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AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
See, you are a fundamentalist like I am? Isn't that grand? Anthony Flew was slobbered over by your side for 50 years because he agreed with you. Now that he doesn't he is just a weak old man, eh?

That is a fundamentalist as it gets. Cheers :P
Call me a fundamentalist if you like. I also fundamentally disbelieve in Zeus, Shiva, Neptune and Quetzacouatl.

My side? At least "My side" doesn't assassinate people who disagree with them. What's your thoughts on Yitzhak Rabin?

Now then, any answer soon on if you've gone to your local shops and put to death all those people working on Sunday. I don't want you to miss your rapture.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Whatever are you blabbering on about? Killing people for working on Sunday? You just show you have no clue what you are writing about.

This is a thread about a silly sect who claimed to know the date of the Rapture and my posts are quite relevant to the discussion because unlike you, I have actually read the book that the man derived his theory from.

I don't think you are qualified to write about a book you never read. As for stoning, Jesus stopped that practice and Christians don't stone people who do not go to church, nor can you provide me with any verses from the New Testament that orders them to do it.

Now there is another religion that stones people to this very day but you never like to talk about that, do you?

Fear factor or just plain hypocrisy?
I've read the King James, cover to cover.

You're a messianic Jew. I thought you believed in both new and old testament.

Exodus 35:2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

Exodus doesn't say it must be stoning, it's just put to death. I'd think it would be easier using an aussalt rifle on the shops when you put to death those people working the Sunday shift,but it's your call how you want to book your rapture ticket.

Islam does some crazy things too. Stoning for adultery. Honour killings. Breast ironing was a really wrong one I heard of recently. Female circumcision. And if a Muslim posted in multiple threads heaps of Quoranic stuff I'd respond in kind.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

You've read it cover to cover and make ridiculous claims about Christians stoning on Sunday?

Well let me be the one to break it to you. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

As I already stated, Jesus stopped the practice of stoning when he was alive, meaning pre-Christianity.

Can you follow along?

This pretty much proves you are quite out of your realm whilst throwing mud against the wall.

Christians also eat pork if they please and they worship on Sunday, not Saturday. See, there are many things Christians do that the Old Testament said not to. That's why it's called the NEW Testament.

Maybe you should reread that book. From my position you haven't grasped much that you read but never fear, old Modi is here to help.
Thank you for making my point. You choose which bits to accept, and which bits to deny, depending on the need at that moment. All religious people do. You even did it in your post. You mentioned Jesus stopped stoning, but that doesn't mean he stopped god's demand to kill those who don't work on the sabbath.

Youu've got so conditioned to ignoring the contradictions, but never fear, Fishy is hear to help.
That should be "do work on the sabbath" obviously. There's so many contradictions in that thing, that I confused myself.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Lol, the NEW Testament says Jesus IS God, making him quite qualified to decree anything he wants.

My my, quit while you are behind, will ya?

Let me slow down for you. Jesus called himself the Christ. People who follow his teachings are called Christians. His teachings say harm no man and he abolished the practice of stoning.

He also made the OLD Testament more clear by expounding on the Law. He said that even if a man looks on a woman in lust, he is guilty of adultery just as if he had physically done the act.

Again, I really don't think you have a grasp of this subject but continue, by all means.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Also, the Old Testament tells of a NEW Testament that would come.

Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD."

See, Fishy? It CLEARLY says the new covenant would be unlike the one given to Moses, which is the Law.

So once again, you have been proven wrong. You didn't even know this was in the Bible, be honest.
right dont even think about world gunna end 2012... all that shit america made up is so they can distract people from wat terrible things there doin and israil is part of it 2...there distracting u from wat there really doing
Harm no man? You support Israel. I think some men were harmed in it's formation, the wars afterwards, etc. I'm not going to go in to if that was justified or not as I'm just looking at your "harm no man". Jesus didn't say "turn the other cheek, unless the guy deserves a good whupping", he said "turn the other cheek". Again, you are cherry picking when the book is to be used or not.

Regarding Jeremiah 31:31. There's an example of a failed prophecy. Nearly all of the House of Judah and Israel rejected the new covenant.

I really don't think you have a grasp of how to form a logical argument that doesn't contradict itself, but continue by all means.

I read the bible. Of course there's a part where God offers a new covenant through jesus to the Jews. Key elements like that, I know, i just haven't remebered it chapter and verse, just as I haven't remembered the Illiad or the Odyssey. It's a great collection of myths and fables and folklore, but not worth me wasting years of my life remembering every page by rote.
for Barbarian-Fishy:
Regarding Jeremiah 31:31. There's an example of a failed prophecy. Nearly all of the House of Judah and Israel rejected the new covenant.

I will let your own words bury you.

Isaiah 53

1Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

2For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

3He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

"and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not." Clearly this Messianic prophecy shows that indeed Israel would reject him.

In fact, the whole point of this thread, the Rapture, includes Israel's conversion to Christ.

The Old Testament prophecy clearly states that he will be REJECTED by Israel. Thanks for playing :P
So which one is it? Jeremiah 31 or Isaiah 53? They contradict.

Jeremiah says "make a new covenant". Not "propose a covenant that those thankless fools will reject". It says "Make".

You say Isaiah 53 shows it will be rejected. No weaseling out to say that they'll accept the covenant later after the rapture. Post 69, you use Jeremiah to justify that the new testament is accepted

Accepted? Rejected? Which of these contradicting parts of the bible do you choose to believe? How do you choose one over the other?

Thanks for playing.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Wow, you are so lost.

Both Jews and Christians admit that there are prophesies that are to yet be fulfilled, leading to the end of this world as we know it. That's the whole point of our hope.

You are all over the place with your posts and I can see you don't even have a rudimentary grasp of this subject.

You don't have to believe the Bible is true but at least get a hold of the subject before charging in.

The Bible is a story with a beginning and an end, the end having not come yet. If you read the context of the book, you will see a future world where there is no war and the Messiah sits on the throne in Jerusalem.

Has this happened? Nope. Is this whole thread about the belief of it happening in the future? Yep.

The Bible surely does not contradict itself here, you just have no clue when you state that it does. The Revelation, the last book in the Bible, tells of the conversion of Israel, fulfilling what was told in the past, of a day where spears will be beaten into farming tools and the lion will lay down with the lamb.

Your absolute confusion about Christians and Sunday and Jews and the Sabbath shows me you lack even the basic knowledge of this subject. I mean, who doesn't know these are the groups respective holy days?

Surely someone claiming to have read the Bible would know such a basic fact but you didn't and with 99.99% certainty are scouring the web for your arguments that I am dismissing with ease.
Here's the problem. Jew's observe mostly Saturday (there's the whole Sundown thing, etc). Christians, Sunday. I knew that, but in your case it's weird. Are you a Jew or a Christian? As you accept JC, I decided to take a guess of Sunday for your personal Sabbath, and that being the day that you have to put to death people working on that day.

You've referred to several parts of the old testament since our post regarding Exodus 35:2, so why are we accepting Jeremiah but denying Exodus telling us to kill those people working on the Sabbath?

And I'll make the contradiction stuff a bit more simple.
Genesisi 1 says birds day 5. man day 6.
Genesis 2:7 Man is formed.
2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and EVERY fowl of the air;
It takes me less than 2 pages to hit a huge contradiction. Birds before man, no birds after man. And that's just the start. Adam and Eve created same time in Genesis1, contradicted by the rib thing in Genesis 2.

When you can accept the basic fact the book is full of contradictions, then you may show me you have some capacity to look beyond your indoctrination.
Sorry son but your little Atheist website is a big fail, and that's where you are gleaning your arguments from.

You are indeed confused, as you admitted already. You had no idea the Old Testament told of a New one to come.

You were confused about what holy day we worship on.

You were confused about Israel's rejection of the Messiah.

You are well out of your league.

Let me put it this way. The arrogant atheists proclaimed " King David is a myth." When the Tel Dan Steele was uncovered, PROVING there was a king David, the people who were saying he didn't exist are NOW telling us he was nothing more than a tribesman and not a king.

Excuse me but I laugh because your side has no shame at all and have the gall to bluster on about a subject they totally rejected!

They did the same with Pilate, Nehemiahs Wall, Babylon of all places, and many many more.
In game terms, Fishy decides to teach a class called " Shrews and You."

The people come in and sit down and Fishy begins with point number one.

" Shrews, the Best Shooters in LWM!"

Someone points out that Shrews don't shoot but you already said twice that they do.

" Who cares about small details, trust me I know all about Shrews."

The class gets out of their seats and leaves because the one teaching the class knows less about Shrews than the students.

That's how this is all coming down.
Here we go again! I love it!!
To barbarian-fishy:

I agree with you but I've learned that its impossible to shake someone out of their belief....
My turn.

Now the "experts" say there was not an Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. It's all a myth, right?

The Bible says Mt Sinai is in Arabia.
Galatians 4
"For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children."

So what would they expect to find if Mt Sinai was there and Israel with it?

A mountain with a blackened top. check
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyvEVfMqOJY&feature=related at the 8:25 mark.

A split rock where water had gushed forth from. check
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_sYCXJIzBs&feature=related at the 8:51 mark.
12 pillars representing the 12 tribes of Israel. check
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_sYCXJIzBs&feature=related at the 4:18 mark.

An altar to the golden calf. check
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyvEVfMqOJY&feature=related at the 6 minute mark.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_o6DZKUCRY&feature=related 7:46 mark.

Footprint impressions here and also where Joshua crossed over the Jordan, making stone walls about the camp in the shape of a footprint.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vmIoBsDrA0&feature=related at the 4:16 mark. Agreeing is this video of the same time period where Joshua took over from Moses after he died.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWawVUZg3Es at the 14:16 mark.

Aarons rod was made of almond wood. check
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_sYCXJIzBs&feature=related at the 7:22 mark.

"But but, Moses was a myth and Israel never came out of Egypt and went to Sinai."
Sorry but the evidence proves otherwise. I'm sure you will dismiss it or maybe even ignore it like the rest of the "scientific" community.
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