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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Done nothing wrong if we ignore the fact you took to many loans?

Sounds a bit dubious of an argument..
As expected. Keep trying to pull back the old point. Don't want to engage in fair discussion. Your aim is to somehow end this conversation by proving my argument illogical or wrong. Anyways, thanks for your opinion man ! ;)
They simply deny the request. I am confident.
Nope. They consider thoroughly. They check all logs and beware if you apply there, since they might revoke this 110k penalty but will definitely add a penalty of about 280k (2*140k that you have taken over the limit).

which broken rule does my penalty refer to?
3.15.3. Transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Empire is the only character for liquidation transfers.

Your transaction comes under this rule.
The player didn't bow.. she was blocked so all the transfers before a normal block are penalized?
Anyways I'm sorry I expected you people to have a rational argument. Let's just finish it here. I was penalized because It was my mistake .
The player didn't bow


Check time of posting and compare to her first ban.
Anyways I'm sorry I expected you people to have a rational argument.
We are not your enemies dude, just trying to tell you what could the possibilities be, but you only want to call "supporting" you as "Rational".
Random comment I spit suddendly:
- They should really Buff Ice/Water Magicks (+ Damage) and Talents (More Freeze, and Freeze not being Split in Ice Ringing several Targets).
- And also, Fire Wall Damage (+30%/+50% Damage), and allow Horizontal Fire Wall to be Cast... Plox XD

Wouldnt be Op, coz Meteor Rain and Lightning have no comparison to other things.

Gladly I can say 'Stupidities' like this in this Sub-Forum xD
Isnt it?!
But we cant ask for Buffs in Ideans n Suggestions Forum!

Heehheh, kidding
(Not 100% Kidding though, kinda feel it in ma heart!)
Ah I wrote another story but forgot to post it.. Gonna do it when I reach home..
Gold medal in Minor tournament...It's party time :D
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4051991 A very good UN player.
41 Atk, 41 Def, 4 SP, 7 Kn, 2 Luck.
How ppl like this, manage to have those Stats? >:(
I want to have his Stats. I want to become him. xD
He spends a lot of time and patience to get those stats, plays as smartly as possible and probably has all castles :)
How ppl like this, manage to have those Stats? >:(

Don't play events.
^ why not?
I agree guilds are very important but some events give great exp-fsp ratio ;)
Doing events means you get xp without getting a guild point.
Yep that's what i mentioned above but fsp also plays very important role in character building, right?

Also some events give guild points as well so they are not that bad :p
Last 2 days of ABC :(
Well not much people help players in negative these days :P
Wish there's an event like all penalties cleared for a day and the people in negative go back to zero XD
The next day they come back.. :P
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