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[Military Clan] #7705 Angels & Demons MC


Author[Military Clan] #7705 Angels & Demons MC
Welcome to Angels & Demons (A&D)

Firstly I have to thank Sir Jedi Knight – A&D founder, leader and inspiration for all of his hard work over the years to make us what we are today, it is unfortunate that real life issues have taken him away from the game and that he will not be returning as leader.

We are an English speaking clan but Russian speakers are definitely welcome (it is good if you know some English but not totally necessary). We are here to enjoy the game and all of its aspects, we do not expect total devotion to the detriment of real life – real life always comes first – but we do expect you to be an active member of the clan - when you have time : )

We have a large depo with enchanted arts and enchanted rare sets that members can rent at good prices

Requirements to Join:

Main character only
Must have a clean transfer log.
Be willing to help and support the clan in events and do defenses if available.

Entry fee: free at the moment (I am not sure how long for, so check the clan page for the latest info)

Former A&D members are welcome and can return for free anytime (no second entry fee ever)

Contact Leader, Deputy or Recruiters for further details.
32nd in the event, ppl came together in the end but wasn't enough to get to top 30.
We'll just have to push harder then!
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funny joke vrancea :D

we are looking for recruits, new players or "old" players returning :)
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