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AuthorPortal of time
how many players gets rewards after finishe??
I imagine every player who did at least 1 battle will get a gold reward. And artifact and armour parts will be awarded to people who passed a certain level I think.
Crystals of time: total 2,480

such a shame that i had no time for event and i hope to get 14 more armor parts
Crystals of time: total 2,554, available 23
Total combats: 72, Victories: 57
This is my best run I think
I wonder how the top end of the table is. With this event being easier for very low levels (saw a level 5 character trying a battle for 85, and he didnlt even look that good) there will be a lower amount than normal of high durability top level arts. As such it may drive up the price further down for those particular arts. I guess it depends on how they work it all out and how good the arts are...
Crystals of time: total 1,982, available 112
Total combats: 69, Victories: 49

I stand nowhere close xD
But when the event was getting over I understood what troops to take.
Shame it was too late.
yeah this is often what happens during your first PoT, a lot of trials and errors over which setup to use at which level ^^

I ended with up :
Crystals of time: total 3,502, available 30
Total combats: 96, Victories: 79

I was able to beat level 50 And most of those loses are from me being too greedy and hard ai with annoying combinaison of troops
Crystals of time: total 3,676, available 34
Total combats: 96, Victories: 87

Very proud of my small contribution to the victory of the Iron Legion!
well they won by 3000 crystals or so, and you got 3000 or so, therefore you caused them to win.

Faultless logic........

When I finished my battles, we were 2nd.
Going into the final minutes of the event, we were behind by over 15k points, and then something amazing happened: there was a collective effort by the players who had battles left: players who weren't playing the event, or should be sleeping because they had to wake up early today, and they overcame that difference and won by almost 3k points.

So my contribution was to that pool of half a million points that justified the final push... nothing special about 3,6k in 500k. That finale was the epic thing!

Many gratz to all the rockers :)
for Lord Syrian:
Sounds cool :) This time there are two clans that managed to leave everyone else far behind. I think a score of 500k+ is very impressive seeing that you can only have a maximum of 250 members.
the most imba staff so far??
its stats are even better then the lv18 shop staff and its only lv13
Event rewards are here! :)
Crystals of time: total 3,169, available 41
Total combats: 96, Victories: 82

Had an awful start, but managed to lose only 1 or 2 battles after getting Mage guild
After beating pot 50 I had 90 parts in total, rewards are dispensed and I got the armor and have 6 parts left, meaning those that couldn't beat lvl 50 did not receive the armor and can now pay heavily for the parts for an armor you can almost not use anywhere, sell it or loan it out. It makes a great dustcollector. At least make it a shop artifact since you can only use it for yourself and the repair cost is enormous.
The staff looks great for hybrid wizards though, lots of parameters upon it, it leaves the lvl 18 staff way way behind. Extremely powerfull for a lvl 13 weapon.
Crystals - 3,812, max. difficulty level - 50, total combats: 96
Victories: 87
66 durability staff for that
luckily its a non-shop art. Think they went overboard with the stats. It makes no sense for a staff to give so much defense and attack besides magic parameters.
for virtual_vitrea:
It does, but mainly for BW. For some hybrid buffs for UN, necro, HK or DD maybe too. Charmer possibly too but not really.
Crystals of time: total 4,418, available 4418
Total combats: 96, Victories: 94

got 75 dura for staff
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