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Topic Date
Author Last message
DarkCirus -> Combat Level 1309.29, 21:276#7490AzagToth_com10.03, 11:57, by Sir Jedi Knight
Stupefy- level 1109.27, 14:2814Dkhinght10.03, 11:39, by Sir Jedi Knight
Lycanthrope ---> Level 5!!!10.01, 01:2315#4201_Sworks_10.03, 11:38, by Sir Jedi Knight
GodFather_Nekr 50k FSP as necro10.01, 09:183#9595RZeee10.01, 12:40, by devin_2011
Congrats to all Angels & Demons Members - For A Server Record To Be Proud Of09.06, 17:5159Sir Jedi Knight10.01, 00:18, by Lycanthrope
The Jedi did it !!09.28, 12:2152messi_roxx1009.30, 20:26, by #9595Lord Patrickou
Hashisfun- The God of Quick Tourney, Won all 27 Medals !!!09.23, 23:3817Poison Ivy09.28, 17:51, by #7705-_NO--NAME_-
RevolutionRebel reaches CL 1409.27, 18:0914#7490Electivire09.28, 14:23, by #7705vbFifi
Sir Jedi Knight reached level 19! :)09.28, 12:592_elf_007_09.28, 13:16, by Brock_Lesnar
>> Levittoux, the first .com player here with HG9! <<09.26, 18:1734#9595Tony09.28, 00:23, by #7490Father PenTus
RevolutionRebel reaches CG3 at CL 13!09.24, 22:5520liuker09.27, 18:08, by #7490Electivire
Lord Geremica, CG109.25, 11:5819Dionysus09.27, 11:27, by #4201Lord Khellendros
gmt325gh reaches commander guild level 2.09.23, 06:517#4201virtual_vitrea09.27, 03:01, by Sir Jedi Knight
Konan_D CG 1!!! :)09.24, 17:5910narutoayan09.27, 02:55, by Sir Jedi Knight
CreatorOfWidows -- 3 x 300009.25, 14:0520#7705Mr Aivaras09.27, 02:51, by Sir Jedi Knight
Pankaj_Kalra21 >> DE racial 9 <<09.25, 12:3913Bartek00909.27, 01:52, by astorgate
Krogh reaches level 9!09.26, 03:206#4201_Sworks_09.26, 19:59, by Dragjons90
The nothing reaches CL 1409.25, 16:0612molstesss09.26, 19:56, by Dragjons90
Vicky666 --lvl 10!09.22, 12:3020devin_201109.24, 19:59, by vicky666
Happy Birthday to Curcu and me :D09.21, 10:1122Pankaj_Kalra2109.23, 23:13, by #4201Enano_
Congratulations - ppt_dragon as new Dragon Slaughter Clan Leader!09.22, 05:3626#7279MoxSapphire09.23, 15:19, by pro_13
Arcanide knight fsl 1109.20, 03:5322Lady Abby09.22, 19:54, by kushagra5
astorgate reached FSL 909.20, 19:588ASTOR8409.22, 15:23, by WoodBox
Advance Happy birthday devin !09.20, 20:4711vicky66609.21, 21:26, by devin_2011
pro_13 CL 1209.17, 12:2617REd Pois0n09.21, 15:14, by #9595RZeee
_elf_007_ reaches level9!09.17, 12:1012sarvesh3909.21, 05:17, by vicky666
Levittoux --> Elf 1209.18, 18:2232#1209_-_Kratos_-_09.20, 03:20, by #7279MoxSapphire
pro_13 FSL 9!! :)09.17, 07:569narutoayan09.18, 22:04, by Sir Jedi Knight
Lord Khellendros cg3!09.11, 13:2637RevolutionRebel09.18, 22:01, by Sir Jedi Knight
Marhallet reached TG5!09.16, 16:5116Levittoux09.18, 21:51, by Sir Jedi Knight

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