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AuthorWatchers` guild
for kingyb:

The siege battles will not be for the impossible start battles - but only for those that were won after weakening and had become do-able.

They will not change one bit after a loss.

I would expect many of these to be ok - but some to be real gits. I certainly know that some I only just managed to win as chaos wiz - and that was by being patient and not destroying all their towers, thus tricking the AI into staying back and letting me snipe them with magic through holes in walls.

What I mean therefore is that for some their may be a very partiular setup and tactics required to win, if you do not know what they are - it will appear impossible
thanks, Lord milesteg.
I only trained in one fraction - Knight, so no option for me.
I thought everyday login to try different tactics of one fraction to win the 3 watcher's battle would be the most enjoyable moment, but it's just not attractive after losing one after one.
some time I say stupid F word to the screen, maybe I just need to give up trying to win those impossible battles.
Well if you ask me the added castle battles are in one word, utter crap. The opponent even has more creatures than you which will even keep on growing as you go. Also you have no control over the siege instrument and it cannot even onehit a wall, you need to keep hitting the wall with creatures and hope that there are no spikes in front while the AI keeps hitting you with its arrows and shooters. In short they added it to be skipped and more people will do the same. At least in the event I was able to aim myself.

@Lord MilesTeg, if the castle battles are really those that were won after weakening then you forgot the factor that we had upgraded siege instruments during event while here this is not the case. As in the do-able is not do-able due to it.
any idea how to win the defense built tribal with red knight?
for Lawton:
I do not know why you assume we have unupgraded siege instruments - we will have siege instruments equal to what was used when the battle was won. Sometimes this was from early on and so was unupgraded - sometimes from later and they chose to have different equipment or levels of upgrades. One of your own WG battles includes a first aid tent - only available through spending points - I do not agree with the line of reasoning that I assume you make that since it was unupgraded all siege battles contain unupgraded equipment. IF you do not use this line of reasoning I do not know how you came to the conclusion of the level or lack thereof of upgraded siege equipment.

What I do find interestign about you Lawton is taht you come across quite negatively towards the balance of WG yet in your combat page you have recently played nothing but WG for about a week and have won all bar one on the first go. Doesn;t seem all that bad to me, nor that in reality that you must think it to be so bad otherwise you wouldn;t do it?

for kingyb: I ahve never played red knight to be honest so not sure. However some things to consider

In my limited experience of them thus far beating tribals is about th start - if you get ahead you stay ahead. If their killer stacks do then you lose. The moment that a stack starts munching on something and building up on Tribal spirit you are hard done in turning it around.

In this battle you have 3 main threats to focus on

The centaurs provide an issue as they shoot before you and prevent an easily viable shooting strategy. If you split some watchmen or marksmen or whatever the no range penalty ones are called, into a couple of stacks isolated around the corner - they will prioritise those and head off. You may therefore be able to get away with putting the rest of your army closer in to dive in on the centaurs before they build tribal (or else force them to target the closer troops - leaving your high damage but weak shooters to significantly damage the enemy. This tactic would remove the benefit of mass holy, therefore freeing up talents for other uses.

Also with tribal remember that the rate of loss of tribal spirit is related to the stack size - once it is down to a certain size you can smash the spirit off of them much easier - so you can afford to not quite finish them off in preference for reducing another stack - particularly if you can avoid them

Good luck!
@kingyb, how about max wardens and exorcists instead of those brutes. Also put all in top right or top left so warlords will need more turns to reach you, you can also put 1 unit bottom mid for it to reach so the warlords wastes even more turns. Buff the wardens and exorcists. Focus to shoot warlords and enforcers first, who ever is closer or if they are out of reach for even their next turn then shoot the centaurs, the centaurs become crap real fast after that.
for kingyb:
Just watched your battle at 3:50

This is the issue with a defensive focus against them- they overrun you and its game over. All your troops are in one place so when they get to one, they got to them all - they can counter quicker than you.

If you for argument sake you used the same recruitment (though change talents to not have mass holy - then put one stack of wardens in one corner - another in a second corner while all your other troops in close range position to take out centre. Either they spread to the corners- your wardens get one shot off each whil you then take the centre and have your builk of troops joined - while their main melee separated.

Or else they attack you in force in the centre - in which case you then hav exorcists in range - and wardens get more than one shot.

As I said however - I have not played with red knight so ideas are purely theoretical......
@Lord MilesTeg, because I just did 2 castle battles and in both the siege instrument was worthless and couldn't even onehit a normal wall and was out of my control. In second battle there were even 2 towers and a moat, only one tower got taken down and that was on exactle the last turn when the battle was allready done for and because I had also hit that tower 16 times with minos. In second battle it needed even three hits for the normal walls, so yeah the siege instrument is worthless.
To win all I did was put all points in def, then put units for the AI to reach to lure them out. While in the event more units would come out to hit the shrews/lizards etc I present as bait, this time in both battles only one unit came out and rest did not, even when standing close to them in front of the walls. I just kept pressing defend untill a wall got hit twice, and somehow that wall is always the farthest away from the minotaurs, in both batlles it was the same, so I won't call it coincidence. So it takes 2-3 more turns to reach that wall and by then the AI suddenly comes out with all because it knows the minos are gonna go in otherwise. In short it lacked any form of enjoyment or real tactic.
Thanks, Lawton & Lord MilesTeg. You both are too smart and have a deeper understanding of red knight/tribal than me.

I managed to win, but wasted too much time and money, and only got 1 star. Definitely not cost-effective, I would reconsider it next time have the same enemy.

My initial purpose was effective:
1. Wild griffin to swoop, then attract the main stack of enemy.
2. The crusades, brutes, calvary and exorcists in the opposite corner after buffed with evasion, the shooter will not be a concern for me.
3. Then after buffed with stone skin, bless and rapid will be good enough to kill any stack that dare close to me.
I applied this strategy during ambushing tribal, and it works sometime.

But somehow the AI gets real smart. If you check the replay, the two/three main stacks are waiting for each other to approach me. Also I under estimate how fast the tribal could be after built up spirits to advanced level after smashing my griffins with luck. My rapid was offset by the delay cast as well.

Anyway, I hate tribal! Especially with more than two stacks of more than 4 Cyclops during thiefing, that's mission impossible for me.

Next move thinking about switch to other fractions which can deal with faster enemy (elf, dark elf and magicians). Any suggestions?
It just took me more time to adjust the strategy.
for kingyb:
Regarding the fight against tribal, Not sure if you tried holy build with max bows, If you did so then this should have been a bit better.

I got this one easy as below battle. It could go wrong if warlord or enforcer catches me in there first turn in which case an 2nd try for better placement would solve it.
To the contrary of everyone's opinion, I'm rather enjoying the WG.

First, use MAX arts, the rewards of WG is really good.
You cannot expect to get 3 Star + Armament + 1k Gold + 5FSP + WG Point with sub par artifacts.

Second, some battles are meant to be skipped, although one thing I do believe, is once you lose, you should at least have the liberty to switch between Alt Factions. But once you play a single battle, you generally get an idea if you can or cannot do the battle again.

Third, while some quests are relatively difficult (Outlaw, Smuggler) some are insanely easy (Boss, Hunt, Portal Heroes, Heroes). So I think that sets a fair stage.

Also, if it were that straightforward for us to win 3 Battles a day with 3 Star each battle then I'm sure this forum would have people complaining about how big of a 'Chore' WG has become.

On the point of Castle Siege Battles, the Opponent Troops are drastically reduced. So do not worry about facing humongous armies like that we faced in the event. Remember, these are battles that someone else has already won in the past, so you are already gonna face a defeat-able enemy.
@AKA, the hunt is the most insane for me because I get insane amounts for a lvl 14. I even prefer outlaw or smuggler to it. The new castle quests are a big pile of doodoo. The siege instrument is not upgraded or controllable. With a damage input of 41-61 against a castle with 2 towers and a moat? In the event I had more than double of that damage input upon it. Just wait untill you meet holy knight with over 200 wardens with this worthless siege instrument.

They keep saying that the hunts are calibrated differently for all the factions, but the mercenary quests are all the same to all the factions, so why should the watchers guilds quests be different for the factions?
any idea how to win the defense built tribal with red knight?

The Concentration defensive build with maxx wild grifs + chastise completely destroys melee attackers.
But I think you need the CL 15 talent points :o/
http://www.guildofheroes.ru/players.php?perpage=100&p=1&male=1&female=1&frak1=&frak2=&frak3=& ;frak4=&frak5=&frak6=&frak7=&frak8=&frak9=&levelst=1&levelfin=21&clan_id=-1&show_exp =0&sort=21&napr=1

Look at this, 4 players score perfect WG points since it introduce till now, of course some battle really hard and they tried many times. But it's doable, talent, strategies, correct art use and sometime luck needed :)

I love WG because it give good fsp and gold reward + armaments.
before WG (and MG change) introduce, i save some easy hunt or MG quest to clear my work penalty after 10 enroll. After WG come, I no need to worry this anymore :D
They keep saying that the hunts are calibrated differently for all the factions, but the mercenary quests are all the same to all the factions, so why should the watchers guilds quests be different for the factions?

Which mercenary quests, dude ?
for Lawton:

You keep saying that the hunt is all the same to all the factions, then by your logic (of comparing number of records), most players would have huge trouble with hunts since all other factions are much inferior compared with elf, who sets the standard for all hunts.

Also by your logic, tribal and barbarian should be worst in hunt, but how come I can get 3 star of most my hunting WG, and for most of them I don't even have to fight a second battle. How could that be if hunt is all the same to all the factions?

They keep saying that the hunts are calibrated differently for all the factions, but the mercenary quests are all the same to all the factions, so why should the watchers guilds quests be different for the factions?

That's why you can switch faction for MG, but not for WG.
I've played WG only as Dark Elf and with faction level 5, without the potion of skill. Most of my battles were hunts or bosses, and in most of those I got 3 stars with one attempt only.
@_-_Kratos_-_, for mercenary guild quests it does not matter what faction you are, but it seems for watchers guild it matters, why was and still is my question.

@liuker and Vengeful Spirit, the more hunt quests I look up of other people the more I start to see that the faction doesn't even matter or that the admins are playing a joke upon me, check this:

2015-10-25 06:00: ° Vengeful Spirit[16] vs Antichrists (20), Rocs (620)
2015-09-24 01:27: ° Lawton[14] vs Antichrists (24), Rocs (733)

So ofcourse you'll get 3 stars as a lvl 16 Dark Elf when getting less amount of creatures as a lvl 14 Dark Elf.
for Lawton:
There's a 1 month gap between the battles you've posted and Vengeful Spirit's one. One assumption could be that although the official announcement came like 2-3 days ago stating that hunting difficulty have been reduced, Vengeful Spirit's hunt difficulty could already have been reduced but just not announced by admin then.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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