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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
20 cubed.
20 cubed + 1 xD
I was thinking of using multis too but that would be unfair, darn it :P
Welp, 20 cubed plus 1 cubed.
Haha same time to the second, darn that was not wonderful wonderla xD
Even I thought that would be unfair...but everything is fair in war :D
Due to Wonderla cheating, I declare Randomr the winner!

And about EFL (attempted) capture, did it say why in the clan mail? I partly thought it would be practice because during wars EFL is asked to pick up fallen facilities at short notice. Doesn't make financial sense to go for E3.
I partly thought it would be practice because during wars

Practice? To fight survilurg? Every clan is already forced to "practice" daily...
Captures are vastly different to normal defences
i like 8009 more than 8000.

Was waiting for it =)
8010 is a bigger number than 8009, do I beat VV? :D
8011 is even bigger
Gentlemen, i present to you the noobiest barb in history aka yours truly =)

It's only nooby if you lose!
dude, 20 spell power and 2 knowledge.. 20 something attack on fury barb =)

I was thinking the DE felt exceptionally tanky so i was looking for barb anti on his profile =) Now thats the height of **** Its only after i attacked with firebird i realized i was to be prepared to write apology letters :p
Ahahahaha! Whoops, I was look at the top barb :D
oh damn a nice barb :D
Fully enchanted necro with rare set I guess
he has 51 attk and 26 def on my level
Yep and first blood talent so its the rare set :D :D
And of coruse, DU as well xD
0 exp and 0 fsp in cg possible?


So strange, he was not even afk.
Well he didn't actually do any damage..
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