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AuthorThe experiment has ended!
Despite not insignificant "sleep problems", as the arena manager called them, the next stage of the great experiment was very successful. The spectators are quite happy, the experimental ones... that is, the participants, everyone is alive and well, and the rest of the arena is not a place to sleep. However, for the Councilor Bilir , such excuses were unacceptable, which means that the magician had a great reason to escape the upcoming festive bustle and calmly spend time in his comfortable laboratory, surrounded by drawings and formulas.

Lords and Ladies, another stage of the great experiment is completed – and honorable magicians of the Empire are expressing their gratitude to those who agreed to participate. While the results of the scientific experiment are collected in magic laboratories, you can already receive the reward for your combat contribution in the form of a special "Mirror of Changes" artifact. Durability of the artifact depends on the number of scored points; the minimal number of points is 90.

All Lords and Ladies who won at least once can receive a generous participation reward in gold. The reward depends on your combat level and number of victories. Receive gold on the page of Experiment.

All Lords and Ladies who had over 105 combats and scored no less than 180 points will be awarded with 11 parts of the Heaven diadem. In addition, all Lords and Ladies who scored no less than 110 points will be awarded with Heaven diadem parts in calculation 1 part for each 110 points (up to 9 parts).

Best Lords and Ladies:

No.Lord/ LadyBattlesWinsCopy winsPoints
1.#1209Осирис [16]105104971,234
2.#928я_цемент [14]105104951,230
3.#928Фиркаг-некр [14]105104911,222
4.#1209Thanos [14]105103931,216
5.#276Doctor_Kislorod [10]105103921,214
6.#1519Anbon [15]105103911,212
7.#782Vine [9]105104841,208
8.#928a_yakovin [15]105103891,208
9.#782Game without rulia [10]105103861,202
10.#2230Darbon [9]105101961,202
11.#73Атлет [8]105102901,200
12.PbI6A4OK [20]105101941,198
13.#1519dragon g [19]105103831,196
14.#928Первый воин [17]105102871,194
15.#5722Mi4man [8]105101911,192
16.#7490Bunnie [13]105102851,190
17.#1209z_j_cd [18]105104751,190
18.#1209Bear Grizly [13]105102841,188
19.#933Мищь [15]105103791,188
20.#4260Инспекторполавэ [9]105100941,188
21.#1209NotFood [14]105102831,186
22.#73GOODZINI [10]105100931,186
23.IT2017 [6]105101871,184
24.#1488Perfect death [14]105101861,182
25.#1519Гармингольд [15]105102811,182
26.#846ГалкаТ [15]105102811,182
27.#57karinusja [16]105103761,182
28.#1519Anexpor [17]105101841,178
29.#249Oxytocin [9]10099931,176
30.#1597_lordhero_ [15]105101831,176
31.#18Graf de Veag [18]105102781,176
32.#7777ЦИС [15]105103731,176
33.#5152Хахи [15]105102781,176
34.#276Rmsi [15]105101821,174
35.#7490krovak [17]105102771,174
36.#2902Убийца_Мух [10]105100861,172
37.#928Cid Kampeador [15]105100861,172
38.#104Хаарт Лорд [15]105100851,170
39.#928Avaro [18]105102751,170
40.#1209Majblomma [17]105102751,170
41.#7490latviesu lords [16]105101791,168
42.#41Ксальтотун [19]105100841,168
43.#823НастяКиллеррр [10]10599891,168
44.#928Котлован [17]105100831,166
45.#928Wild Death [15]10599881,166
46.#823Wu Tang Clan [17]10599881,166
47.#928Waitest [15]105100821,164
48.#823ЛОКИ_21 [16]105100821,164
49.#928Типашка [16]105101771,164
50.#1519RAVEN [18]10599871,164
51.#9595I11idan [14]105100811,162
52.#104emptimd [13]10599861,162
53.#933Тэшио [12]105100801,160
54.#1209SemQ [16]10599851,160
55.#928V_adidase [13]105100801,160
56.#928Гельд [12]10598901,160
57.#1519DARKPHOENIX36 [18]105101731,156
58.#1597УлиткО [14]105101721,154
59.#57MeOne [14]10598871,154
60.#7777Jesco [14]10598871,154
61.#302Black Canary [10]105100771,154
62.#249Мортэ [11]10599811,152
63.#928Мнимый [14]10599811,152
64.#3975Francisko1 [12]10599811,152
65.#2517Advers_SK [17]10599801,150
66.MrShot [9]10599801,150
67.#57CC11 [19]105100751,150
68.#1209Lord Ragnaros [18]105100751,150
69.#346Khal Drogo SV [13]10599791,148
70.#276Clearheaded [8]10599791,148
71.#73Святой Августин [7]9998841,148
72.#928Something begins [14]10597881,146
73.#823gorynich01 [14]105100731,146
74.MagePower [17]105102631,146
75.#104Windrunner [16]10599781,146
76.#928Trase [14]10598831,146
77.#7490Shades [15]10599771,144
78.#1519ден-герой [23]105103571,144
79.#933SpeedyGansalez [16]105101671,144
80.#1519VivaUkraine [17]10598821,144
81.#728Intelligency-_- [6]10596921,144
82.#1209JBB [15]105100721,144
83.-Absolute Zero- [9]10599761,142
84.#928Timoxxx [15]10198811,142
85.#57ХиндигоХ [16]10599761,142
86.#933Greedhem [12]10599761,142
87.#928повелитель5 [15]10598811,142
88.#41JustGenious [17]10599761,142
89.#7490катала777 [13]105100701,140
90.#928Махатма [16]10598801,140
91.#1519Sfairat_ [17]10599751,140
92.#7490BobEsponja [11]10598791,138
93.#17Inten [11]10598791,138
94.#41Phonon [14]10599741,138
95.#3975Версия 2 [15]10597841,138
96.#1790Кулаков [7]10597841,138
97.#57Fall1n [16]10599731,136
98.#104без фарта [18]10598781,136
99.#7490roynov01 [15]10598781,136
100.#2304Кирсон [17]10599731,136
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