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recruit speed not increasing in conspirator quest? | 10.22, 07:30 | 6 |  gonlador | 10.22, 10:33, by  zephyr_pro | thief inv. | 10.22, 09:00 | 3 | THE--BLITZ | 10.22, 09:12, by Lord Hallion91 | Players that run away in battles | 10.20, 05:09 | 8 | Lady kandy | 10.22, 00:05, by candies | Thief Invitation | 10.20, 14:45 | 18 | varun_sanklecha | 10.21, 21:11, by Lord Edwin1908 | How to enter in Mercenaries' guild? | 10.21, 17:44 | 8 | demolidor1000 | 10.21, 19:23, by xCNxNanda | Why | 10.20, 13:50 | 7 | cettik5 | 10.21, 12:46, by  merlin36 | AI has been changed? | 10.21, 10:27 | 7 | Yuri_Gagarin | 10.21, 10:52, by Yuri_Gagarin | factory work | 10.21, 06:14 | 6 | hetal7827 | 10.21, 08:02, by crys41 | enroll problem.. | 10.21, 07:16 | 2 | Mingles | 10.21, 07:22, by Lady Takesister | level 8 tg | 10.20, 23:00 | 7 | Lathor | 10.21, 04:34, by Lathor | resource | 10.20, 16:39 | 5 | Dbest | 10.21, 02:18, by  Lord eddyimmanuel | TG elf vs necro | 10.20, 21:22 | 5 | TheMarsh | 10.20, 21:31, by TheMarsh | enrollment code | 10.20, 15:19 | 4 | theangrybarb | 10.20, 15:36, by theangrybarb | About Invitation program | 10.20, 07:49 | 8 | Lord Intelegent | 10.20, 14:17, by LITWIN | Banned from forum | 10.20, 05:18 | 5 | candies | 10.20, 07:04, by  Lord Patrickou | venomancer artifacts | 10.20, 00:06 | 2 | theangrybarb | 10.20, 00:20, by Lord DragonEater | artifact question | 10.19, 20:08 | 3 | DarkDubith | 10.20, 00:02, by DarkDubith | repay loan | 10.19, 16:37 | 5 | thepagal363 | 10.19, 17:51, by WoodBox | Strange ocurance | 10.18, 12:26 | 13 | Tialian | 10.19, 16:40, by Tialian | What is the meaning of [10] at a thief battle? | 10.19, 13:02 | 12 |  AKA-Sarobinas | 10.19, 14:12, by  Lord eddyimmanuel | What is the chance of lloting arts in CG battles | 10.19, 11:41 | 7 |  Lord Khellendros | 10.19, 12:13, by  Lord Khellendros | hunt reward | 10.18, 17:15 | 7 | Sudipto | 10.19, 11:36, by  Lord Patrickou | increesing range damg. | 10.18, 21:21 | 8 | Baloo-the-Bear | 10.19, 10:48, by Baloo-the-Bear | Loss of all shots | 10.19, 00:36 | 14 | Lord Desent | 10.19, 10:21, by  Lord eddyimmanuel | multi to main | 10.19, 07:31 | 5 | elfmaniac | 10.19, 08:47, by elfmaniac | Mercenaries' guild | 10.19, 00:52 | 3 | Lord Indeec | 10.19, 01:53, by Lord Indeec | Private/Team chat in Battle? | 10.18, 16:17 | 7 | Unsichtbaer | 10.18, 17:27, by  Lord DEATHisNEAR | About Russian server | 10.18, 15:14 | 3 | Lord rehaanrulz | 10.18, 15:21, by  merlin36 | is there a link for this?(info about arts) | 10.17, 21:33 | 4 | Lord Apocalyptum | 10.18, 14:37, by Lord Apocalyptum | recruits | 10.18, 10:23 | 10 | Mishakal | 10.18, 12:24, by Pang |