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Topic Date
Author Last message
Niranjan gets Knight fsl 10!!!11.22, 09:2914ayush2011.22, 20:25, by Niranjan
Marriage of this year :o11.12, 20:4128#9595eddy_immanuel11.21, 06:13, by vicky666
warlock naviron reaches level 14 ! (almost) :P11.14, 20:5830#4201virtual_vitrea11.21, 03:39, by #7490avelox
Antim reaches lv1511.17, 17:207RevolutionRebel11.19, 08:42, by #7279ppt_dragon
Lord selfist [16]--> Now a Elit Hunter !!! HG811.16, 17:5720Poison Ivy11.18, 20:44, by Lord selfist
Lord Wiser1 is now CL16!11.14, 23:0926vbFifi11.18, 07:09, by Dionysus
Tony - LG level 1010.31, 16:0429Erekose11.16, 15:05, by Cthulhunick
_Sworks_ reaches CL 11!11.12, 13:3321Pankaj_Kalra2111.16, 12:34, by -Loricia-
laco24 necro fsl 1111.09, 16:3121Lady Abby11.16, 10:38, by -Loricia-
Bullet Dodger ==> CL 1211.14, 14:196I_N_S_A_N_E11.15, 21:08, by Bullet Dodger
Lord zombie-slayer reaches TG 511.06, 18:1212#7490barbmaster11.14, 16:59, by -Loricia-
barbmaster ==> CL 1111.12, 15:1119I_N_S_A_N_E11.14, 14:09, by K91
Luanmaca -> Lvl 1311.09, 12:5513Levittoux11.12, 03:28, by #9595Sir Hablaty
gonlador - Lvl 1810.28, 15:0324ElfPride11.11, 20:08, by Sir Jedi Knight
happy birthday bullet dodger!!11.10, 18:0210vicky66611.11, 03:24, by #4201_Sworks_
Our dear herald turned combat level 1311.06, 22:4442#1209Edwin11.10, 22:31, by Lady Laitha
Draco77 in level 14 *Cool*11.08, 23:5315#9595eddy_immanuel11.10, 12:20, by Laco24
Jedi-Girl -- CL 711.06, 00:3412#7705Warlock naviron11.08, 13:01, by _elf_007_
Krogoth CL1011.03, 03:0115#7705death2all11.06, 06:26, by Dragon Eater
Prajoy reaches level 14 :)11.03, 17:389vbFifi11.03, 23:12, by BeneGesserit
warrior100 reach level 911.03, 09:377warrior10011.03, 19:51, by #9595eddy_immanuel
happy diwali11.02, 10:2721vicky66611.03, 07:43, by #9595Igles
Happy Diwali11.02, 15:252God-of-God11.02, 18:38, by Wertz
**Jitulek reach level 17 **10.28, 13:0830#4201Lord Khellendros11.01, 06:25, by #4201virtual_vitrea
Fire-King level up to 1410.28, 23:3114Topseh10.31, 05:26, by #4201Enano_
Levittoux reach LG 10!10.20, 17:1124crys4110.30, 02:01, by #4201_Sworks_
Poison Ivy [15] reach fsp lvl 1010.23, 15:4618Topseh10.29, 00:29, by Poison Ivy
AzagToth_com -> Smiths' guild: 910.26, 23:2010#7490AzagToth_com10.28, 17:53, by #4201manufc21999r
Jitulek reaches CL 17!10.28, 13:091Pankaj_Kalra2110.28, 13:09, by Pankaj_Kalra21
eddy_immanuel reaches LG8!10.20, 15:1229Levittoux10.27, 08:46, by #9595eddy_immanuel

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