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Topic Date
Author Last message
Bullet POint in battles11.13, 21:125Lord Andre300011.13, 21:50, by Lord Andre3000
Dwarves11.13, 17:055Lord Forlan11.13, 18:25, by #7181Omega22
How I can call for help?11.13, 16:043Gilvirian11.13, 16:08, by Gilvirian
LG table11.13, 12:554Lord shawnanston11.13, 15:25, by #7181Omega22
Commanders Guild??11.13, 12:115Lord FireKing11.13, 13:11, by #7181Omega22
Event creatures - huntable?11.10, 00:2518Phil_Odaerin11.13, 12:49, by Phil_Odaerin
'weighty weapon' without advanced offence?11.13, 11:004Lord lair11.13, 11:05, by Lord lair
fsp11.12, 16:175Farty_Pants11.13, 10:26, by Farty_Pants
magic proof (resistance)11.13, 08:474evilSanta11.13, 10:04, by vidlak666
roulette11.13, 07:574lord_ganesh11.13, 08:05, by DeathCr4zy
weaker caravan11.12, 20:405Laco2411.13, 06:51, by Laco24
Durability/ Ap Rule11.13, 02:5910Yahtzee11.13, 06:19, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Transfer Log filters!11.13, 05:037ipslne11.13, 05:27, by ipslne
Balancing11.13, 03:504Yahtzee11.13, 03:59, by Yahtzee
who is leading?11.13, 03:023Lord shawnanston11.13, 03:10, by Lord shawnanston
Snitches and illegal transferring11.12, 23:5225AnonymousPilou11.13, 01:57, by #7365Slynky
elexir of restauration11.13, 01:412Netabenna11.13, 01:44, by Lady Straws
3Rd Minor Tournament ??11.12, 23:113Lord FireKing11.12, 23:27, by Lord FireKing
Equilibrium blade11.12, 20:026LADimir11.12, 20:11, by LADimir
Minor Tournaments11.12, 14:429Abhishek2311.12, 18:17, by #7181Omega22
Can i get gold by this...11.10, 13:3910CellDo11.12, 17:16, by Lord Agelage
needed help11.12, 15:362minormagi11.12, 15:39, by DarkNekro
Breakruler has to be punnished somehow !11.12, 10:539nouri11.12, 14:43, by Lord Agelage
magic shield11.12, 14:223Dark_X_Shadow11.12, 14:30, by Lord Agelage
TGI11.11, 18:446Penguinmaniac11.12, 13:29, by Lord Agelage
Insufficient troops11.12, 11:582Lord Jeverag11.12, 13:28, by #4201Lord Pantheon
RE:Hunting guild list11.12, 10:457thebadman11.12, 12:08, by Lord Agelage
Donation In The Clan11.12, 09:3410Blue-Boy11.12, 10:38, by Blue-Boy
clan selling11.12, 10:272cyberlord11.12, 10:30, by Lord Agelage
Hunting guild list11.12, 10:093thebadman11.12, 10:26, by thebadman

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