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Gratitudes and congratulations


Topic Date
Author Last message
Gratz EddyImmanuel Finally TG 107.18, 22:5515_TheShaman_07.19, 11:34, by Lady Mohini
Grats to golovolom: four levels same ST07.17, 12:3520Sven9107.19, 04:43, by Lord golovolom
** Viola17 => level 12 **07.13, 23:3922#7705Lord Fosgeen07.18, 16:05, by #7153Lord RicHunter
ZenoMX==>> comat level 1507.10, 13:3836Lord Edwin190807.18, 07:45, by Sven91
heat7ses - - = = > Level 14 !07.15, 00:4325Lord Jedi-Knight07.16, 05:14, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
Congratz new moderators!07.13, 16:236Acron07.16, 05:09, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
Litwin 12lvl07.02, 07:4536dziadu07.15, 22:17, by #7153Flour
EndWiggin reaches level 1107.14, 14:3523Woundy07.14, 18:02, by #9595Lord hablaty
naapa92 - lvl 15 !07.10, 13:3545Lady sry07.14, 10:38, by Goku_30
** Skunder; Lvl 9! **07.12, 03:0023Lord ZenoMX07.13, 22:33, by Skunder
gratz to all new estate owners...07.13, 15:4811Lord Barilla07.13, 20:20, by #7153limustudotcom
"frozen-elf" becomes 13 +++07.12, 01:1215koushik_great07.13, 12:56, by Lord syrian
Alando-Thiefs guild level 8!07.04, 12:4612Acron07.12, 14:40, by Acron
congrats to my friend07.12, 11:184pradhyum07.12, 13:08, by Lord Jedi-Knight
cakur ==>> Level 13!07.07, 19:1316Bartek00907.12, 13:02, by Lord TigerClaw
BoJIoD9I - Commanders guild - Lvl 2!!!!07.08, 22:4142Lord Kusika07.12, 00:10, by Lord Jeverag
Mathangi-lvl 3 skeletal bows!07.10, 13:576Acron07.11, 16:00, by #7110Lord Gangstarr
-BlackOp- Defeated Sir_Artisian Easily!07.10, 13:491narutoayan07.10, 13:49, by narutoayan
happy birthday Jedi-knight07.06, 16:5170#9595Lord Patrickou07.08, 11:35, by #9595Lord Patrickou
xxxsaber-lvl 6 mg!07.06, 11:3817Acron07.08, 09:44, by LITWIN
Jedi-Knight --> Top 1007.03, 16:0851Lord syrian07.06, 16:54, by jfranklin88
xxxsaber-5 level mg!07.06, 11:352Acron07.06, 11:36, by Acron
TaQQ - - = = > Historical 20,000th Combats Fought !06.29, 00:4835Lord Jedi-Knight07.05, 10:57, by Ayush5
I_Luv_2_hate--------------->lvl 907.05, 05:214Mitashjain07.05, 05:54, by elfmaniac
nazar_ko - - = = > Combat Level 12 !07.03, 17:596Lord Jedi-Knight07.05, 04:01, by coolahed
Smaskir - Level 13!!06.27, 23:4810#9595thaidye1507.04, 00:53, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Gratz !! >> Litwin !! >> 10000 Enrolls !!07.02, 12:3412#7705-_NO--NAME_-07.03, 17:17, by #9595Lord xxxSaber
Link --> Level 1407.01, 22:3314Lord molstesss07.03, 12:56, by #4201Lord Robai
Edwin1908 --->lvl 15!!!07.02, 16:4034coolahed07.03, 10:20, by Lord Kiskoko
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! <FROZEN-ELF>07.03, 02:344koushik_great07.03, 05:19, by #7705Lord Reaperthug

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