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AuthorAnniversary of the merge
It's now 3 years since .com merged with .ru and a lot has changed since then as we all know.

What does everyone think about the merge, was it successful in your eyes?

What are the positives and negatives (try to keep it constructive if you can ;)
I think that the merge was a necessary move and I am grateful that it happened :)

When we first merged, it was clear that we were going to get a lot more attention. However, when Arctic left, that kind of filtered out a little bit. But to put it in some perspective - If we hadn't merged, there would be very few players in our player pool and we wouldn't get the same set of updates/events that we have now. No, we do not get announcements and some people are unhappy about that. No, we are not getting any advertisements or much technical and translation support from the admins. - But if we had remained on a seperate server we wouldn't have had any of that and we wouldn't have had the opportunity to play in the events. At least we get to play in the events and enjoy the updates here!

I still enjoy the game - I think that there are more aspects to indulge in now. The introduction of Watchers Guild, the simplification of MG, the alternate classes that have been introduced. In the future I hope that we can get some advertisment out there and that the player pool can grow so that we can get that community feel back that we had on the English server.
how the mg is simplification?
there is many more battles no?
for Corey:

well said Corey, I totally agree, every single point that you've made here.
for 4themassive:
Yes introduction of more quests - Greater chance of being given quests that you haven't done or that are low. Simplification in the sense that it is a more open and accessable guild to play.
Totally agreed with you Corey!
But I was a .ru player before the merge, so in my case is pretty obvious...

Anyway I hope for more players to join this game, so we can keep playing for a long time! :D
Merge is the best thing server had so far IMO. LWM is near perfect now. But, If we get official translations, then I got nothing to wine about this =D
The merge was the best thing that happened to this game.

Back in the day when it happened, most of us were afraid about how huge would be our disavantages related to the former .ru players. Time has proven that it was not a big deal.

We might have not official announcements anymore, but we still having events in a regular basis. Repeated ones? Most of the time. But remember how, before the merge, we would hardly have any event in a six months interval! Maybe the game isn't at its peak anymore, but it still very enjoyable.

Long life to the LWM project!
A lot of updates since back in the "dark age" (old players will know what I'm talking about)
A lot more things we can do after we log in.

Negatives: Admins still don't care enough about .com community, to actually pay someone to give us the info on events, translations and so on, as they do on .ru (hint: I want Artic back)

Bonus: I wonder who is making them more money, .com or .ru? What about the average between .com and .ru?
What are their plans for this game? So far we are losing more players then we are gaining...
I wonder who is making them more money, .com or .ru? What about the average between .com and .ru?

Honestly I find that question to be absurd as we all know russians are so much greater in number and are atleast same if not more likely to donate. What makes you wonder?
The merge was the best thing that happened to this game.

still need to work on few things. but i am grateful.
Admins still don't care enough about .com community, to actually pay someone to give us the info on events, translations and so on, as they do on .ru (hint: I want Artic back)
Well, they're don't actually care a lot about the .ru seagment, so)
for virtual_vitrea:
I wonder who is making them more money, .com or .ru? What about the average between .com and .ru?

Honestly I find that question to be absurd as we all know russians are so much greater in number and are atleast same if not more likely to donate. What makes you wonder?

It's quite simple my friend, it's not the market that make's you the money, but the quality of the market.
In other words, players from developed countries are willing to pay more money and more offen then those that leave in poor countries.
If you look at the statistics of big online games, you will see that 5% of the players give over 50% of the games income.
without merge, we wouldnt be here anymore. game was soo dead for .com branch.

now we have tons of events, lots of new stuff to explore.

do I like admins choice of improvements over last 3 years?

mostly don't, since they keep pushing game towards single player versus AI.

But, this is still the best free game I have ever seen ;)

1) I have bought thief invitation for 1 million golds in .com server and 1 month after servers were merged. The price on .ru server was just 550k golds so I lost 450k golds for nothing...

2) Russians and their cirillic. I know this game is mostly for russians and after the merge we can expect that. However, there could be créated some improvement in chat or personal messages where is visible that we are international players(from .com) and speak just english.

3) Big map - or at least the times and system of moving. Well on .com was the map much smaller. Now is almost necessarilly to bought mounts to get from one to other side. It takes long time and u must click many times until you get there.

However I am very glad that the servers have merged. More players, more factions, more stategy, more events. At the end of .com server were online just a few hundred players. To play GB or expect help in hunt was almost impossible. So great move was the merge.
The merge is the best thing that could have happened to both communities. For various reasons which already have been told.

The only negative I see are some balance issues. For example it was nearly impossible to get a good fsp ratio at old server. Since there were less events and less creatures for hunt and mg, many player grinded TG, which gave a worse ration than it gave on .ru server.

So old .com chars had most often a drawback. Well, as long as you don't want records or tournament wins, it's probably not a big deal.
for Hiltrud:

Do you not think that after being on this server for a while now, and having all the new hunts has helped .commers to level out the fsp gap, or do you feel it is still a big problem?
@merlin36, name one top player that isn't russian answers that question easily since those hunts were also there for the non-.commers, so it hasn't even put a dent into the fsp gap unless you started out all over again and created a new character but even then it would take even more years to reach their level and by then it will be too late and too little since those that are allready there farmed all factions to max allready at this point.
fsp gap will never be solved...because we are not Russian ;)
We (.Com players) wouldnt be able to play the game anymore if it wasnt because of the Merge, since .Com was dying (There were around -700 players Online IIRC).

So thanks Mods, this way we can keep playing.

It is true that many things can be improved, but I bet this game is in your hearts as much as it is in mine, and Im sure sooner or later if you stop playing for some months for a break you will end up coming back eventually.

Sorry for the English Btw.
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