Forums-->Off-game forum <|96|97|98|99|100|101|102|103|104|105|106|>
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wanna buy a BOX? | 12.03, 08:31 | 1 | Lord Mr-Lord | 12.03, 08:31, by Lord Mr-Lord | Monster hunter anyone? | 12.03, 04:03 | 7 | Nebuchadnezzar | 12.03, 07:04, by gurumao | Old timers game! | 12.02, 05:20 | 4 | Lord Chance12 | 12.02, 22:18, by Lord Chance12 | [Poll] If you started New in the game! | 11.25, 14:27 | 27 | Lord magicboy | 12.02, 12:37, by SurSE | Same EXP, same FSP. Irony? | 11.30, 09:23 | 8 | Lord arcanyx | 12.01, 22:16, by diversecity | Lucky number :) | 12.01, 07:56 | 5 | Lord ZGM | 12.01, 14:18, by Lord toster | Merry Christmas everyone :):) | 12.01, 07:59 | 4 | nffckid | 12.01, 09:29, by Lord Kotrin | anyone? | 11.30, 18:09 | 5 | Darkclaws | 12.01, 07:58, by Lord xXxKratosxXx | who had rent TGI this month.. | 11.16, 13:22 | 145 | Lord angah160 | 11.30, 17:00, by hiddenshadow | lock at this outch | 11.30, 10:29 | 3 | Lord Sleipnir | 11.30, 10:43, by Sven91 | Q&A | 11.14, 10:37 | 190 | power9000 | 11.30, 05:48, by Lord Mr-Lord | hydras or unicorns? | 11.29, 20:21 | 12 | Darkclaws | 11.30, 04:46, by Lord veteran | look at this fight | 11.30, 01:51 | 3 | padawan123 | 11.30, 03:45, by Dan-Panic | Which is better | 11.29, 07:22 | 19 | Lord ZGM | 11.30, 01:06, by Lord ZGM | Hello! | 11.29, 13:08 | 7 | Dainis | 11.29, 15:25, by Dainis | Zombieani! | 11.29, 13:14 | 1 | power9000 | 11.29, 13:14, by power9000 | best tier 6 creature | 11.27, 11:50 | 14 | Lord basin | 11.29, 05:14, by sjb50 | For all Dark Elfs | 11.03, 11:26 | 10 | expert | 11.29, 01:35, by Nutella | beautiful results | 11.25, 15:55 | 4 | Lord basin | 11.28, 18:12, by king_of_gunner | The Whining Topic (aka What Grind my Gears) | 11.11, 01:57 | 62 | gurumao | 11.28, 16:13, by TimeWaster | elven and fk | 11.25, 15:06 | 5 | Lord basin | 11.28, 11:19, by Lord basin | Happy Thanksgiving! | 11.26, 14:41 | 2 | diversecity | 11.27, 22:54, by Lord Ghost_Face | Very funny battle :) | 11.27, 21:57 | 2 | Lord Ghost_Face | 11.27, 22:44, by Lord Ghost_Face | 6 consec stuns | 11.27, 09:37 | 7 | navimegaman | 11.27, 13:29, by elbuster | Kiaune comes back | 11.27, 07:20 | 7 | ForestFighter | 11.27, 12:34, by Goku_30 | who from georgia? | 11.26, 08:09 | 11 | Lord angah160 | 11.26, 15:25, by Lord angah160 | Hunters' guild: 4 (444.44) | 11.25, 11:34 | 5 | Lord Io-AKA-oI | 11.26, 08:39, by magici | onotole otake!!!! | 11.25, 15:36 | 1 | Lord GArGuTZ | 11.25, 15:36, by Lord GArGuTZ | most unlucky mercenary quest ever | 11.24, 13:13 | 5 | Lord SONYcz | 11.25, 04:50, by SwordX | Ukraine | 11.24, 16:22 | 6 | Lord Ndre | 11.24, 23:08, by Lady Takesister |