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May 21, 2011-End Of The World?


AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
how can the world end today if i have a milkshake which expires 2013? :p
isnt it suppose to be december21st 5.45pm ( my timing)???
The timezone he said was 6pm in america so if you live in England like me, apparently its 11pm, so its the same time around the world.
Really, christianity alone has predicted these armageddons from year 994.
If all of them would have happened, world would have ended thousands and thousands times.
So what makes today so special?
isnt it suppose to be december21st 5.45pm ( my timing)???
Thats the 2012 one i think.
for moro88:

If you believed it..TOday climb up to the top of the mountain..and jump off there..You will feel honored when you died like this..Why?Because you believe it will comes to end

What a full load of crap

well, im not believing also :P why shouild i climb at the top? as isaid i dont believe it ^^ *emo

for harddude:
for Blue-Emo:
gr8 joke!!!!!

Im not joking ^^, just saring it to you guys, because i heard from the news in TV :P

for Skyheater:
some people say its 2012.
yeah that is the first they told! but in the news , they said its May 21, 2011.well, they are all LOL!
for Atheros:
don't belive such things...
well, im just curious ^^
It's past 6 here..
It's past 6 here..

Lol its 6pm in america, so work out what time it would be in your country, then thats the time :)
Its got my anxious just incase it happens though lol

nothing s happening
Huh, the world ended here 3 hours ago

Not very good end of the world...
No its not true
i dont believe its guna end soon but the 2012 one i could maybe believe coz look at the worlds its turning to shit bloody earthquakes and tsunamis next it will be a 20 on the ricter scale
woops sorry ban that multi i thought i was on this account when i posted that
the best (most stupid) thing about this is that the guy who made this prediction runs a church and has gathered $100 million dollars from dolts sponsoring him and that church.

makes you wonder, as none of them thought to themselves "IF he is actually right and the world DOES end, then he won't need that money anyways?"

makes you wonder, as none of them thought to themselves "IF he is actually right and the world DOES end, then he won't need that money anyways?"

yeah have a point! ^^ *emo
Think for yourself, question authority

Timothy Leary
will there be "the end of the world" event in LWM when it really comes ?
i only wanna play before the world ends
because i heard from the news in TV :P

People can be stupid...but news people are idiots

This guy started this thing for money and fear....btw the world ended about 6 hrs ago for me...
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