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I think "normal" wizard faction is really weak. Only chance to beat a very defensive, low resistance faction with an non professional player. Spell power is limited, mana also. Sad. :(
Try a might build instead of magic build, will work wonders at your lvl i guess
Classic might can not compare to battlewise; mini arts are nice but can not make up for lower recruit count, poor talent tree and lesser stat/abilities of creatures (sphynx immortals are awesome while guardians are ok; BW has 200 grems that can get +60% damage from battlefury while classic has 100 max without battlefury ie. has many HP with HP mini art but only 40% of the damage of wreckers full stack,...).
Classic Wizard? Oh I forgot we had it.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
More of a question I guess which has been answered by #2.
I've tried all kind of types. :)
Might wizard, with no shooters, low numbers in stack not viable.
It is time to have lvl5 magic, and some fastening hero. It is not about the stack amount.
Might wizard, with no shooters, low numbers in stack not viable.

Try with nature talents for wasp and phantoms or a holy build
Senior genies + giants+ sphynx can destroy anyone
If u go for holy build, cast evasion then stoneskin and rapid etc according to the opponent
Well give it a try better than normal magic build for sure
i'm afraid no matter how you try it, wizard will always be weakish. Our devs hate wizards, as they think it has no strategical interest, and as such, it gets no love..

BW is a bit better. Still nothing exceptional, but makes the char playable.

Forget about nature and holy builds, unless you work as support for a might teammate, they are too expensive and useless.
for Mycroft: Tried. Didn't last longer than 5 min. This BW gives some hope, If only my 3 luck won't come on the 3rd round, where my troops half dead.
Classic Wizard? Oh I forgot we had it.
Hahah xD

i'm afraid no matter how you try it, wizard will always be weakish. Our devs hate wizards, as they think it has no strategical interest, and as such, it gets no love.
Well, its true, Admins had no problem stating that they found Chaos Builds Anti-Fun, but I find Holy/Darks more "Toxic" Tbh.

Please (Admins), how do you not see Holy Knight Anti-Fun? Lol... Both for the Player and the Opponent. Just AFK and Buff, Cya.
(Not saying they are "Broken", saying they are "Anti-Fun", its different).

But I have to say that there are other Classes that need more "Attention" right now Imo, like UN.
A Faction that is all a 100% to Win/Lose, where everything is decided because of the Match-Making (For instance you know you gonna 100% Lose against a Tribal Boy NO MATTER what you do, yet will have good chances against a Dwarf).

I still havent seen a Necro/UN get 15 Wins in a Row/Gold Medal in this MT, yet I have seen several DDs for instance (Which gets Nerfed everytime but still broken) win FIFTEEN times in this MT without troubles...

>>> The arrival of Alt Classes broke the overall Balance of the game really hard Imho.
After they came, everything went mad, seriously.
Not saying they shouldnt be here (God no, new "Options" are always welcome), but all Classic Factions have the very same Talent Wheel than in 2008 for instance. They should try to make them "Fresh" somehow.

But yes, regarding the main question: I find Classic Wiz (In Chaos Build) "Under the average" of all Classes.
Also +1 to advices of trying Might/Holy Classic Wizard, I find it underrated.
As you mentioned, the talent wheel is useless lvl16 for wiz.
lvl 13 I got Duel tourney 3rd. Now 4/22 ratio, :)
No lvl 5 magic, all the points you can get, from labourer, hunt goes to Might. The creature increase at higher levels are not folloowed by chaos build Spell power and knowledge points.

And what found in my troops? +4 garg and + 3 djninns, whoooooo....
Try BW then and be careful with the placement of troops
Won 15/15 on lvl 12 however was pretty hard at lvl 13 so didnt do much battles here being a fresh lvl 13 and below avg char development at my lvl
Bw might bring you some wins i guess?
80% of duels are for who"s gonna have more defence point.

The defence is the new attack. The strategy Defend as you can.

Holy wiz, expert holy mass stonskin, and basic erudition, and intelligence, that all, you can really attack, and djinns are weaker than BW's , no +1 to garg, no shooters, only in special aoccations at special opponents can win.
for Mycroft: At lvl 12 but especially 13 was great as a wiz, no special abilities from enemy tier 6, no tier 7, almost the same damage. But now the enemy has more tier number speciel abs, but you got nothing more. More troops, but that worth nothing. :)
I think it's safe to say that classic wizard is at the moment overall the weakest faction in the game. Holy magic talents must become cheaper if holy build shall be a viable choice. But in my opinion admins should rework all of the talent wheels anyway.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "General game forum".
Well, its true, Admins had no problem stating that they found Chaos Builds Anti-Fun, but I find Holy/Darks more "Toxic" Tbh.

Please (Admins), how do you not see Holy Knight Anti-Fun? Lol... Both for the Player and the Opponent. Just AFK and Buff, Cya.
(Not saying they are "Broken", saying they are "Anti-Fun", its different).

But I have to say that there are other Classes that need more "Attention" right now Imo, like UN.
A Faction that is all a 100% to Win/Lose, where everything is decided because of the Match-Making (For instance you know you gonna 100% Lose against a Tribal Boy NO MATTER what you do, yet will have good chances against a Dwarf).

HK antifun? HK is really diffuclt to play being a sitting duck and by time you finish casting spells half of army is dead.

unholy doesn't need attention,its a very solid class,very strong

and don't post false info everywhere
But in my opinion admins should rework all of the talent wheels anyway.+ the magic system.

that. Yes!
check the combat log of this player: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=2043623 and learn how he win every gold medal of mt with classic wiz.

there are never a weak faction, only weak players. sometimes some faction would be too strong temporarily(such as alt de in some levels this time), but the overall balance are not that bad.
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