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AuthorAre news (event announcments, game changes etc.) quick enough?
thanks Another Player, thenk you very much. But Hapkoman wrote what we need. Response directly for admins. Team needs complaints about speed of news announcements. As i said translations itself are not a problem.

Thanks Hapkoman. With posts like that we can maybe put some pressure on them and change things.
How about we all relax a little and have a history lesson. The forum has been a bit of an experience the last few days.

The game has been running for 14 years now through ups and downs. One thing has always been a constant and that is that .com has always played second fiddle to .ru

This is primarily for the following reasons:

1. The owners/admins of lwm run this game as a lifestyle business. It makes just enough money to be worth their while but aside from the early days there has been no effort for aggressive expansion. The admins are obviously native russians and simply don't understand .com and the discussions we have here, the game has traction in russia and they are happy to leave it as is.

2. The game is a direct rip of Ubisoft's Heroes of Might and Magic series. Early in the games history Ubisoft issued some kind of cease and desist notice stating that this came could not be advertised in the Anglosphere as it infringed on HOMM online. This essentially put all investment in .com on hold

After this legal trouble all efforts to work on .com were completely halted. The server went through some real tough times when there was zero admin intervention, zero events, zero translations. Meanwhile .ru were having a party and regular events. It was tough to stomach, there was lots of complaining, lots of threads, lots of upset.

There was a huge celebration when the first survival tournament came to .com. The players settled for anniversary event and christmas event with nothing in between. Arctic would come to the forum every few months and was hailed as some kind of celebrity.

The no events/no attention phase went on for a good 2 or 3 years and the game was tough but the community kept it going. During this period people would refuse to purchase diamonds and shame others for doing so due to the level of neglect that .com received.

Not surprisingly .com was making no money and the admins had zero interest as a result. .ru was reasonably profitable and naturally all attention went there

A group of players dubbed the international community council was set up to help improve .com/.ru relations and eventually the .com/ru server merge was implemented. This was a huge upheaval and it upset a lot of players because the characters weren't correctly balanced up. It was pretty much merge or the game will be closed and we all settled. Many left the game.

Time went on, the servers became better aligned but the .com community declined. The number of events soared and for the most part the player base were far more satisfied, there was less to complain about and diamond purchases went up. The number of players has declined year on year for the last several years but objectively the game has improved considerably. .com in particular benefited from the increased investment riding the coat tails of .ru

Why am I writing this:

The server went through some dark times. The gripes we have now are very minor by comparison and getting upset, making demands and blackmailing the admins is not the way to improve things, we tried that for many years.

There is a lot of tension around this translation thing which is understandable but the players should not be eating one another over this when a. the fix is straightforward and b. the blame lies solely with the administration.

I personally won't stand for hate and abuse aimed at those who volunteer their time to making the game better. We are all in this together, it is not a battleground.
Personally, I feel the translators always did a good job

.com has always been about the community, and this too, was a display of that

Just a couple of points to make on the topic

Is it really that big an issue to get translations a couple of days late, for those who complain? I understand but probably not enough to bash the translation team honestly.

Secondly, the ultimatum thing is basically us saying, give us quicker translations or we all quit, now, even if translations are important, are they that important? For me, certainly not, most of the times I dont even read the whole thing and just jump into events or whatever, thus despite not being a donator I probably dont hold much of a say here, but I still would like to state my disagreement with this proposal.

One last point to add, we already had people google translating and posting stuff in forum threads, even if the actual announcement came a little late, the community covered for itself.

I dont think anybody is being particularly wise if they blamed the translators, which is just silly, you dont bite the hand which feeds you.
The delay is annoying.
I hope the translator team receive the recognition they deserve.
What Acean wrote now is spot on.
You aced it Acean, great job in wording my thoughts without me knowing I had those concerns!

Only thing I wish is that a new event should start only after the previous event is translated
+1 to what Acean said
I wish translator team to gets alittle more support from admins.
b. admins give up on .com and focus strictly on .ru and close .com
I think they get a decent amount of money to close com. Consider com is a bonus for them, as the game development happens for ru either way.

News should appear when an event or tournament starts, that the logical thing to do. But it is something the volunteers translating can't do, as they won’t get the news in time. It is on admins side unfortunately. Not getting news like the MC size reduction is also very bad.

Thank you for your work Mellor, Mag, Vicky, Merlin36 and anyone else that has been involved in translations and communication with admins.

PS: I could not restrain myself, we still have general forum cluttered with "day of" threads, is it so hard to move them?
We asked for news to be released at the same time because we just need simple notification about new events, event rewards, etc. Currently players only become aware of these because they happen to stumble upon it by chance.

Is this a big enough problem to force us to quit? No, because active players still have ways to learn about events and we already had people google translating and posting stuff in forum threads, even if the actual announcement came a little late, the community covered for itself.

Again, no one is complaining and criticizing the voluntary translators. You asked for feedbacks/messages to be directed to admins, we provided.

I don't know the details of "It was met with immediate negativity." but if the result is admins not giving a shit and volunteers taking unnecessary burdens, then just have a good rest and see where the game goes :)

Appreciate all the voluntary translation work done to date, but you are not obligated to do it.
As u have explained it is not the translators fault, in your post you asked for feedback and criticism.
It was provided.

After your explanation, it is clear the translators EVEN IF they can do their job on time and get news in advance, it is up to the Russian team to post it.

The simple solution is to simply close lordswm.com
We don’t need two different websites. We don’t need two different forums.

Have one website, log in via there and allow a button on the top right saying EN/RU. Choose ur language there. Honestly our forums are dead. Have google translate built in Russian forums and it seriously takes a second or two to translate an entire page. Have a sub forum dedicated only to English posts. Anything English can be discussed there and with RU players who can speak English, we get even more contribution to our forum posts.

I will be honest, I know nothing of the cost of running a site bla bla, but if there’s no plans for English server expansion, and trust me there are no English new players can only a tiny few returning players, and if the English server costs a lot and is making close to no profit, just close it and have it all on RU server. It wouldn’t be hard having a EN/RU button like tons of websites like Facebook allow u to choose ur language right.

This way we no longer need separate posts. translations will be received in time and translated automatically via a translator. Give a few members such as mellor, Vicky and whoever else power to edit the English translation announcement. There will be tiny errors but the message will surely get across.
Give a few members such as mellor, Vicky and whoever else power to edit

^ they don't want to give any power. They say they can't trust anyone on com server to have even news a day early to edit ahead of time.

The admins didn't get the message from speaking to them. So the only option is just to leave them to it.
They say they can't trust anyone on com server to have even news a day early to edit ahead of time.

A game with declining and aging player base run by admins that want power but have no desire for improvement. This pretty much sums up the entire situation, which is also why .com players should stop contributing, especially when basic respect is not given.
which is also why .com players should stop contributing, especially when basic respect is not given.

If the few .com players who contribute were to stop, then the entire .com community would be worse off.
i think if .com would stop donating they would just completly shut com down.

The suggestion Kchong gives might not be a bad one to be honest.
Maybe if you want you can click on an english forum aswell so you dont have to search for english players.

Like the language button aswell
for Meshy:
Or maybe the community would pull together like the pre merge days when we fended for ourselves. I do hope so, because for us translators the situation wasn't healthy, we brought the complaints and instead of a fair approach we were basically told off for being a nuisance to them wasting their time
kchong suggsestion is good. but admins are the problem now. i doubt they even bother about us
Or maybe the community would pull together like the pre merge days when we fended for ourselves. I do hope so, because for us translators the situation wasn't healthy, we brought the complaints and instead of a fair approach we were basically told off for being a nuisance to them wasting their time

What Meshy said would still be true.
Or maybe the community would pull together like the pre merge days when we fended for ourselves. I do hope so, because for us translators the situation wasn't healthy, we brought the complaints and instead of a fair approach we were basically told off for being a nuisance to them wasting their time

I wasn't around pre-merge days, would you say the .com community is better off now compared to then?
No it's not that's what I was saying.

Back then we were abandoned compared to ru. There were no updates and the only real reason to keep in the game was the community spirit, and to have a good time with friends

Now we are getting the updates, and the community is largely fractured into tribes by the nature of the game
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