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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I don't guess that's it.. and why specifically from one person. They would mention rule number if they penalize for limits.
Best start getting more loans to get out of negative I guess?
Maybe let all the people who want to report me be done with it and I'll start camping :P
Wow, man. Heavy Punishment.
I guess this is not justified.
You could challenge it?
Best start getting more loans to get out of negative I guess?

Nice idea Mesh xD
Why ?
You could challenge it?

I think this penalty is not right.
If I took a loan on 14 August, I am supposed to pay it back on 14 September and I was prepared to do that but I shouldn't be given negative gold when I have done nothing wrong. :/
7777 !

Woah !! :D
If I took a loan on 14 August, I am supposed to pay it back on 14 September and I was prepared to do that but I shouldn't be given negative gold when I have done nothing wrong. :/

If that rule is violated, you get x2 gold penalty :P
I think i saw someone named hozz getting huge penalty because of this.
Then which rule did I violate?
Maybe they violated.. giving away gold before quitting. Easy come easy go
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