Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others <|304|305|306|307|308|309|310|311|312|313|314|>
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Multis | 12.18, 23:05 | 1 | Inf1N1t | 12.18, 23:05, by Inf1N1t | foul words in battle chat | 12.18, 17:08 | 1 | Lord PROcent | 12.18, 17:08, by Lord PROcent | transfer | 12.18, 16:44 | 1 | Lord HESTOP | 12.18, 16:44, by Lord HESTOP | block players | 12.18, 14:51 | 2 | Riad | 12.18, 15:00, by Riad | Multiple Account Found | 12.18, 07:45 | 1 | Fire_Slayer | 12.18, 07:45, by Fire_Slayer | took a loan and didnt return it | 12.08, 18:52 | 3 | evil_mimi | 12.18, 07:45, by evil_mimi | level 4 hero but with so 100,000 gold,and so many resources? | 12.18, 06:51 | 2 | crashnburn_ph | 12.18, 07:24, by Lady misself | firebosskira afk | 12.18, 06:40 | 2 | Ariela | 12.18, 06:41, by Zyanya | Vuglar | 12.18, 06:35 | 2 | GromHellsream | 12.18, 06:38, by Zyanya | dillonbongzihan | 12.18, 05:48 | 2 | Lady cutie | 12.18, 05:50, by Lady misself | suspicious transfers | 12.18, 01:34 | 2 | techy | 12.18, 01:53, by  Lord MasterTI | asking for resources on profile "violation game rule 3. | 12.18, 00:09 | 1 | crashnburn_ph | 12.18, 00:09, by crashnburn_ph | financial assist | 12.17, 20:30 | 1 | Lord Vhailor | 12.17, 20:30, by Lord Vhailor | Swearing in battle! | 11.24, 07:27 | 10 | green100 | 12.17, 18:16, by  Lord MasterTI | TGI not returned | 12.17, 14:22 | 1 |  Lord Sergo777 | 12.17, 14:22, by  Lord Sergo777 | Possible rule breaking | 12.17, 12:48 | 1 | Bfriudo | 12.17, 12:48, by Bfriudo | Possible rulebreakers | 12.17, 10:15 | 1 | Lady -Morgana- | 12.17, 10:15, by Lady -Morgana- | aaaaaaaaaaa | 12.17, 10:02 | 1 | Lord hihi | 12.17, 10:02, by Lord hihi | | 12.17, 07:59 | 2 | evle50 | 12.17, 08:03, by  Lord Kotrin | block players | 11.30, 18:31 | 5 | WPiYS | 12.17, 01:44, by Lord-of-Magic | Bad language (Strong language please delete after delt with) | 12.17, 00:13 | 2 | DeltaUK | 12.17, 00:23, by Zyanya | financial assist | 12.09, 16:04 | 4 | Lord Vhailor | 12.16, 22:14, by Lord Vhailor | Financial transfers | 12.13, 08:16 | 3 | Riad | 12.16, 15:38, by  Shebali | illegal transfers | 12.16, 12:28 | 1 | Helllfire | 12.16, 12:28, by Helllfire | i came across this... | 12.16, 10:51 | 2 | sunblitz | 12.16, 11:02, by  Lord MasterTI | TGI | 12.16, 02:01 | 3 | china_blue99 | 12.16, 09:27, by china_blue99 | Multi and Transfers | 12.16, 05:01 | 1 |  Lord Pantheon | 12.16, 05:01, by  Lord Pantheon | Griefing by using excess time | 12.16, 03:56 | 2 | Gruntha | 12.16, 04:00, by Zyanya | transfer | 12.15, 16:32 | 3 | Lord HESTOP | 12.15, 21:49, by  Lord Kotrin | bad language during the battle . | 12.15, 19:38 | 4 |  hako | 12.15, 21:01, by Zyanya |