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AuthorGreat Contest

That is a monstrous level 16 player!
some battle are lost from the start like this


very pumped enemy + homeless and newbie teammate.
just look at his rune usage.

but the other battle are fine, some in my favor / balanced.
for Arcanide:
I was in a similar situation 2-3 years ago. Came back after 5 years break, also changed main faction and had a CL 13 / FSL 7 knight with WG 0. It took a lot of grinding, but now I am enjoying having a well developed character and performing well in events.

Please, do not join the club of whiners and people who "want everything and want it now". It is a long road ahead, but you will easily be above average in stats before you reach next CL and possibly TOP 100 when you are CL20. This path is not easy and requires patience, but the feeling of doing all the work is much more rewarding than getting everything for free.
Lottery event not skilled event. If I wasn’t so broke I would mirror everything lmao
aaaah an event where I will suck the most
at least I can take a break now from the game for a little while XD
Done with the event.

Good luck all :)
for virtual_vitrea:

Monstrous as he is, his control of troops do not seem to be as good as yours. E.g., diverting his abyss demons to kill the 6 crusaders instead of helping his fiends break your wall to the wardens is really baffling.
for bp99:
It was the right move there. My crusaders were standing on his horses' corpse to prevent consume corpse, and he needed that mana to keep my wardens cursed. He could not have killed defending griffins fast enough before the debuff from wardens ran out.
I see. Then he is doomed anyway, facing a better and stronger pro. :-D
Has any of you ever got a partner who couldn't even beat a computer enemy?
for bp99:
just have mirror in case of bad art teammate :D
Has any of you ever got a partner who couldn't even beat a computer enemy?
The event is flooded with players like these, so it really is a lottery. If you play for fun go ahead, but don't be surprise to have some mind blowing experience :)
The players who will do well are those who play solo factions. Don't even rely on your teammate.

I should play necromancer all the way but am trying to level my barbarian. Very sad to lose so many battkes.
Don't even rely on your teammate.

Wouldn't ur teammate feel the same way abt this?

Just asking a few legit doubts, don't take this the wrong way
The admins don't care about equal strength. Actually they want the top donators with their +15-20 premium points to keep pummeling the lesser premium pointed ones. So the top donators can flex their muscle and think they are the man. That high keeps them donating to keep getting their fix. For in this game the best do not get to compete the best but the way lesser ones.
Yeah, UCI is the proof.

Let's stop enrolling as a protest!
Let's stop enrolling as a protest!

Great idea, you start and we follow :p
One poor follow if stop enrolling alone won't effect anything >.>
unless its lawton 3:) then it might work
Wouldn't ur teammate feel the same way abt this?
It doesn't matter what ur teammate feel if they are weak or total noobs who dont know how to pvP.

Best carry urself for higher chance of win.
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