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AuthorNix warriors vs. Fatso
How come nix warriors have more than double the weight compared to fatso? I just don't get it. Doesn't fatso look ... fat?
for Majblomma:
yeah. nix variors have shielded alies tho. still they are not worth it in my opinion
for latviesu lords:
I wasn't talking about the silver cost. I was talking about the weight.
their weight depends on silver cost not other way round i suppose.
I think this is a humour thread.
I think he means the ACTUAL weight (Kilograms, or Pounds). Like he cant believe Nixes weight more than Fatsos.
... Or Im wrong, and you mean the in-game one? xD
 5  2019-09-11 18:48:06
I think this is a humour thread.
I think he means the ACTUAL weight (Kilograms, or Pounds). Like he cant believe Nixes weight more than Fatsos.
... Or Im wrong, and you mean the in-game one? xD

True :D

Well nixes wear heavy armors making them heavy :p while fatso are naked with just pajamas on :D
for Aruish:
Don't forget that fatso has a heavy bottle of rum as well.
My answer would be that they have different body composition. Nix warriors are dense (concentrated mass in small package) therefore have high defensive ability where as fatsos are just plumpy.
Archimedes law is about density rather than weight. Fat is less dense than water therefore if you fill a ship with fatsos it will not sink.
Regarding the density you are addresing:
Remember Muscle is way denser than Fat, maybe explains.
Still, I support that Fatsos should weight way more than Nixes.
Well nixes wear heavy armors making them heavy :p while fatso are naked with just pajamas on :D
True though.
Btw this thread is funny.
Everyone is assuming that the weight relates directly to the unit itself, rather than the unit and its associated clobber. Fatsos may be very fat and have considerable personal weight, though they are very simple and easy to placate crew members. As such you just need to make sure they have enough rum and they will stay happy. Nixes however are not so straight forward. Due to their reptilian nature they need to be able to maintain body heat to stay quick and agile. During the light of the day their metallic armour helps increase the rate of conduction of heat into them, however at night as the temperature drops it works the opposite way and causes them to become dangerously cold and sluggish. To counter this, complicated vivarium structures need to be incorporated into the ship, where fuel is burnt in controlled ways to keep them warm and ready to fight (they never remove their armour) in case of night raids. As such the total weight associated with having a Nix on board is considerable.
I feel some biochemistry going in this thread :D
Btw flibustiers and one eyed pirates have the same weight almost...

Flibustiers are thin shooters and one eyes pirate are fattty guys , how'd you give a reasoning for that :p
for Aruish:
strong shooters with 30% def ignoring. for higher levels they are very good lets get real. + one eyed pirates getting owned by cannons
Guns are heavy, ammo is heavy, gunpowder is heavy. They need to take with them someone to look after the gunpowder. Also filibusters cannot stop talking, which often gets them into trouble. The resulting consequence on their constitution requires medical professionals and specific diets. All of these take up space and weight on a ship.

In comparison One eyed pirates are just the next step on from fatsos. After a fatso has got sufficiently drunk on rum eventually he will fall over and lose an eye, tis a matter of time. At this point they lose some of their self confidence and have to put some more clothes on, and start drinking even more. This extra drink and clothes is why they are heavier than fatsos, though still lead a simple drunken existence requiring none of the extra items.
one eyed pirates getting owned by cannons
No way! Those cannon balls will easily bounce off the one-eyed pirates belly. Small cannons, aiming for the last eye, can be an option though.
lol you guys.

when something has a denser composition, even if it has less volume or small frame, it can weigh more than the other guy that simply has more volume or bulky appearance.

Basically a 100 kg guy made of steely and rocky matter is not going to appear bulkier than a 100 kg guy made of fat tissue. Basically higher density = more efficient packing of mass into a certain volume (=concentrated). If you got this, then Fatsos looking bulky doesn't have to correlate with weighing more than nyx.
Ogres being almost naked and guardians behing fully armored have almost the same weight
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