Forums-->Off-game forum <|119|120|121|122|123|124|125|126|127|128|129|>
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Did you know? | 06.18, 15:36 | 6 | Dance_of_soul | 06.19, 16:55, by Lord Salah_ad-Din | Flash and PHP | 06.19, 14:45 | 1 | yinYang | 06.19, 14:45, by yinYang | do you the most deserve it? | 05.01, 05:27 | 29 | spartan300 | 06.19, 14:34, by  DeasprateDesire | Looking for a husband | 06.18, 08:35 | 19 | Lady Alternativko | 06.19, 13:36, by Lady Alternativko | This is fun! | 06.19, 13:01 | 3 | Lord Ajanie | 06.19, 13:12, by Lord Ajanie | differend game | 06.18, 01:44 | 5 | monster-411 | 06.18, 13:34, by Lady Straws | transfromer | 06.18, 12:44 | 2 | spartan300 | 06.18, 12:46, by  Santremus | beer-companion | 06.18, 09:01 | 3 | Lord Barilla | 06.18, 09:11, by zac_the_mighty | Importance of conserving hunts for the future? | 06.18, 02:51 | 8 | Kiz | 06.18, 07:41, by Lord Barilla | who want to duel for funa and xp, pm me | 06.18, 02:27 | 2 | FastGambler1980 | 06.18, 02:27, by FastGambler1980 | Clans | 06.18, 02:17 | 1 | hockeymaniac | 06.18, 02:17, by hockeymaniac | Our best roulette players | 06.17, 11:30 | 17 | Hard0wn3r | 06.17, 21:26, by RandhyTheDarks | Goodbye topics? | 06.16, 00:30 | 5 |  Lord Cascol | 06.17, 10:44, by Zyanya | Have you noticed? | 06.16, 13:18 | 13 | shomfrey | 06.16, 16:18, by Likourgos3 | Discussion Thead: Rise of a Knight | 05.26, 01:58 | 15 | AJackal | 06.16, 15:28, by AJackal | Ronaldo goes to Real Madrid | 06.11, 09:10 | 17 | StevieG | 06.16, 15:23, by Lord SpecialOne | Need contact to player "Knives" | 06.16, 13:06 | 1 | LordSchniesel | 06.16, 13:06, by LordSchniesel | Anti_Roullette why block good player | 06.16, 06:32 | 2 | Blanks | 06.16, 06:34, by  Lord Kotrin | Looking for a wife! | 06.10, 19:03 | 44 | NatureLord | 06.16, 06:32, by  Lord Nebiros92 | anyone | 06.09, 22:12 | 14 |  Lord lukeman56789 | 06.16, 06:29, by  Lord Nebiros92 | MALAYSIA or any aseans | 05.18, 18:29 | 93 | Bevan | 06.16, 05:32, by GreenLeaf | I am leaving... | 06.15, 15:32 | 5 | Lord feelmypower | 06.15, 16:16, by RandhyTheDarks | For all my Friends and Enemies ! | 06.15, 10:45 | 11 | Lord feelmypower | 06.15, 15:20, by  Lord Kotrin | need tips | 05.23, 11:53 | 32 | Terengganu | 06.15, 09:43, by Lord Head-Shot | msn or face book | 06.13, 18:59 | 12 | _ElfWarrior_ | 06.14, 10:42, by Abyss_XenoEvan | how have you joined HWM? | 05.03, 09:28 | 12 | Lord etc | 06.14, 07:12, by Romiah | Age PLEASE READ!!!! | 06.08, 17:00 | 27 | Jimaster | 06.13, 16:36, by ishan | a name for the empire | 06.09, 21:14 | 34 | Zarebrant | 06.13, 12:44, by drakelord | Electro-static | 06.11, 14:22 | 18 | mollore | 06.13, 12:30, by diversecity | Job offer! (for real) | 06.02, 23:29 | 21 | telca | 06.13, 05:57, by ForestFighter |