What is the grasping of the unknown truth? The flight of an inquisitive thought over the raging ocean of thoughts. Through the squall wind of doubts, and amidst the storm of delusions. From the shore of questions to the distant lands of answers sought. This image is both simple and clear, and in its simplicity it can be insidious. Giving false hope and not allowing one to stop halfway in the middle of the ocean. But what if those distant lands are just like this one, filled with the same questions? Should one continue moving forward until returning to the familiar shores of hopeless despair? Or should one stop, letting it sink among the waves that it, in ignorance, was so afraid to touch? Perhaps the answers are hidden beneath them, in the unfathomable depths.
Lords and Ladies! The journey through the vastness of the foggy and mysterious past has come to an end. Its sudden ending has left a number of questions that have yet to be answered. Court mage Abu-Bakir and Warlord Grammith thank everyone who responded to this call, and steadfastly ensured the safety of the expedition. For the hardiness and bravery shown, everyone, who succeeded in defeating the 12th battle stage, have received a present in the form of a unique artifact. Its durability depends on the number of points earned and the combat level!
Special thanks are also given to the top 75 military clans — a well-deserved reward and the loyalty of new followers awaits all deserving ones who have brought at least 400 points to the clan:
Clan rank | Reward | Glory | | 1 | | 1,500 | | 2 | | 1,300 | | 3 | | 1,100 | | 4 | | 1,000 | | 5 - 8 | | 900 | | 9 - 13 | | 800 | | 14 - 20 | | 600 | | 21 - 30 | | 500 | 21. | #10557 |  Dracarys | 85,023 | 22. | #17 |  Авалон | 83,840 | 23. | #12234 |  Санаторий Виктория | 83,812 | 24. | #10886 |  Гиперборея 1685 | 82,456 | 25. | #73 |  Орден Джедаев | 81,229 | 26. | #965 |  Земли Эльмора | 80,076 | 27. | #782 |  Легион Грешников | 78,612 | 28. | #5169 |  Белые волки | 78,588 | 29. | #2517 |  The Dedicated Fighters | 74,730 | 30. | #2302 |  II legion of Elfius | 72,513 |
| 31 - 45 | | 400 | 31. | #10877 |  Warsong Outriders | 71,163 | 32. | #276 |  Молот Ведьм | 70,582 | 33. | #2735 |  Ангелы смерти | 69,396 | 34. | #12447 |  † Kings † | 68,976 | 35. | #10592 |  Холодная Сталь | 68,401 | 36. | #5063 |  Midgard | 67,708 | 37. | #8433 |  _Чудная Долина_ | 66,258 | 38. | #302 |  Орден Единых | 64,564 | 39. | #1512 |  † Nekropolis † | 64,500 | 40. | #57 |  Тридевятое королевство | 63,392 | 41. | #10721 |  Fire Kingdom | 62,734 | 42. | #346 |  Свои | 61,938 | 43. | #493 |  Говорящие с Ветром | 61,221 | 44. | #6666 |  Heart of Chornobyl | 61,108 | 45. | #10399 |  Ни шагу назад! | 60,559 |
| 46 - 60 | | 250 | 46. | #6118 |  Владыки Мира Империи | 60,087 | 47. | #3346 |  Радуга | 59,391 | 48. | #3303 |  Украина. Ярость Севера | 58,132 | 49. | #5041 |  Орион | 56,699 | 50. | #27 |  Орда | 55,392 | 51. | #2230 |  Агенты Хаоса | 54,389 | 52. | #5722 |  Галерея Теней | 52,201 | 53. | #3975 |  Степное Братство | 52,027 | 54. | #12045 |  Тёмная Империя | 50,788 | 55. | #1271 |  Братство Героев | 49,879 | 56. | #12186 |  Монетный двор | 49,313 | 57. | #728 |  Улей | 47,978 | 58. | #12385 |  Loyal Squad | 47,973 | 59. | #1317 |  Чёрный Эльфийский Легион | 46,974 | 60. | #63 |  Desperados | 45,553 |
| 61 - 75 | | 100 | 61. | #1787 |  Scorpion | 44,756 | 62. | #15 |  Destiny | 43,322 | 63. | #7705 |  † Angels & Demons ? | 42,289 | 64. | #9970 |  Holy Legion | 40,818 | 65. | #522 |  Властители семи ветров | 39,944 | 66. | #12800 |  Торговцы Смертью | 39,828 | 67. | #7490 |  Rising Phoenix | 39,793 | 68. | #1488 |  Тёмная лига Некромантов | 38,004 | 69. | #12730 |  Братство без Знамени | 35,033 | 70. | #179 |  Набат | 31,415 | 71. | #12497 |  Крылья Мантикоры | 27,909 | 72. | #933 |  Warriors | 27,743 | 73. | #11576 |  Украина. Огнем и Мечом | 24,729 | 74. | #4538 |  Изумрудные воины | 23,158 | 75. | #1254 |  Миракулюс | 23,157 |
Special attention is deserved to the 5,000 Lords and Ladies who have scored the most points. This accomplishment will certainly not go unnoticed by new devoted followers!
Lord/Lady rank | Reward | 1 - 50 | | 51 - 100 | | 101 - 200 | | 201 - 400 | | 401 - 650 | | 651 - 1000 | | 1001 - 1500 | | 1501 - 2250 | | 2251 - 3000 | | 3001 - 3750 | | 3751 - 5000 | |
The names of the best will be carried through the ages by time itself:
Time keeps its secrets! |