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AuthorUkraine best skill guild or best cheater guild?
for mellor:
So what you’re saying is a person can hack the admins with the intent to completely change the server and if they get stopped before anything actually get changed then he should be considered innocent since there was only intent and the goal was not achieved.
2.3. It is forbidden to profit from discovered errors in game algorithm
This does not refer to which party it is illegal to profit. He was using an error in the game’s algorithm and paying a heavy amount of diamonds to do so. Hence the admins profited from this error effectively making it illegal by their own rules
for mellor:
Basically you need to decide who you feel is at wrong for the injustice. Whether it was committed or not is not questionable. As I stated the rule prohibits any profit from in game algorithm errors and the admins have done that. So my question to you is do you believe this player should be jailed or do you believe the admins should return all the diamonds he spent skipping quest.
for lord fallen:
What's the point of understanding the perspective of a player? Will it make any difference here ?

End of the day, it's admins who decides the verdict.

So, I iterate myself again. Only way it get something which you feel is wrong is to raise complain. It's proven method, as you might have seen.
Error was from 100 level on. There was no hacking and admins can not prove it. They might have a suspicion but no evidence. You must have evidence for punishment.

There was no hacking of server. In past there were cases of hacking and those accounts were blocked/deleted. Even IPs banned etc.

I am not saying his actions were ok but can not be punished.

He was using an error in the game’s algorithm He was not. Error was from level 100. He did not reach that. And event then it was not an error but just a case admins were not prepared for those levels. The crime was not reporting that to admins. If they did they would get a nice reward for doing so. They didn't and they exploited that - now they are punished.

2.3. It is forbidden to profit from discovered errors in game algorithm, as well as any game actions, obviously not supposed by the service. In case of discovering a bug, please write about it at the corresponding forum branch or contact the Administration directly.

also don't forget about this rule:

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or finance) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.

If admins would be so strict as you want them to be...many posters in this thread would be blocked or with heavy penalty. But now only additional charachters are blocked. We want them to be very strict? Really? Be carefull what you wish for...it might backfire.
Basically you need to decide who you feel is at wrong for the injustice. Whether it was committed or not is not questionable. As I stated the rule prohibits any profit from in game algorithm errors and the admins have done that. So my question to you is do you believe this player should be jailed or do you believe the admins should return all the diamonds he spent skipping quest.

I belive that offenders who profited from this should be blocked. Leviofan should be under strict supervision and blocked at first offense. There are many of them but admins need clear proof. For now they can't do nothing.

As I stated the rule prohibits any profit from in game algorithm errors and the admins have done that.

He did no profit. He spent diamonds trying to get in position to make profit. Diamonds should not be returned. His fault.
Hence the admins profited from this error effectively making it illegal by their own rules

You should tell the admins this.
For mellor
You’re considering the error the profit when the error was the monster hunting. He was using errors in the algorithm to defeat monsters that should not be defeated. Because he used diamonds to do this the admins profited. Simply saying “ he spent the diamonds and it’s his fault so they should not be returned” does not exactly rectify the situation as it was the admins fault that the error was there in the first place

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or finance) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.
If you have undeniable evidence that a player here is doing this doing these activities then please share your valuable information. If you’re referring to me asking old high school friends to log into their accounts and store my artifacts then your claims are comical at best
Tell that to admins and provide proof. Until then your log looks like log of a cheater. It seems you and your old high school friend logged on from same IP. I do not have evidence, i did not even saw that until i was told about it.

Otherwise there would be no block i think. Maybe i'm wrong but that is something you should clear up with admins.

And i heard so many excuses about brothers, sisters, parents playing this game :D Comical, really comical.

He was using errors in the algorithm to defeat monsters that should not be defeated.

Not true.
All extrachars found will be blocked, and the owner will be subject to penalty or block.
So where is the penalty or block for this character if it’s associated with that character? So do the admins believe I am innocent or do they believe I am a pay pig? Which reason do they have to not punish this time???
They let you have your account. Mercy i guess, isn't that nice? Or you want to be blocked?

btw, someone reported you on .ru forums.
how about not talk shit and try to change the topic and accuse others?

Nobody gives a f about multi chars, I could care less about multi chars or these minor offenses. Its a HUGE difference that these scripters and toxic players trying to break the game and market every few months and getting caught

I dont give a shit i dont break no rules the only time i use extra char is to buy diamond and transfer gold to my account Its not my f fault xsolla does that shit n prevent me to buy diamonds on this acc, and if the game is gonna ban me for DONATING cuz they wont fix my shit then so be it LMAO.
I would advise you to drop this. Admins will do what they want in the end, it's their game and they do what they see as good for the game and their pockets in the end. I wouldl ike they use commons sense in punishing cheaters. Not all offences are equal and should be punished differently. Strict following of the rules by themselves would mean 50% of player base blocked.
After he accused me of owning additional accounts and messing around on forums :)
You wanna falsely accuse then I will definitely retaliate.
Otherwise, I couldn't give a f what u do.

Also the first person from com server I reported.
actually i already didnt care long ago lol, there is nothing to be commented about until they get unjailed. you and a few others are keeping the thread active, not me.
Wow, i won't say anything on this topic anymore. You just reported yourself. Please use brains and do not do that.

Its a HUGE difference that these scripters and toxic players trying to break the game and market every few months and getting caught

Sure it is and i WANT them BLOCKED! Who said anything different? I for sure did not.
Then why are u arguing with me bro? I am on your side rn LMAO
Amusing is kchong feeling accomplished for getting my friends account blocked who hasn’t been competitively active since 2014. Even more amusing is mellor assuming that no one was told about this game from a friend or family member and they never told another friend or family member about this game. Apparently knowing another person who plays the same game as you in real life is an unheard of concept for you??? I’m glad you have your sense of satisfaction kchong because your efforts have not effected my character at all
I'm not. I was replying to lord fallen. He accoused Leviofan of cheating and i explained that what he did was wrong but in the end he did not exploit the 'bug'. He did not break the 2.3 rule. Ofc he was very tempted to do so. But no evidence of profit and thus no punishment. That is all.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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