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AuthorJust how important is it to be FL 12 in something?
Hi all,

Basically I am levelling up wizard to FL 11, which I will get prior to level 16. I am then in two minds as to what to do in terms of priorities after this point.

At the point I level my wiz I could aim to level up to FL 12, which will take 7700 FSP. With my rate of play trying to not negatively affecting real life it means I get probably around 100 fsp per week(3 Watchers guilds per day, so averaging 15 fsp ish, it will be lower over the summer months, and higher on some events). Taking this crude average it equates to requiring about a year and a third to level up, a long slog for no realised progression in that guild. This is essential however if I am ever to be competitive in well any competition.

In comparison however it takes 8000 fsp to level my dwarf up to FL 11, and DE from 8-10, all of which I have full castles for. This would provide variation (without using potion of skill, which is therefore more financially sustainable long term). IT would also mean I could use these more viably later without so much difficulty, whereas if I waited to level them I would be a higher Combat level and so would feel the gap of faction level more sharply. Also I am put off of FL 12, as when you get there, any FSP gained makes zero dent on any future progression as there is none.

Looking at the data from here http://daily.heroeswm.ru/newscom.php?i=FSP

at combat level 16 only 28% of people have top FL at 12, so I would not be able to compete so readily with the top dogs, but plenty others would be in a similar position to me. However if I went for variation, I would be stuck in that position until level 17, by which point 70.7% of people have a main of FL 12. I would be at a disadvantage on the majority of group battles, not fair on team mates, and resulting in higher loss ratios - therefore less reward (CG points etc) from the time I am able to invest.

So from people who have gone through these combat levels and leveled up to FL12, how essential do you feel FL12 is to compete at CL16 and 17? Is it important for me to stay stuck in one faction predominantly so as to get to this point? Or will it not matter too much and invest the gold I saved from PoS into say buying some rings of cold so that arts compensate?

Thank you for your thoughts.
I misclicked originally, I think this should be in queries and help really. Sorry about that. Can someone move it please.
imho, it would be wiser to develop one of your alt factions rather than wiz.

lvl 12 wizard gets no big bonus in pve, and by the time you reach it, your hunts will have already become impossible, so even the hunter bonus will be of little use.

I personally decided to switch to dwarf and forget about wizard a while ago, but even if i was to play it, I think that getting the alt factions up will bring you better service, if none other, because of the faction resistance.

Just 2cts
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
I can see huge difference in pvp between fs 11 and 12. +5 skill point +2 ini are really significant. In pve there are no huge difference. you can do TG, MG, survilurgs and hunts without potion of skill. So if you wish to do some cg or pvp tourney than you must raise fs to 12 or else you will be just too weak in pvp even if you have good antifactions cause most of the time you will face the opponents with fs 12.
If you are a casual player who gets only about 100 fsp per week, I strongly recommend you continue with some other faction. The only exception to that would be if you REALLY enjoy playing wiz. If you enjoy it, then that's all that matters :)
And I can tell you that fsl 12 for someone inactive takes too long and gets really frustrating if you are constantly playing for the sake of only fsl. If I had other castles I would have certainly switched after fsl 11.

Also IMO not that big of a deal in PvP unless you are really serious about getting gold achievements in tourneys. Most battles in tourneys are decided by players making mistakes and getting bad partners/good enemies.
I mean think about it, how many times do you see battles in which both sides play perfectly, and a side loses by 5 hp and could have one with fsl 12 instead of 11?
And yes, obviously it's better to have fsl 12, but then again, you could argue that higher resistance in other factions is also beneficial.

Overall, unless you really wanna play wiz, switch to other factions.
I can see huge difference in pvp between fs 11 and 12. +5 skill point +2 ini are really significant. In pve there are no huge difference.
100% true.
Well 12 is huge difference which you can also see at pve not only pvp.
I'd also say that the difference between fsl11 and 12 is big. I guess miniarts get better at fsl12 too ?
+5 skill point +2 ini are really significant

Well remember we are talking wizard, here.

It's not +5 skill point (that would be really useful) it's +3atk +2def for troops, which brings no bonus to a magic-related faction (as usual).

only BW will benefit from it, if it doesn't play full magic build.

Also yes, probably mini arts get +1 again. And BW will get a small increase in the +ini +atk from SP/mana. It seems smaller compared to the advantage for a might based faction, tho.
As velniukstis said the difference between fl 11 and 12 is big. Though i do not agree with the antifcation part. Let's say you got faction level 11 at cl 16 and fl 8 resist in all factions, you'l most likely beat the fl 12's in 2vs2 or 3vs3. This would mean that you need to have good resist in all factions though. Lord milestag you say that only 28% of lvl 16 have a fl 12 main, in pvp battles like cg, probably 80% of the lvl 16's have fl 12, as the weaker characters don't play pvp alot. In tournament this is even worse, as at cl 15 (my combat) in this paired tournament at least half my battles were against fl 12s. With the warriors guild this will only increase, i sometimes even spot a level 14 close to fl 12.. So i'd say fl 12 is important at cl16+ if you don't have great antifaction in all factions
In CL16 probably most of pvp players has level 12 and at level 4 or 5 in all factions. So 12 +4 should dominate 11 +8 in most cases. Unless its rock paper scisors battle where one faction is just doomed against another just before the begining of battle like red demon with max spawns against tamer DE with only 3 or 4 knowledge. Or chaos DE against full defensive build.
Thank you for all your advice. From what I have read clearly FL12 is very important for PvP, and while there is statistically only a lower proportion of those with FL12 at CL 16, a greater proportion of them may show their faces in CG or tournaments. IE if I want to compete I need FL12. That +2 defence will probably equate to more than a +3% reduction in most damage, and it is against all factions. So I think it is likely to be more valuable than increasing the faction resistance that I have already to any significant level.

for guyb:both tpes of wizard need attack and defence, classic wiz becomes quite tanky, and with holy magic can actually deal some damage - quite versatile in mixed battles of very different levels, while the extra +3 defence at FL12 (+2 direct and then an extra +1 from mini arts) would very much help live longer and allow direct magic damage. As for hunting, I only hunt in min arts with side factions, so that is no problem

So my plan will be to carry on with wiz to get it up to FL12, while switching to other factions occasionally (Eg I always switch to dwarf for WG battles against wizard heroes, as then I get an advantage from anti faction more significantly.

If I get bored I may change my mind!
it also all depends on faction you play ;) if you have good resist against your hardest enemy factions fl 11 will be enough. If you have great armaments and guilds it can make big difference aswell. you might be stronger than people with fl 11 cause you have better guilds/arma's
for knight, FSL matters a lot, not only affect your troops counts...the stat is so important ..1 attack difference is a lot enough for a huge stack of guardians ..And its 3 between FS 11 and 12 ..So you get the picture
I find initiative even more sweet than the rest of stats.
the damage troops deal and receive can be very different with only 1 atk vs def differences. different damage formula are used, when attack is higher than def and when attack is lower than def.

I am mainly chaos DE in pvp, when there is no unit have higher attack than my ladons defence usually I win.
its very important. Its like wearing a 10th art (5 or 6 ap).

Increasing 3 whole levels in a faction would only get you 9% resistance against that faction; in your case especially getting 3 more levels in all factions is going to be way harder for you than going from fsl 11 to fsl 12.
it simply doesnt compare unless you are going from fsl 0 to fsl 3 and not fsl 5 to fsl 8.
It must be taken into account which faction we're talking about, not just for which type of battles the player directs his gameplay.

If your main is wiz, then do go for fs12 (you don't necessarily need to rush it, but wiz, especially classic, is very fs-dependant). A bit like necro and knight, too.

For DE and dwarf, going from 11 to 12 is less important (but always has positive impact, of course!). If you're a heavy PvP player and/or survilurg defender, you're likely to take more advantage of having better faction resistances.
Playing only PVE I would develop the other factions. But if you will be playing PVP, fsl 12 is very important at CL 16, and a must at CL 17.
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