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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Senior genies buffed my gargs on first two tries
Third try they cast dispersion and remove the buffs!!!
Hours of planning wasted

Senior genies receives 93 damage from decay. 2 perish.
Senior genies partially dismiss the Bless spell from Enchanted gargoyles.
Senior genies partially dismiss the Stoneskin spell from Enchanted gargoyles.
Senior genies partially dismiss the Chastise spell from Enchanted gargoyles.
Senior genies partially dismiss the Evasion spell from Enchanted gargoyles.
Senior genies partially dismiss the Decay spell from Enchanted gargoyles.
I really needed that stoneskin man ...
This is so sad

The game is conspiring against me.
I put so much effort to make sure genies give me stoneskin + evasion + rapid as the three casts. I bless/chast with hero/lores.
Yet I get this.
Cost me the game.
You should not have waited so ling with 3rd cast from genies.
1. Genies wait.
2. Lore put chast on gargs.
3. Hero put bless.
4. 5. 6. Genies cast gargs.
You waited too long with genies and when you got decay on gargs from necro your genies removed it:D
I didn't know it was possible zzz
I was waiting because I was looking for casts on Gargs when it would come down to me vs UN. So if I apply the cast later, it's better.
I miss cl18 :(
2022-02-14[19] RengarÃÒ: 8 —> 9

One month since cg8, 380 points in a month :D
I miss CLs where I could find duels :(
Here I literally can't find duels unless it's late-night, for a brief 1-2 hours.
Interesting bug.
When a Wizard raises his dead troop that used to be defending, it will show that his troops are still defending.
Except that doesn't actually take effect!
Look at Titans and Sphynx after they are raised and how much damage they took from my dragons.
The actual damage was 2-3x of what was shown by the tooltip. I suspect the defending stance is seen at the frontend (and hence the tooltip) but not at the backend.
There was a thread about Russia, Ukraine and current events in OGF, and can't find it anymore. Was it moved elsewhere?...
for Warlock naviron:
it was deleted due to https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=2881239
So, to avoid "the chaotic spread of disinformation by parties of different political stances..."

the solution is to stop all discussions about the topic on forums? Here, in this game and within this awfully small community? Meanwhile, the incomparably vast number of people on social media websites that actually have a real potential of spreading "misinformation" remain fully open to discussions and contributions of all sorts.

Oh Beliar, I think it is overly prudent but also meaningless.
Oh Beliar, I think it is overly prudent but also meaningless.

Might not have been his decision tbf
I hear you my brother.

for Lord MilesTeg:
who ? :O

MILES are you back?
Probably not for long, but who knows..?

who ? :O

The beauty of a deliberately ambiguous phrase. If it matched with what you were thinking, then it was probably you...
Where's the eye roll emoji when you need it

Here after 800 years!
The sun will rise again
Auto Min AP TG with Holy/Might wiz.
Who knew Mini-Artifacts are an absolute beast when playing min-ap.

Excellent win rate so far (check my log)
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