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Topic Date
Author Last message
walker ------> level 12!!!09.03, 17:398lik09.03, 22:32, by walker
DarknessDoom advances to lvl 909.02, 09:088Pranju9609.03, 18:39, by #4201Lord Robai
bonedragon ==> level 14!08.26, 18:3522Lady Laitha09.02, 23:02, by #7153limustudotcom
latawica ---> level 1308.28, 21:3615Koniczek09.02, 17:54, by Lord Ghost_Face
hemsesh lvl 7!09.02, 11:231Mr-Owner09.02, 11:23, by Mr-Owner
maliczyz Lv 14!09.01, 20:2611#7279MoxSapphire09.02, 07:57, by Lord Barilla
I am a millionaire08.30, 22:1323God_of_LWM09.02, 06:23, by coolahed
Antviolence --> lvl12!08.29, 23:0517#4201SwitchBlad308.30, 18:42, by #4201Lord Robai
RaWrKiki===>>>level 508.29, 00:353nobodiez08.29, 16:31, by #4201Lord Robai
Hell_Barbarian---->> Lvl 8 !!08.23, 09:3116Dragon-Booster08.27, 11:29, by Hell_Barbarian
djfranki 14lvl!!08.23, 19:0119dziadu08.26, 22:38, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Agent_004 ==== lvl 808.25, 06:1711qio08.26, 14:32, by DarknessDoom
xCNxNanda level 1308.24, 19:5716#9595Lord Patrickou08.25, 22:01, by azabukinie
Pedro76 reached lvl 1208.24, 19:185#9595RZeee08.25, 10:03, by #4201Lord Robai
Craig080 --> lvl 708.18, 04:225#7279Lord binghuo08.24, 06:01, by #4201Lord Robai
virusz --> level 1308.23, 09:305crys4108.23, 18:35, by Lukasz24
Jiang_Wei lvl 8!!!08.22, 19:124Lord Jiang_Wei08.23, 06:51, by #4201Lord Robai
grats marked_one become rank 2!08.14, 16:1914Lord moro8808.22, 18:51, by Lord Toshiro
MADjohny hunter record-lvl 44 bandits08.21, 18:473Lord Jiang_Wei08.22, 15:54, by Lord Jiang_Wei
markes_one... the second top player....08.21, 13:593fireblazer-lion08.21, 14:30, by fireblazer-lion
RADO --->14lvl08.15, 23:1130Lukasz2408.21, 12:50, by #7490Lord PenTus
#425 The Witchers Guild - New MC !08.17, 17:4233Lord ZenoMX08.21, 11:55, by Lord Edwin1908
Hellfalcon --> 8 lvl08.19, 07:373#4201Lord Robai08.19, 08:53, by survive
yijiaguanjun --> lvl 1108.18, 01:468#7279Lord binghuo08.19, 07:35, by darmogathel
A very old and respected players is baaaaaaaaack!08.18, 06:399coolahed08.18, 23:16, by MangaBlanco
Indonesian Independence Day08.17, 01:189Lord Someon308.18, 12:43, by Norka
dziadu ---> Combats fought: 1000008.12, 12:4817Lord LORD_Destruktor08.17, 03:14, by Javi
jap30 -> level 1408.09, 08:1219crys4108.16, 18:15, by #7365Slynky
agent_004 won the tournament08.15, 19:574Lord iqo08.15, 20:16, by agent_004
Bildukas ---> 14level!!08.13, 19:0615Skarbonke08.15, 18:59, by ElfMoon

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