try to rack his/her brains on defeating an Army of Dwarves {20}, only to get "8000exp/0.5fsp" for 5 times.
Now new players could do this at lower levels, with minimal AP, and getting "6000exp/2.2fsp" and enjoying it all the way from {0} to {20} while old ones needed to struggle from {21} above.

Not to mention the huge difficulty cut on raids. They cannot be more easier than ever! You can reach raids of creatures {20} with coca cola, on contrary to old raids when each wave of monsters stack up soon to unbeatable.

New quest introduced would benefit old and new players alike, but the original changes, especially to armies and raids, are full to justify the loss on monsters.

Stop yearning!
I think it must be awared 10 Oscars at least.
You certainly won't be getting one anytime soon.

It's more MG quests for everyone.
That is certaily a bonus.

Unlike few of you, people don't play MG only to improve their fsp ratio.
They play because it's fun and for elements.
And, with the new achievements, it is certainly fun :)
You guys are really being kids i would say.

You really think that going on complaining will change the things.

Just stop it, accept it, enjoy it.
That's all you can do.

it's a game.
Enjoy yourself
get a time off
make friends

that's all this site is about.

You get to know new people
get to enjoy you day with playing this after getting off a hectic day.

All updates will either benefit new players or old players or both or none.

But don't whine about it so much.

If you are so worried about the points you lost in MG because of the update then you should have started playing it years back when the site actually started.

And as per the talks of getting equal with high players.

I highly doubt anyone of us can get even close to 1st player (NOLDOR).


Just go to his combat logs.
his per day average battles are about 40-50.

So to get near to him, stop being babies and doing 10 LG with 1 battle.
Instead of that work hard yourself to get up to that stage.

Many of you players are staying in the same level going on about LG LG LG
that's it.
and then come here and complain.

That's all you can do.

Instead of that get up play better and earn your way up to the top.

Don't be kiddish and keep on complaining about the updates.

Every updates has it's own Plus and Minus.

Just enjoy the game , the way it is.

Give suggestions, give opinions, but for god sake , stop complaining.
Yes, we abused Monsters as much as we could.
Now we want that others were unable to do that.
Cool, Devs just granted that wish.

Oh, stop crying, we've got new MG quests!
Angel of death is spot on. This is called the adhominem technique, which means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments.
Instead of posting an argument back, we get stop crying, whining etc.
Funny someone mentions NOLDOR, had that person checked his battle from before this 'update', that person would have seen that his MG was mostly monster quests, here check from here onward: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_warlog.php?id=2255&page=14
There seem to be 229 different monsters. Reaching level 30 meant 30x229 is 6870 MG points, now reaching monster level 30 is only 10x229 is 2290 MG points, a loss of 4580 MG points. This kind of loss of points is a major loss, anyone disagreeing won't be able to post a counter argument but will result to personal attacks as usual instead which shows that persons intelligence can't be higher than my shoe size.
Yes, there are new MG quests, but these are also for the monster farmers.

I'll say it again: There is no logic in why the monster quest suddenly got upped by 3 levels each time. The sum of all the new quests won't even add up to the loss due to the new monster quest system. Since even NOLDOR hasn't even reached MG 12, a loss of 4580 MG points will put a huge dent into reaching MG 12 for the players that didn't have the chance to do those monsters and result into a huge gap difference. And with the new monster armoring they won't even reach monster level 30 for most monsters.

Also note that we are arguing without any results here, since none of the admins that implement these changes even read the english forum. So I glanced on the russian forum and there seem to be a lot of complaints about it as well about this new monster questing. So only from there might a change come.
I completely agree with post 73.

Our forum is already dead - some of the ggf threads r bumped up to stay alive ;)
So whats wrong if some one sharing his views, No matter if its complain or whining let the posts flow. Plz Don't be so grown-ups grumpy.If AoD or others are whining U guys doing the same by giving stereotype replies.

Some may find monster update bad or fine & they can post there views here if they wish as I think GGf meant for this. Personally I enjoy reading forum after getting off a hectic day. and between waiting for mg quest or other battle.Don't try to shut those who don't agree with u by labeling them as whiner.You can always Ignore those if u not like but don't try to shut their mouths.
[quote="SwiftGirl"]An old player who reached all armies at {20}, say so, would try to rack his/her brains on defeating an Army of Dwarves {20}, only to get "8000exp/0.5fsp" for 5 times.
Now new players could do this at lower levels, with minimal AP, and getting "6000exp/2.2fsp" and enjoying it all the way from {0} to {20} while old ones needed to struggle from {21} above.
So before it was 5 times 8000exp/0.5fsp which resulted into 40k exp and 2,5 sp and now it is 6000exp/2.2fsp for one time only and it is better?. Uhm, I think you contradicted yourself with your own reasoning. And it is 2 sp not 2,2, if you do not have abubakir charm. Also you get 2 sp only if you win it in one try. I completed Army of elves {13} in two tries today, first one gave me 3795 exp and 0,59 sp on the loss and second one gave me 3030 exp and 0,87 sp on the win. So the 2 sp's fake golden shine has allready faded away to show the rusting below it.

[quote="SwiftGirl"]Not to mention the huge difficulty cut on raids. They cannot be more easier than ever! You can reach raids of creatures {20} with coca cola, on contrary to old raids when each wave of monsters stack up soon to unbeatable.
So not true, the total ammount of troops showing up remain the same as before, but now due to shortening the waves, they are bigger stacks and even get to move sooner than before. Because read the update of it:
"Raid" quests’ number of waves is halved though the total number of monsters remains unchanged. The newly appeared enemies would make a move a bit earlier;
So it is not a huge cut in its difficulty but these battles have actually become harder due to this. Allow me to explain: before ones fast creatures, like the elves, could keep cleaning up the new incoming wave after wave before the enemy even got a turn, now the incoming wave gets their turns faster, not only that but they are bigger stacks as well due to same ammount but half the waves. So in short, your coca cola remark is only a figment of your imagination.

And a loss of 4580 MG points not mattering? One would reach MG level 9 with those points alone. This is a huge loss.
There seem to be 229 different monsters. Reaching level 30 meant 30x229 is 6870 MG points, now reaching monster level 30 is only 10x229 is 2290 MG points, a loss of 4580 MG points. This kind of loss of points is a major loss, anyone disagreeing won't be able to post a counter argument but will result to personal attacks as usual instead which shows that persons intelligence can't be higher than my shoe size.

That number is hugely inflated. The average player has not a) encountered all those monsters and b) certainly not got them to level 30. Let's assume on average players were able to level them to 15 (which is still a huge amount of quests), you cut the total number of points lost by half to 3435. Furthermore, the difficulty wasn't reset. So you can take away the 229*(15/3)so take a further 1145 points off that since a new player would still be able to do 5 battles each monster to get to the {15} difficulty. So the loss is whittled down to 2290 points.

Then you have to consider, how many people have even done say, 3000 quests? 1752 of them (at the moment) - I doubt they were only doing monsters. I think the difference

The overall loss is hard to measure (in terms of both fsp and mg points), numbers need to be properly crunched.

Yes, we abused Monsters as much as we could.
Now we want that others were unable to do that.
Cool, Devs just granted that wish.

Oh, stop crying, we've got new MG quests!

The irony Robai is that you have probably played as many monster quests as many mid-high level players have ;) You just chose not to return to the guild back in 2009/2010 so you made the choice to forgo those MG points for a great ratio :D
It's very interesting that people whining about being impossible to reach MG 12 while 99.9% of the players in the game won't even be close to MG 10

You guys worries too much, just move on and enjoy. Why not discuss some strategy of new MG instead?

What brings you to the game? Monster hunting?
It's very interesting that people whining about being impossible to reach MG 12 while 99.9% of the players in the game won't even be close to MG 10

You guys worries too much, just move on and enjoy.

+1 LOL

Overall, it's nice update :)
I thought it was quite obvious why the admins did that change with the monster quests. We have 7 different quest types. Most of them had 1 quest for each faction (now we have some more after the update), while the monster quest type has 1 quest for each huntable monster in the game. I guess admins just wanted to decrease the overall amount of possible monster quests to have a similar amount of quests to the other quest types.

What I dislike more are the new abilities of the monsters. 80% magic proof is ridiculous and makes classic wizards even more useless than they already are.
as to what i am seeing here, magier, we need to change to alt factions or other factions to play all of these quests here. it does encourage us to do that.

I am happy with this change.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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