Author | Rayzar's rage |
If you use wait, 1 time, or 30 times -- you will receive maximum of number points of growth in initiative. Doesnt matter if its 1 or 30.
Are you sure that's the case?
Is it the same towards making it a melee hero or a shooter? I attack one time and I'll reap max possible benefits, similar to the person that attacked 4-5 times in that battle in order to make the hero stronger ?
In previous such events, more times you performed an action, merrier the stats/benefits you got. |
I see others with higher Attack, higher damage and even more shots. So yeah, nobody knows how the mechanism really works on how to gain what so practicly all will have different stats.
Did you check their ini? I'm pretty sure you have higher one than theirs (they should be at low end of 8 ini) |
for slayerofall:
Have been playing at least 3 of such type of events (>300 battles), it's not hard to tell how the mechanism works. |
In previous such events, more times you performed an action, merrier the stats/benefits you got.
It's definitely not the case. The total gain from each battle should be all the same for everyone. You actions only determine how to divide those gains into parameters. So really doesn't matter with how many actions you have taken or how long the battle is. The only things matter are the types of actions you take (e.g., waiting boosts ini etc.). The gain coefficients for each wave seem to be different though. I think it's higher for early stage of fights.
@Kunoichi_1 explained it quite well in his post which is based on daily and consistent with my understanding. |
Yeap, and its really tedious at the start,
If you plan on leveling up your attack and you always hit first turn, but u have to wait or move 1 time during that battle means you have had 2 actions.
-- Exp divided on 2 actions. That's what makes the stats differ so much between players who have done exactly the same thing, except 1 time.
If you can shoot 3 times and the battle hasnt run out, Rayzar is out of ammo so the 4th turn rayzar has his turn you either defend, walk or wait
-- u have done 2 actions that battle and your points are divided among those 2 actions.
in this same example if someone has used ranged attack 3 times, and before rayzar his turn comes he can finish the battle, he will have used only 1 action -- thus all points will move towards his 1 action: range.
It just is crucial if you want to level up only 1 thing, to end the battle before Rayzar is forced to use another action or is forced to die ( since dieing is also an action which levels up HP and def)
@21 from all the things i found on daily/russian forums/translations i'm lets say 99% certain about it ^^ |
Prolonging battles has no effect. Or does it? We can't know for sure. Admins keep those things secret. Would be too easy otherwise? :-) |
my dude after 50. kinda meh. wish i went shooter but what can ya do |
@21 from all the things i found on daily/russian forums/translations i'm lets say 99% certain about it ^^
Okay, thanks |
This makes no sense at all. I noticed in previous fights but last one was more evident. Shot 6 shots and defended 5 times. Result? +0,1 ini and some min-max raise. No sense. |
true i have been gaininng .1 innititative since 9.5 innit all the way to 10.7 and i havent waited 1 time with him. :) |
for mellor:
This makes no sense at all. I noticed in previous fights but last one was more evident. Shot 6 shots and defended 5 times. Result? +0,1 ini and some min-max raise. No sense.
Similar things happened in past events. I think there is a cap on how much you can develop in a certain direction. I guess is event level based, since you can have 2-3 fights doing the same actions but gaining different or no results and the next fight you see progress again. |
What you are all saying is all baloney. Nobody but the admins know, for all we know it could even be a random dice roll. I finished 50 and still have the exact same abilities that I had at wave 30.
I have seen others with bravery, double strike and even piercing shot. It is clear the admins are taking us for a ride. |
for Lawton:
It looks like focused on shooting and died more times than me.
I focused on melee and this is what I got: |
through 70. 61 and 62 were a pain in the azz
now its just gonna be the buff rayzor and keep him alive show.
75% armor pen and double strike with his stats. crazy dps |
Well looks like 52 is already a no pass for me. It all depends on abilities whether you have double strike, shielded etc. If you don't then admin will drain your gold like there is no tomorrow. Everyone that is still in the belief it is a fair process for everyone seriously needs a reality check.
I only gained 10.2 initiative after I kept on waiting the first dozen battles orso, after that I got nothing for initiative anymore while others that have never waited gained well beyond the 10.2 mark. Well done admins, you really made it a sport to keep screwing over your dwindling player base, may the next events be even more screwy. |
heres my 52, if you have anubis use them every fight. good bait/ retal takers/blockers |
for Lawton:
Hey Lawton, you can try this:
I don't have Anubis and seems like you also don't have them. You might be having these commonly available troops. |
I feel like I'm already on the losing side, having chosen the shooter build. Just saw a battle #70 with double strike and ignore defense 90%. Rayzar pretty much carries the whole battle with buffs from assisting units. |
shooters get double shot and no range penalty and piercing. you can do similar things with buffers and shooters will have more stats in attack and damage since they dont have to waste "experience" in getting additional movement speed. melle rayzor is terrible until double strike, then he is ok, ignore defense just makes him god mode and then you transition to senior genies+gnoll shamans buffing him and keeping him alive to win |
Nice.. so there is still hope for shooters. Unfortunately, I only have "no range penalty" so far. Piercing shot would be great and double shot would be awesome. Not sure if they have any ignore defense options for shooters. |