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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
How to counter a fully enchanted charmer with a fully enchanted knight in 1 v 1 ?
Kill all their troops
In a QT* :(
It's impossible to counter a charmer, the one I fought even had DU
but even without DU they are pretty OP. My swords keep chasing them around >.<
Kill all their troops

It's impossible to counter a charmer, the one I fought even had DU

yep its so annoying. Same goes for WG quests against caster heroes, they keep running with their little 1 an 2 unit stacks that makes it unnecessarily harder if you dont have enough ranged.
Demerits of leasing inventory space :

Can't use the return all artifacts with expired rent option :P
yep its so annoying. Same goes for WG quests against caster heroes, they keep running with their little 1 an 2 unit stacks that makes it unnecessarily harder if you dont have enough ranged.

And the slowest of all factions is a normal knight since it's only unit remaining in the end are Guardians/Swordsmen. Griffins get rekt quite early..
Im not a massive football fan but Spain Portugal was something to see .
Ronaldo <3
Ronaldo <3 +
What a match it was! <3
Great match
Why can't the AI ally be smart enough to move away from the firewall or that storm cloud -_-"
Why can't the AI ally be smart enough to move away from the firewall or that storm cloud -_-" yes please, teach them.
Sometimes it does and sometimes it does not. It's not an easy problem because you don't want either that the AI does not attack a caster that would hide its units behind firewall.

Just lost 22 battles
New UCI for the most impressive pvp player...

Just lost 22 battles

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New UCI for the most impressive pvp player...



Played with her few days ago but we lost that match due to poor matchmaking :|
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