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AuthorMayo on pizza
just no pineapples dude

Screw you. Pineapple is a delicious fruit.

And using same condiment on everything? I'd like to think most people have a palette that is more sophisticated.
Pineapple itself is lovely, but not on top of things like pizza. That's just wrong
Pineapple on pizza is good
for death2all:
oh here we go again with the same boring argument that shouldn't even matter in the first place. You don't like pineapple on pizza, don't eat it. I find the smell of fried bacon to be an abomination, same with popeyes and KFC, but I know quite a few people who not only don't mind it but even love the smell of bacon and/or fried chicken. See? Such things are possible.

Used to be that people cooked food in their homes following their family recipes and whatever the local cuisine they had would determine what you were exposed to and found to be the norm. These days everyone can try their own version of that African sambusa, or their take on not so italian lasagna with meatballs, and so on. It shouldn't matter to anyone what you think the right food is as long as there is even one person who likes it that way. I say, food turns shit too quickly, there is no right or wrong lol.
for Chico:
Try this.


 24  2019-06-06 19:31:18
for death2all:
oh here we go again with the same boring argument that shouldn't even matter in the first place. You don't like pineapple on pizza, don't eat it. I find the smell of fried bacon to be an abomination, same with popeyes and KFC, but I know quite a few people who not only don't mind it but even love the smell of bacon and/or fried chicken. See? Such things are possible.

And what I can't voice my opinion in the matter?
no one can voice their opinion on food! My taste buds are the only true taste buds that matter. What they indicate tastes good is the definitive answer and only true sensation. Anyone elses perception is wrong, because it is not mine. Period.

Oh wait a second, no my mistake, thats all rubbish. Taste buds just detect chemicals, how that translates into pleasure sensations in the brain is unique to each individuals brain chemistry and so it is impossible to say what is correct or not, just what lies with or not with the normal. As such anyone is freely allowed to like whatever they want.

That being said if you like pineapple on pizza you are basically a freak.

I like pineapple on pizza......
I don't mind pineapple on my pizza, but it's not something I actively go for when ordering a pizza.

The only time I really eat it is when Kiisukat and I are in Estonia and we go to this "retro" pizza place with her little sister, their go-to pizza is something to do with blue cheese, pineapple, pepperoni and other stuff. Actually tastes quite nice.

I had a french fries pizza once, can't say it was nice.
BBQ meat feast pizza for me (love)
mushrooms green pepper onions and olives <3
Never tried pineapple on pizza :(
We are close to Italy and we prepare pizza almost like them - - - thin. That fat american pizza would go nice with pineapple I guess. I usually love tasteing new food, but the topic is...
Mayo is the best topping ever :)
To everyone’s taste buds the taste and choice.
What is this post aimed at doing ?
for Calamity:
dont like mushrooms. Pineapple, ham and garlic parmesan crust anyday xD
dont like mushrooms

Mushrooms in general or just on pizza?
Totally depends on the style of pizza. If it's Neopolitan or Chicagoan, hold the pineapple. Any other style, pineapple is golden.
Thin crust Bacon, Feta and Avocado Pizza is definitely the best! Hold the mayo!
Uhhh scruffy I have to try that.
Never tried avocado :(
Mushrooms in general or just on pizza?

Mushroom on pizza or mushroom otherwise, its not much different. Tastes like rubber.
Mushroom on pizza or mushroom otherwise, its not much different. Tastes like rubber.

Wow, you dont know what mushroom on pizza is
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