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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
ban from an off game forum when anything goes, yeah go on, do it!

Its masked swearing. If you translate what he has said into Somali, then well, it doesn;t make sense to me, may as well be talking to a sheep. If however you translate it into Uzbek then the 6th word is definitely masked swearing. I think it is at his annoyance at not working out the correct form of the pattern properly.

Some people are tricky to spot, they cover their tracks well, but me I am a super detective at hidden swearing!
Hey come on, I just thought it was something about Indians and their horny book but now that you explained it to me you imposed your masked swearing on my innocent self too, that's also worthy of a good ban!
Btw, I'll quote a few lines google translated from .ru forum called "Discussion of balance sheet". The pinned topic is called "Brief FAQ".

Good time of day to all the tacticians!

This section is intended for a constructive discussion of the balance and possible ways to improve it.
1) One of the main tools available for players to assess the balance is the Elemental service:
http: //lgnd.ru
To be more exact, its sections "CG" and "Tournaments", providing the opportunity to find examples of battles, to view the statistics of the victories of factions.

I'm not sure how Russians can sleep a good night thinking they are trying to impose their biased statistics and views on poor admins when writing there.
Anyone ever realised that FAQ is just masked swearing?
It is good to have helpful people design good websites. That way you always know where to find a good FAQ.
There are two FAQs on the queries and help page.

One is only a little FAQ, you'll probably be done in less than a minute.

The other is a big long FAQ. Its quite satisfying when you have finally finished.
I'm not sure how Russians can sleep a good night thinking they are trying to impose their biased statistics and views on poor admins when writing there.

here we go again >.<

its true that when taking antibiotics, one must take the full dosage and not discontinue even if condition seemingly improves on account of convalescence. The bacteria is there, and its population must be exterminated completely. How could i forget.
Omgggg Lmaaaooo xDD
I laughed so hard to Milesteg's Posts.

Idk whether he meant what I thought though, or I just have a dirty mind.
Childish mode, sorry xD
you don't have a dirty mind ipsen. Up above, you are witnessing Miles sensei presenting his glorious sense of humor.
may as well be talking to a sheep

Just to clarify, in Sheep, we have no foul words :)
I thought you haad
Perhaps I am wrong, I may be going a bit digaaga

interestingly try haad digaga vs haad digaaga
its true that when taking antibiotics, one must take the full dosage and not discontinue even if condition seemingly improves on account of convalescence. The bacteria is there, and its population must be exterminated completely. How could i forget.

Smarty. Don't you know they also perform statistics analysis with every biological study or did they not even teach you the basics in the US? Oh yes, this is malevolent use of data that you can't be asked to show how bad it is. Hey, I'm going to show you exemple of biased statistic: when unemployment goes up, the government changes its own definition of unemployment (like not worked for 3 months into not worked for 6 months), and then magically unemployment goes down on official report thanks to our smart president. Or there's one scientific which used the same blank sample in all his papers (and got fired when people found out). Or some of the trashy graphs with dots all over the place that magically make a line through some obscure formula in bad journals. Or scientifics who get funded to make false studies on how global warming is not linked to human activities (fake news!). That's biased statistics. But simply discarding statistics because very maybe I think it could not be objective is laughable from anyone who pretends to have a scientific background.

Wait a second I am a teacher, I cannot do that.

Wait a second again, this is a fighting game.

I wish I had teacher like you in school and college ;d
One who is gaming all the time? :P
The one who don't give a FAQ. :D
Says the gaming civil servant ;P
for Slust:
too many FAQs were given, indeed.
Says the gaming civil servant ;P

Pfft, chain of command means my neck isn't on the line :P
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