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Authorquestion regarding staged combat

1. is it staged combat ? what the criteria to be defined as staged?
2. is it punishable by admin? if yes, what is the punishment?
3. what is the benefit for doing such battle ?
No it looks like staged but it isn't. The end result is same as what was expected. I suppose the DE was just letting dwarf kill as much as he could by only facing retaliation damage :P

Staged battles are punishable.. I think it starts with a warning penalty and if the player continues, it may also get his character blocked.
1) There are numerous criteria that might make it a staged combat;

Staged combat (winning party definitely predictable from start);
paid-for combat (any kind of payment for any kind of result in a combat);
intentional loss (for any reason except technical problems/loss of Internet connection);
bad sportsmanship (damaging one's friendly troops without tactical interest etc.);
giveaway combat (yielding moves of no tactical interest).

These are the categories listed on the Keepers page - https://www.lordswm.com/clan_info.php?id=7373

2) It may be punishable. Personally I think the battle is staged, as it is a giveaway combat. The Dark elf should just play to kill the dwarf. It may not be punishable as being predictable from the start - as it may have started as a Group Battle that didn't get players into it. It is up to the Keepers to make a judgement.

3) Really isn't any benefit, with such a level difference.
No, I don't think it's a staged combat. I think it's more like "Go ahead, try to kill me with your puny army. I give you all the chance in the world :D"

Anyway, many times I saw people giving some chance to opponents to gain some skill points, when he knows from the start that he is gonna win.

I have been ambushed without any arts and with full many times. In several such cases the thief gave me ample chance to hit him; even though I never knew him. But he gave me chance to hit him, doesn't mean it was a staged combat.
*full army
Why did him casted chatise? Exactly 1 turn after the last unit with rune nearby getting it's own turn.

Seems a premeditated play to help the other side...

The obviously seems to be a person which did a staged combat for the first time, expecting a lot experience even from a loss. Actually the amount of exp that he did earned from this level is somewhat near to a duel winning against another cl 7.

But of course on this game every single player is a freaking saint, and nobody heres never ever will cheat, we live on a perfectbowl's lands.
Anyway, the usual.
By definition of staged, it is staged. But I wouldn't call it punishable because even after all those meaningless moves, DE is the winner. He did allow dwarf to gain more xp and fsp than he normally would but from my perspective it is not completely unreasonable to do so. Also, I doubt that the amount of exp that he did earned from this level is somewhat near to a duel winning against another cl 7 is true.

But of course on this game every single player is a freaking saint, and nobody heres never ever will cheat, we live on a perfectbowl's lands.
Anyway, the usual.

Your sarcasm is really unnecessary. Take your negativity somewhere else. This is a game and its natural to have players who will cheat in any game. Do you think its a good idea to be excessively vigilant and punish new players for every littlest thing?
if that level 7 player an alt character of lev 12, then it can be considered as stage Combat.
if not, its fine.

for 3rd question, i will answer...
2 main reasons i know,
1)during Christmas vault Event season to get easy Trinkets
2)some might got free FSP and gone beyond level, but free FSP wont allow to level up. so some do these kinds of unfair battle to level up. cause i have don 1 or 2 battles before.
closed by krabylos (2015-12-14 13:58:33)
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