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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
When does the world cup start btw? Do they have a match schedule yet?
The true deal is 7777th post :/

Nostalgic <3 It brings me memories of the old flood thread :(
I think the first match kicks off on June 14th and the schedule is out
I want Argentina to win :D I liked Messi since I was a kid for some reason lol.

Messi being G.O.A.T deserves it more than anyone but i don't think they will win :(

Went with full enchants and good arts in 1v1 but got defeated either by charmer or DU with full enchants :P

It's better to stay away from qt...It's not that worth for mid level players like us :p

Personally I’ll be rooting for Spain since I’m a Real Madrid follower

Bye Bye zidane and most probably Isco or bale xD
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // ]

Maybe this will help...The link posted above is too big to copy paste i think xD
My map flash movie is not loading in my office linux system. Is there any alternate to access map by other ways? Like adding &html to battle
Gonna be an intersesting WC. France, Germany and Brazil look hotshots to me. Spain has got good stuff too. England is probably gonna choke(cricketing term :P) again.
Just found out that the word carnage is forbidden in a private mail. Was a touch surprised to be honest.
At least it said my message contained hidden links, so I changed that word and it sent, though the fact that I could use it here suggests perhaps it was something else.
Carnage <3

The bot I use the most in War robots!
War robots sounds cool. Is it moba?
ive been hooked onto war robots for the past month..but it doesn't take long to realize that it's entirely pay to win
Is it moba?


it's entirely pay to win

Agree that, but not entirely. We can still manage to score descent score with normal built.
Learn my lesson and learn it well. Lethargising malady is an absolute game changer as is seriously strong

First - no retaliation from initial attack
Second - no retaliation when the effect is broken by an attack - therefore gives two free hits
Third - it lasts for 3 turns - with no scaling of length for stack size etc like blind would

Just fought a necro, rushes with dreadlords to sphinx - lethargy, the dreadlords get raised before my genies move, lethargy again. The damage done was nothing I couldn;t handle, but 3 turns with neither of those big fellas makes things very hard indeed.

So what is the lesson to be learnt.

Stupid me as I look it up mid battle did not know it can be removed by dispersion. Read it too late and so game was decided by that point, but if I had known earlier, I could have sorted out the issue.

So, remember, if lethargy hits, use dispersion quick sharp!

That and hope that admins re-evaluate the balance of this effect. Not that I want it nerfed per se, just feels too strong for a random and unpredicted effect which makes games too much based upon luck. Something simple like lasting for a time depending upon the tack size (like blind or seduction of temptresses) would seem consistent with other mechanisms. Ho hum.
So, remember, if lethargy hits, use dispersion quick sharp!

I think self hitting with your magi will also work
Something simple like lasting for a time depending upon the tack size (like blind or seduction of temptresses) would seem consistent with other mechanisms. Ho hum.

It's like that for every effect though. Blind, mayhem, knock,.. have fixed effects no matter what. Personnaly I find unholy underwhelming, I don't really think it needs nerf.
I think mostly I unfortunately clustered it with the change to blind, such that I thought I could not remove it, had I realised it would not have had the impact I allowed it to do.

With regard to the length the longest duration effect for something like this is a blind spell which has a max of 2 turn lengths - irrespective of hero power. Next highest is blinding brilliance with 1.6. Seduction may be longer in theory I guess, though the liklihood of using a huge stack to seduce a stack with a very low hp is unlikely I would think.

At the end of the day it is my stupid fault for not realising I could remove it, I just don;t want anyone else to make the same dimwitted mistake and throw a battle because of it.
It's like that for every effect though. Blind, mayhem, knock,.. have fixed effects no matter what.

Seduction isn't fixed, it's based on the relative HP of tempts and target stack. :) But get your point about the rest.

Mayhem is particularly strong because (I believe) dispel doesn't have any effect, at least the paladin ability doesn't work.

Seduction may be longer in theory I guess, though the liklihood of using a huge stack to seduce a stack with a very low hp is unlikely I would think. Capped at 4 turns. :)
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