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Topic Date
Author Last message
r3buss - HG708.03, 11:2010crys4108.03, 21:04, by Lord DragonEater
TaQQ - lv 1708.02, 08:4513walker08.03, 20:17, by walker
Great "DragonEater" is in level 10 now..08.01, 07:2821#9595Lord eddyimmanuel08.03, 04:57, by qulows
NECRO_PL ---> 7lvl07.31, 14:3310Lukasz2408.03, 02:39, by #9595Lord eddyimmanuel
alfqwer 4 Skill Wizard!08.02, 12:0812Lord alfqwer08.02, 18:14, by PenetratingShot
jogamen --> lvl 14!07.29, 12:4426#7490overclocker08.02, 11:28, by Lord crazyfrog20
Tattersail is lvl 1307.29, 11:499#9595Lord hablaty08.02, 06:28, by Lord crazyfrog20
EddyImmanuel CL 12 ^^07.28, 12:4528_TheShaman_08.01, 15:05, by Lord crazyfrog20
B_4_U - Lvl 7 !07.31, 11:576H4bro07.31, 22:29, by Lord Jedi-Knight
Bro - Power.07.29, 00:3210Ouzu07.30, 20:30, by PenetratingShot
Khellendros level 1407.28, 22:3021Lady Loricia07.30, 18:07, by Lord syrian
Edwin1908 -> level 15 & DE 907.10, 21:5028#7153Lord DEATHisNEAR07.29, 17:26, by stoter
Macsek91 -> Faction 10!07.22, 18:1829Lord ZenoMX07.29, 15:25, by Lady sry
Magnus79 ===> 15 lvl !!!07.28, 00:2817mieciutki8307.29, 12:54, by __INKWIZYTOR__
agent_004 --> the new Thief in town!07.26, 19:0618Lord syrian07.29, 02:49, by #9595Lord eddyimmanuel
YaY I get MG 4 !07.26, 16:4926Lady sry07.27, 14:59, by Goku_30
DragonEater -> New Sage ^^07.25, 10:1626Lord golovolom07.27, 09:58, by #7153Lady hpsim
YaY I get HG 6 !07.24, 06:3426Lady sry07.27, 08:57, by Lady sry
coolahed [15] Top Level!07.21, 06:5856#4201Lord Pantheon07.27, 08:14, by #4201virtual_vitrea
jedi knight-8 th place!07.23, 05:2116Acron07.26, 19:49, by _TheShaman_
MrNiceGuy - Level 1507.25, 13:2219Lord InNomineNoctis07.26, 13:45, by Lord Atheros
Gratz Endwiggin, Finally MG 507.25, 17:1312_TheShaman_07.26, 12:30, by joechue
Ziu ---> Level 1507.23, 20:2222Soturi57007.24, 18:26, by Lord crazyfrog20
Gratz Kusika TG 907.20, 02:3927_TheShaman_07.23, 13:29, by Lord JoseyWales
leothegreat-lvl 707.23, 06:354Acron07.23, 06:51, by Lord golovolom
Grats Asesino21 for Commanders Guild Level 107.22, 15:3911Lord Bareonchen07.23, 05:13, by Lady Mohini
aakash09kld --> CL1107.22, 01:549EndWiggin07.22, 12:39, by #9595merlin36
BoJIoD9I - 11 racial!07.12, 12:3064#7153Lord cantbstopped07.21, 06:11, by KnightSlayer
Dziadu-8 th level hunter's guild07.17, 08:5123Acron07.19, 14:16, by dziadu
DonOctavio is lvl 9 :o)07.18, 16:3910#9595Lord hablaty07.19, 12:13, by Lady sry

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