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I have 33 ascetics, before they get a turn a bit over 20 is left orso and their fireball do less damage than on the leadership event where just a stack of 5 of them would do 130+ damage, got heavily nerfed it seems. Their shooting is crap as well. The only thing good about them is that AI concentrates heavily on it with its shooters and even magic upon it. When close to it it rushes towards it as well. Somehow AI seems to like to kill it.
The reason it did so much damage in event is cause your units were judged by punishers. Judgement doubles incoming fire damage.
Also depending on which enemy you were facing, they may have been wearing arts that reduce magic damage.
Fun fact about tribals. Aperently, tribal spirit doesnt work. The units have spirit, but they do not use it, they dont gain it, they dont lose it, they dont dampen with it. Includes tribal units as well. Dunno if the same is for barb
for Aurelija:
Gimme some of what you have been smoking.

for VV:

If you insist :/

Level 50 boss
Wow, that's baffling. Tribal spirit works in one battle, but not in another. Bug?
for Aurelija:
Its not working because its a boss battle. Do you have any other examples? Can't be that you waited until the boss wave to fight your first tribal which made you reveal your "fun fact."
Victories / Combats: 200 / 209

Silver available: 7,643
Silver gained: 232,436
Victories / Combats: 88 / 91

Silver available: 3,906
Silver gained: 93,367

Clan points: 5

Victories / Combats: 82 / 90

Silver available: 324
Silver gained: 96,656

Clan points: 50

Clan points: 5 you dirty ektoras
Best thing about this event? Getting to play with 9 lava dragons with offense talents and luck :)

Love it.
If only you could also use Runes as well!
not really missing the runes. Anyway this event made it clear why classic dwarf has no offense branch :p
Its not working because its a boss battle.

I'm not understanding why that is a valid reason.
I'm not understanding why that is a valid reason

Bad coding I guess
Let's change the emphasis then, perhaps better explained that it is not lead by a hero?
Rereading that lacks clarity. The relevant battle is both led by a hero and also containing a boss, which one takes priority? Evidently they have put it through (presumably in error) as being a boss battle only whereby troops gain nor lose spirit. Talents still apply however since the gain spirit from the spirit and talent but no other source. However, in summary it is simply"bad coding"
I wonder if the error is broader. I'm guessing that boss-led and hero-led battles are supposed to be mutually exclusive, but they combined them without modifying the underlying logic, so boss leadership takes precedence over hero leadership. If that's the case, I'm guessing all AI heroes, not just tribal, would have no racial ability in these battles.

I tried to verify that, but none of my boss battles has a hero with a racial ability that's easy to verify (e.g. knight). One of the easiest would be unholy necro; we can see whether their raising moves the ATB. Does anyone have such a battle?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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