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AuthorWatchers` guild
*dark elf
difficulty increment? i am too confused now

this one before i get WG1
2015-09-28 11:10: ° Poison Ivy[16] vs Monks (194), Lodestone golems (1942)

this one today
2015-10-28 10:45: ° Poison Ivy[16] vs Monks (82), Lodestone golems (823)

i think soon admin will give us another hunting event, seems like last event data is not enough :P
Portal Heroes now have normal heroes too. Just faced Alt Elf + Alt Wiz + Wiz.
news from .ru:

Two new kinds of tasks have been added (similar to the latest two events):

1v1, 1v2, 1v3 heroes
attack the castles

and the difficulty of hunt in WG have been decreased.
TY for heads up :)
Isn't 54 AP requirement too much ? I mean I can do 70% with 25-35 AP :/
Atleast the Pirate battles are easy cause of those cannons
and the difficulty of hunt in WG have been decreased.

Wow good news :D
Isn't 54 AP requirement too much ? I mean I can do 70% with 25-35 AP :/ yes that must be fair move by admin,unlike TG which some faction can do 70% win with mini ap and some forced to spent more AP.

so for me, maximum ap rule in WG is fair enough
You get good gold for winning, with 3 stars the fsp is great and a chance to get armaments. Very worth the full AP.
and a chance to get armaments
Actually, if you get the 3 stars you always get an armaments (with a chance to get a useful one).
with a chance to get a useful one

that chance is very, very low :P
The difficulty in WG is decreased? That's funny because I don't see it that way:
2015-10-29 05:55: ° Lawton[14] vs Bears (552), Firebirds (511)

The firebirds are one stack and even half of those birds onehit anything on board. Either the admins don't know the difference between combat levels anymore or have never been sober again after hitting the vodka.
After having seen this I'm convinced:
2015-10-26 20:41: ° _-_Kratos_-_[18] vs Royal griffins (421), Swordsmen (436), Elite forest keepers (1476)
2015-09-30 01:33: ° Lawton[14] vs Royal griffins (356), Swordsmen (369), Elite forest keepers (1249)

And so far one doesn't get a usefull armament as usual, the chances are dimished as low as it could be set that it will be for your faction. Also you can keep getting armaments you allready had which just resets the renewal to 500 gold.
There are 6 armaments per creature type.
In total there seem to be:
Knight 126
Necromancer 132
Wizard 126
Elf 126
Barbarian 138
Dark elf 102
Demon 126
Dwarf 96
Tribal 114

And from what I see there is that tribals next subclass is complete while darkelfs is not and dwarfs only first two tiers are done, so next subclass is gonna be tribals from the looks of it. Great going how dark elf is gonna be left out in the cold again. After taking away their unique racial ability of pierce magic and giving a useless dark barier which gives didley defense instead, I have a feeling that when next release will be again no darkelf subclass, it will be the final drop for a lot of hardcore darkelf players.
About this:

2015-10-26 20:41: ° _-_Kratos_-_[18] vs Royal griffins (421), Swordsmen (436), Elite forest keepers (1476)
2015-09-30 01:33: ° Lawton[14] vs Royal griffins (356), Swordsmen (369), Elite forest keepers (1249)

if you read my previous post you should know by now that the numbers are different for all factions. Since in the hunt event some factions got a lot further in the records than other factions. Also, the hunts have been made much easier.

So, it's not that strange that your hunt of a month ago is almost as hard as the one of a level 18 demon. After all, DE are a lot better at hunting and since it's a far more popular faction, it's logical that someone set a very high record.
So you are telling me that my hunt quest of yesterday was the decreased version?
2015-10-29 05:55: ° Lawton[14] vs Bears (552), Firebirds (511)
I don't buy it. And I don't think it matters which faction you play, you can always change into any faction after having seen which 3 quests there are available. Otherwise we would all change to demon faction, look to see which quests there are and then change into whatever faction we see fit to do them.
@ 414
You make no sense. Types of the available quests are regardless to faction. Only the creatures numbers are calculated when you enter the battle and depends on the particular faction, hence you can't replay a battle with different faction.

And factions like Elves/Dark elves have much higher hunt records so their numbers are always very high.
@Erekose, I don't make any sense? Here goes:
That dark elves are a lot better at hunting is the biggest myth in this game. Dark elf is only on lower levels better at hunting due to the tier two taking no retaliation, the popularity of this faction is based off on this. But after a certain level they take huge steps back to other factions on hunts. Because if they truelly were great at hunting then here are some facts:
Current hunting records ranked by factions
1 Elf 180 records
2 Knight 20 records
3 Necromancer 16 records
4 Wizard 8 records
5 Dark elf 5 records
6 Demon 2 records
7 Dwarf 1 record
Barbarian and tribal got zero records

So if dark elf is really so great at hunting as you people keep saying, then how is it that it currently only holds 5 records and is ranked 5th among the 9 factions on hunting?

Checking survival tournament even shows the same thing, more than half the faction scores higher points than Dark Elf. So stop saying that dark elf is great at hunting, because the facts clearly show otherwise.
This guild is broken as hell. Daily I can win only one (!) as main faction knight. I lose interest in this guild really fast. Many of these quest are not doable. The storry they tell us that the same faction and CL won against some of those is pure BS.

This guild was created to stimulate daily activity, yet it is achieving the complete opposite.
For me it is not broken - There are some that I do not bother with as I pre-emtively reckon I will not be able to do it - this is mostly however down to the fact that I am playing as a dwarf with no rune 9 (very soon about to change) and this rune is a game changer on certain scenarios.

I have my doubts over whether the balancing is cross sub faction - though the fact you cannot switch between them implies it factors this in.

My gut instinct is that the higher you go the harder they will become, as there is a greater number of very good players that may have pumped the wins to high levels, meaing it is theoretically beatable (As has been won) but not in practice by many.

I think across faction the nature of the playing style probably may mean some battlea re harder than others - and crucially - the winning setup and tactic may not be present for you first time around. This is where I think some factions are stronger than others - For example I reckon Dwarf is probably one of the easiest for Watchers Guild as basically there are very few viable talent set ups. Straight forward might is favoured strongly - so you will probably be default be mimicing the set up of whoever won.

If you are losing a lot, then start off with those battles which had a high win rate in the event - and therefore statistically more likely to be viable. An easy example of this is pirates. BEcause you could choose your difficulty and past a certain point it ranked up significantly most people therefore settled for the easier than really pushing it to the max and risking the loss - as a result the bulk of the battles were done on a set up that was fairly doable.

If you cannot regularly beat these with at least 2 then either you have an unorthodox set up that may not translate to WG, or as you say the balance factor of WG is wonky.

As to it being BS that people have won against it, it just woudn;t make sense to me. Sure some are hard, but I have seen very few posted that are not beatable even if luck is involved - ultimately a chunk of the wins will have simply have been lucky and so will be unrealistic. However it is not in the interest for the admins to cheat on this, nor will they have controlled things manually in somecynical way as would be far too time consuming. They will have simply directed it to look at records of things from each even - fro that faction or sub class that won - why code anything more complex when it is not needed.

At the end of the day - if it doesn;t float your boat - fair enough - its like me and rangers guild - it exists I could do it - but in practice it doesn;t matter if it does - it has no impact on me (or a very very small one)
sWhy the admin add castle siege to the watcher's guild?
not realize some of the battle will never be accomplished without 5 to 6 tries to reduce the difficulty?
not sure whether the difficulty reduce or not after failure in the watcher's guild, if not then so disappointing.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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