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AuthorLeasing castle in market
Many players build multiple castle and only one castle is active at a time.

Ability to set already built castle helps players earn some gold out of this huge investment. Approach is similar to how TGI works.

Following conditions can be applied to avoid misuse,
*Leasing can only take place via market slot set by main characters.
*Only one castle can be set out for lease at a time with minimum duration of 30 days.
*Only fully built castle of current character level can be set out for leasing.
*Minimum cost can be 100 per level.
*Once a castle is set out for lease, player cannot change to that faction.

Why would anybody build a castle in this scenario, diamond usage will lower, economy will crash and then and then my dear, doom
Why would anybody build a castle in this scenario, diamond usage will lower, economy will crash and then and then my dear, doom
Why do people buy arts when they can just lease?


I don't do all the boring work to make gold to build all castles, for summer players just have it all with out doing nothing.
Unless that 100 is 100K per lvl, then we can arange something. :D
I would suggest to check the concept, rest of the details or conditions can be tweaked later :) It's not like I'm fixing the conditions.

We invest 600k for TGI and we get the gold back, does people stop doing TG after TG5 ?

Similarly people who build all castels have invested around 10M gold. There should be some way to get that gold back so that it can be invested in something else. If people like the castle then there can build it themselves.

It would help people play different factions easily, it's like day of recruiting at certain cost and limitations.
Castles and lisence, aplles and oranges.

I have 5 full castles wich I worked non stop and very hard for them, I am fine thank you very much. :D
I don't do all the boring work to make gold to build all castles, for summer players just have it all with out doing nothing.
Many wpeople would think that typing captchas doesn't constitute "work" at all, and doesn't contribute positively to the game in anyway.
Hundreds of pages and hours on market are considered hard work for you?
It's not my problem if people want a different game than this game is.

But it is boring to hear all those who doesn't consider enroll as hard work cry all time for the money/castles/arts etc they don't have when they could easily have them like the majority does and always try to find a freeload bypass.

Diamonds also are out there you know? But no, no enroll no diamonds but I want all from the game mentatlity with doing nothing does contribute and brings fun to the game, right.
I have 5 full castles

If you support this idea then you can earn gold out of one of the castle by leasing it!
Would be very useful to those who reach fsl12, can rent out that castle to help fund their next one(s). If it was say 10% castle cost for a month rent, then it wouldnt be a financially stable solution long term but a great chance to experience a new castle. Sure it could be exploited but what cant these days, at least in this idea the money goes to the players rather than just to the empire as a 'potion of castles' :(
We invest 600k for TGI and we get the gold back, does people stop doing TG after TG5 ?

yes, many do. I doubt that's hard to believe.

Similarly people who build all castels have invested around 10M gold. There should be some way to get that gold back so that it can be invested in something else. If people like the castle then there can build it themselves.

Why? No just tell me why. There are very few things this game has that are actually worth it once you have all the castles.. Enchanted arts? you can rent easily at depo. Estates? I wouldn't say they are worth it at all unless you always stick to one location. What else is there? Not much to spend on/ or invest in.

I have all the castles too with the DU's ,cache upgrades and what not. To be honest, its a bit of a luxury that i don't need since i am not up for playing all the factions for the type of battles i do in fact like to play. Although, i happily paid for this luxury and don't see the need to rent it to anyone who doesn't have the means to build it. The reason is simple. It might be hard to understand but completing the castle before playing that new faction gives you a purpose in the game. A tangible reward upon finishing that task is getting to play that faction as much as you would like. I miss that, and would love to build a new castle again.
for virtual_vitrea:
Clan PvPs for example which requires lot of investment. Arts like empire and dark arts are pretty good with enchants and need lots of gold.

If you play or use all 9 castle at same time then I agree there is no point in leasing however only one castle is at use at any given point of time. Empty castle, it's just waste of real estate in game :)

In real life, if I own 10 houses then I use the one that are needed for me and rent/sell rest of them. It's luxury for sure but certainly not economical.
Clan PvPs for example which requires lot of investment. Arts like empire and dark arts are pretty good with enchants and need lots of gold.

I wholeheartedly disagree. The bigger part of acquiring these arts is constant activity and participation in events.. a good number of those tend to be not only low cost but rather profitable if you are slightly more adept than average player. These events give plenty of gold and arts to reimburse more than half the participation costs for all players, and there are even better rewards if you are a serious player who has good sense of the "war and money" aspect namely battle and market mechanics.

Speaking of economical sense, I see it not as buying 10 different houses but the cost of ability to inhabit any of those 10 houses to your whim. Yes, in the game we call it buying different castles, but you shouldn't overlook the fact that you are changing not simply the castle but your own characteristics along with the castle and quite drastically that is. Basically what i mean is that it cant be seen analogous to buying another house.. it's totally more than that. How you experience the battles as an elf is not going to be anything similar as how you will when you are a knight or a wizard for instance.
This is great for players who don't buy diamonds.
Sometimes the DU makes a lot of difference and i can see it in use.

Now i have 5 fully built castles and I'm really bored of them. Sure some castles will be more wanted than others for example de over tribal but that doesn’t mean nobody will buy demon or tribal because this might just be one of the cheapest ways of building faction resistance for those players who don’t spend much time in the game or diamonds playing every event.

Yeah sure why not
Cancel everything in game... next time let me rent a lvl 22 character too, afterall he did so much hardword to reach there, he might earn some money as well by leasing it!

Since there are most people out there who own more than one castle than those who don't the offer is way more than trhe demand of renting a castle.
Plus the few who don't own a castle are mostly broke all the time to even rent one.
Who exactly will be benefit from that in an ocean of castle owners?
Unless you rent 1/1000 from each one player so to "make" a full castle, market doesn't feet us all, so simple.
Plus the few who don't own a castle are mostly broke all the time to even rent one.

Whilst i agree, you say you only have 5 castles so thats 4 you could rent and you arent broke ;)
I ain't broke thus I don't need to rent. :P
I will buy them when feel like it and will feel more "full" from my achievment than renting it.
If renters expect from me to have any income they will wait for long if not forever. :D
One of the joys in this game is from what you have made and achieved by my own and will keep it this way, no loans no rents no anything, if my hand can reach it's ok, if not I will work for it to reach.
I don't own anything to anyone and I don't want anyone to own anything to me.
I am free. :D
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