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Also do the cost of the creature go up or can they also go down?

They can go both up and down.

240 battles possible so 633.6 sp for alt castles.

210 is the max, it is 4x50 + 1x10

The "bonus" 10 levels only gives you 1 option rather than 4.
Battles are tough, yeah. Have to collect all the silver from each level and carefully pick what troops to buy to move on.
I am doing all the levels 4 times with max arts but have allready a hard time and winning by the skin of my teeth, the difficulty is way over the top.

Saw the same army again at lvl 3 and 4, to recap:

lvl 1 had 79 bruisers, 88 desert raiders and 34 desert raiders.
lvl 2 had 137 bruisers, 53 desert raiders and 53 desert raiders.
lvl 3 had 129 bruisers, 267 bruisers and 38 desert raiders.
lvl 4 had 230 bruisers, 103 desert raiders and 77 desert raiders.

Also the level where you are does not matter for the max recruitment, just went from 91 max spearmen to 101 max spearmen while having done lvl 4 as highest. So it is based on your total victories. In other words you need to battle each level four times to be able to keep going.
For just the early levels it seems a bit too hard, yeah.
Victories / Combats: 33 / 42
Lot of points/creatures farmed for the day. I expect tomorrow to go much easier.
Beastslayers are delightful. Ascetics are not.
I was initially buying brawlers, but I've now decided that if I am going to buy, I buy exclusively upgraded troops. More fun this way.
level 5 was tricky, but now able to farm in just grace gear. I have not bought any new troops, but intend to have a full set of the available one by the time I have finished farming. 150 sentries are pretty useful it turns out
Victories / Combats: 40 / 40

Silver available: 40
Silver gained: 17,700

Clan points: 10

its my record at the first day, didnt wear the best, but full wear already, im not sure whether it would turn crazy difficult at the last few days.. still worrying..

however, its a good event for farming, especially can get some mg points :)
can we reset the troops recruited in our army to get back the silver at any time ?
Turncoat mages can kill high level troops with Earthen spikes easily, and there are too many enermies who take double dam to large troops, im a bit scare to use these kind of troops..
for elven_blade:
it seems impossible..
Turncoat mages can kill high level troops with Earthen spikes easily, and there are too many enermies who take double dam to large troops, im a bit scare to use these kind of troops..

this is a good point, i guess there is no point in spending on those large creatures if they are going to be 1 shotted
So from level 5 onwards it is against AI heroes?
for Lawton:
im not sure whether the talent of soldiers luck work in this event, anyone had test it? if its work, there would be much powerful for spearman, bear, beastslayer :)
Can it get more ridiculous than this:

If the objective of the admins is to create a toxic game then bravo they have done it.
I do agree that the admins are recently making changes for the worse (210 combats in an event being one of them).

This is beyond greedy. If you are making us battle 2-3 times as much then reward us 2-3 times as much as well :/
just need 5 arti parts the rest they can shove
The difficulty is a tricky one, personally I think they have tried to avoid the situation of last time when 2 clans got full points through pumping it all.

However, what is the consequence, people feel pressured into completing a ridiculous amount of battles. If however you do grinf them lots then they should not be too bad.

I have 166 sentries, 122 spears, 46 brawlers, 37 bears and 28 harpooners.

Should make level 11 fairly easy.
if u can like or dislike this event i bet there would be alot more dislikes than likes
This event is awesome. The beginning could be made a bit easier and an option to sell back troops would be cool.

But overall the way buying troops is randomized and how you're using faction talents and dwarf army to fight instead of your own army is really cool. Admins did a great job.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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