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I received 81% and 18 out of 18 battles with my alt. There were still 2 yellow dots, the crossroads and the fishing farmer. Any idea on how to make those dissapear? Something to do with the order of the quests?
90%.had 2 options in the end and i choose in random the one that ended the quest
I got 94% on the middle difficulty - Percentage decreased because I lost 2 battles. 100% on peasant mode.
Anyone know till when would we be able to do this?
for randomr1:

It is a permanent feature. They will introduce other campaigns in the future, but I doubt they will retire the current campaign, so players should be able to play them in the future as well.
I see, so it shouldn't make a difference whether I complete it before March 3rd right?
Anyone know if the Boss is worth 6%. I'm at 94% supposedly. The farmer and crossbowmen is still there. The crossroad is still green. Can't seem to touch anything tho.
no idea i lost 6 battle ..yet i got 90%. 17 win and they show 17/18..do i miss one battle? only thing left x-bow, farmer and thous Sentries
I lost 9 battles, about to be 10 xD. I'm playing on rook. Never played pawn.

From what I can tell there are 18 battles total.
shit that means i missed one but were... my doubt is for that Sentries guarding workshop/armory, but they are not red even i went there no option to attack...
Yes it's probably the sentries. Try walking everywhere and talking to everyone.
Ended up with 92% efficiency with 10 loses and 18/18 combats.
If you finish pawn difficulty and get 1% discount on property do you get another 1% on higher difficulty or are this difficulties only to rank fighters?
I would recommend doing it on pawn difficulty. On the next difficulty, my level 12 darkness demon can't find a way to deal with a boss with unlimited retal and 4000 HPs. Another battle with 2 stacks of 881 sprites, i couldn't manage.
Switch to normal demon ? Gate those cerberi and use them wisely against the boss :o)
for MollyMillions:

The rewards for finishing are different each time. I haven't got a property one. My pawn reward for completing the campaign was 5 armaments and 20 resources. My reward for completing the middle difficulty was 8.2k gold and 3 armaments. My reward for completing the difficult campaign was 1 diamond and 4 armaments.

Throughout each of the campaigns I have had other little rewards for winning battles. 0.6 diamonds, 1 diamond, 21 ore, 40 wood, a little gold etc.

I have a feeling that on the difficult campaign you may need to not only win all battles without losing to get 100% - But also to win the battles with a portion of your army left. (Similar to star rating in Watchers' Guild). This is because I completed the difficult campaign without losing a battle, but only managed 98%.
Are all the campaigns for players at one level the same?

If so, really need advice on how to win the battle with 2 1000+ stacks of Guards. These are the ones with a few paladins also. I dont think a charmer elf can win this.
lv 13 campaign

final fight vs vampire mosnter (about 2k hp, 1k-2k dmg) + 2x 450 skele archer + 1x 650 ghosts + 1x 120 infected zombie + 1x 10 lich

those ghosts are killing me no matter what when playing necro myself ...
Corey, thanks for info. So it is beneficial to win all 3 difficulties. I heard you can also repeat with other faction. Anybody done all 3 difficulties with more than one faction?
The rewards for finishing are different each time. I haven't got a property one. My pawn reward for completing the campaign was 5 armaments and 20 resources. My reward for completing the middle difficulty was 8.2k gold and 3 armaments. My reward for completing the difficult campaign was 1 diamond and 4 armaments.

Throughout each of the campaigns I have had other little rewards for winning battles. 0.6 diamonds, 1 diamond, 21 ore, 40 wood, a little gold etc.

I have a feeling that on the difficult campaign you may need to not only win all battles without losing to get 100% - But also to win the battles with a portion of your army left. (Similar to star rating in Watchers' Guild). This is because I completed the difficult campaign without losing a battle, but only managed 98%.

Question left though, is if there is any advantage of having say 100% over 90%. Reward for higher difficulty in itself don't seem to change significantly.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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