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Rayzar's rage


AuthorRayzar's rage
i tried several times with evasion+stoneskin and none of them were as close as the above attempt.
At this point, shielded ability seems to be must have one.
Here is shooter's hope :-)

Completed level: 90
Victories / Combats: 90 / 152
Attempts left: 1
Individual place: ~198
Clan points: 90

gold: 189,360
LG points: 90
armaments: 128
diamonds: 3
parts of artefact of Magma/Heaven: 35
stacks of LG: 7
parts of stacks of LG: 448

May use that last attempt, but I think I'm done
1. Is there a list of battles anywhere?
2. Can I join a clan on the lst day of the event?
3. Is there any Leg Script that still works, that shows all ways people have beaten a level?
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // On request]
3. Yes, there's an event helper script that will provide replays for the waves on the event page itself- https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/421913-hwm-ui-ux-mod

I am sorry. This was wrong ^

Correct link is - https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/399402-eventhelper
profitable event at the end, still missing some units, but it paid to be waiting and start late this time

and for those when you get 99 ignore defense, start shooting if affordable, maybe you can raise in this part also
Did anyone else develop savage ability?
I did. My Rayzar has a shitty build. No double strike and no double shot. It's been a torture to pull through all the levels while watching the others gliding through most of them in an ease. Just finished at 87.

And savage was the last ability I obtained, around level 80 or upper 70s. Nothing else happened to my Rayzar afterwards. Low A, low damage, low # of shots as a shooter. And no doubles! High initiative and can walk one more step than most other Rayzars, which are of not much use in this event.
for techy:
Did anyone else develop savage ability?

I never got Savage, don't know why. This is how it mine looked in the end:
Double strike and ignore defense 99% are much better than savage. I would be happy to trade savage with either one of them :-D
My Rayzar got double strike after using him as a shooter all campaign... No double shot either. I must have gotten unlucky.
I think those who developed Rayzar as a shooter then started melee will end with Savage. That's at least what I did, and it sounds like what bp99 did too.

It's a shame the abilities aren't a little more complex and creative. Imagine being able to move back and forth between tiles for a few battles to develop the strike and return. Or defending indefinitely to get concentration or wild reflexes.
That makes sense, I ended up with Savage and Double Strike. Now I think I should have focused earlier on my strategy. I finished at 79. Could have done better but it was a fun event.

Would appreciate if we could know which abilities we can develop or the experience to get them.
for bp99:
Double strike and ignore defense 99% are much better than savage. I would be happy to trade savage with either one of them :-D

I got them after losing 20 times on lvl 26...
But after than my hero was so strong that the next wall I hit was on lvl 90. And that's only because I couldn't resurrect him and had no Anubises. So I finished on 136...
Actually I think ignore defense 99% is a pretty useless ability, since Attack >>> Defense already. Damage is proportional to A-D iirc
Nice, my club nailed a top 3 by a small margin and level 87 is the highest I ever got in an event! I'm taking screenshots to save the record :-D
Actually I think ignore defense 99% is a pretty useless ability, since Attack >>> Defense already. Damage is proportional to A-D iirc

Why would this make it useless? Looking at the formula in "About the game", 10 hobgoblins deal 20 damage if A=D. For every point of attack greater than defense they deal 1 more damage. I don't see any diminishing returns.
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