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AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
They ask for evidence, even making blustering statements such as this:

"If a sacrificial altar stood on Mt Ebal, it's impact on our research is revolutionary.All of us have to go back to kindergarten."

The elitists in the crowd had a good mocking laugh at that.

Then an atheist Jew went out to Ebal and found a sacrificial altar.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWawVUZg3Es at the 7:36 mark.

The atheist converted after being confronted with the evidence and the mockers.... well they ignore it all because they have their own religion to support, and we couldn't have anything disrupting that, could we?

Shameful to call themselves men of science. It's all there in the clip above, along with scientific published papers on the site that the community now refuses to discuss. Can we say indoctrinated?
Modi you speak of everyone who isn't Jew/Christian/Muslim as if they're all the same religion or all believe the same thing. Thats not true....in fact not all Christians believe the same thing or Jews or Muslims...so when you refer to men of science you should remember their not all the same person
for mageof10:

Answer to the evidence I provided. I would love to hear your explanation.
for Modi:

I don't disbelieve everything in the bible neither to I blindly follow that book or the people who read it. Everything has some truth to it and well nobody in the 21st century can prove 100% what happened 2000-3000 yrs ago.

So I won't say its all Bs but I also won't say its real either.
for mageof10:

That is fine but the scientific community says these things are myth. Show me a secular scholar who says the Exodus happened. I don't think you can find one.

How does one look for the truth about the past? Take the written history and go dig to see if the reality on the ground matches the record. So why then does the community ignore evidence?

Politics or something more?
for mageof10:

I agree that just because we haven't located something doesn't mean it was a myth.

The problems are these ridiculous proclamations that this and this never was and so the Bible is false, which is exactly what they do.

So how many times must they be proven wrong before they shut up? When does one begin to lose credibility?

As stated before, the "experts" confidently stated David was a myth, until written proof was discovered. So why should anyone now listen to their statements about the man at all? How are they not disqualified in regards to the subject? Amazingly they are still considered the "experts" about David who they once claimed as a myth!

Excuse me while I have a chuckle.
for Modi:

Well while I don't think any one person or group of individuals have absolute knowledge over anything I do respect their opinions, which is more important than even the truth.

But thats just my opinion :)
for Modi:

And even though you do have a lot of insight on the bible, christianity, politics, history, etc... you must realize that over 80% of people who are christians/jews/muslims don't.

So even though you can make a case for God and the bible, unless you can teach that to the world it doesn't have much meaning IMO
for mageof10:

You teach to those around you. If one soul became a believer from our work, it was all worthwhile. You do not know that some on this server do discuss these things with me on a daily basis and that is awesome to me.

You are correct, most do not know these things from my own religion. This being true, I certainly will not lend an ear to those OUTSIDE my faith who claim to know it.

Modi, I was writing you a PM, but it said that I'm on your blacklist. Is there something I did?

This does seem to be getting a little off-topic.

So, Modi, do you have a date in mind for the end of the world?

I seem to recall you mentioning a date in the not too distant future when you were expecting and end-of-the-world scenario.

for Grunge:

Post number 9. I know you are very interested in this thread and must have missed my clear explanation on the subject of date-setting. Enjoy.
Have I mentioned anywhere that I believe All the bible is a myth. No. Most scholars acknowledge that much of the historicial stuff has some accuracy.

It's the overly fanciful stuff that atheists disagree with. I believe Jesus existed, I just don't believe the virgin birth and I don't believe he died and was resurrected.

You've asked over and over for me to answer your questions. Every time I have. You've never answered mine. You've just gone on some weird tangent like a politician does and rambles and waffles, but when you look, there's an answer to 5 questions that weren't asked and weren't relevant, but the one question that was asked? no answer.

Explain the contradiction in Genesis 1 and 2. The 2 specific contradictions I want you to address is chapter 1 having man created after the animals. chapter 2 having man created first. Chapter 1 man and woman created together. Chapter 2 man first, then woman.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Sorry but you came at me with multiple questions that were answered as you showed you have little knowledge of the book you are trying to debate.

Because you can't understand even the most basic principles of the Bible, you surely can't be expected to understand anything deep.

I mean, you asked me how it was that Jesus could change a decree given by God in the Old Testament, without even realizing that the New Testament claims Jesus IS God. Really Fishy?

I also find it amusing that someone who claims there is no God, is spending quite a bit of time discussing it. If this is your one shot at life, why spend your time discussing something you claim isn't real?

Do you spend as much time investigating unicorns and sprites? I should say not. No, the reason you are compelled to spend time on this subject is because the book you don't ascribe to condemns you and you really aren't quite comfortable with that.

You play the game the same as all the other of you kind do, moving from point to point, disregarding and/or not even understanding the questions you pose or the answers given.

The same goes with secular archaeologists, making claims about the Bible time and again, not stopping even though they ate crow over and over again.

The fact is that your side says there was no historical Moses and of course no Exodus. Do you know why? Not for lack of evidence as I provided already. No, it is because if there was a Moses then there may have been an Exodus, and that leads to....leads to....the possibility of the LAW being given at Sinai....leading to you being answerable to a higher power.

That is the fear and is the reason why the lies continue to be spewed.

You answered my question? So you are agreeing there was an Exodus?
As usual I've answered your questions and will again, while as usual, you do not answer mine. Want to give me an answer to the Genesis contradiction? Also, you show your lack of ability to debate the content I am providing by your need to make up rubbish "my side" believe in. Every time, you've been wrong on what I believe in, so why not wait for me to say what I believe instead of continually making incorrect assumptions.

Was there an exodus? Humans doing migrations has happened all through history. Groups hating other groups and telling them to move on? No wild stretch of the imagination. So yes most likely. I don't have faith, , so I wont say it definately happened, as trying to work out what happened over 2000 years ago, only intellectually dishonest or arrogant people would say they are 100% certain. I'll say most likely. Virgin Birth, firstborns killed by Yahweh, etc, wild exaggeration.

Of course Jesus can change a decree in the old testament. The biggest problem is the pick and choose. "JC said you don't have to put to death people who work on the sabbath anymore". "Those gays, all wrong. Look at soddom and gomorrah". So why's JC silent on that gay old testament part? Or if he did comment, why do so many people ignore it? How do you pick which parts of the old testament to ignore? I still find it amazing that an all knowing, all powerful deity can't get it right the 1st time, but that's a different discussion point.

Why do I debate god? Not through fear, that's you. You are the one who admitted that the only reason your behaviour isn't that of a sociopath is because of your fear of hell. You admitted that in a PM. I'l be happy to put the content on that PM on the forum if you ask me too.
You mentioned that if you get 1 soul to believe in god, it's good. If I can get 1 reader to throw off the pernicious shackles of religion, and the elitism, bigotry, hate and so many other negative things that go with it, I've done good.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Oh where to begin? Let me ask you Fishy, if I answered ALL of your questions, would you convert? We both know the answer is no.

What I told you in PM is that I would live it up with tons of women and be as wild as I could be to enjoy my one chance at life. Oh, this is wrong? Who says, you? Remember we are a mistake of nature by your account so don't try and place your make-believe morality on me, comprende?

Because you claim we are an accident of nature, you have no solid ground to stand on when proclaiming any societal morality because at the end of the day, we are all worm food right? So who is the fool? Someone who lives a certain way because they believe they must answer to a higher power or someone like you who lives a certain way because man, a mistake of nature, placed societal norms on said accident of nature?

Jesus mentioned the condemnation of gays but you should know that right? Being the Biblical scholar as you are?

Really, lets stop pretending Fishy. You do not know this book.
Your side is all opposed to gay marriage. Sodomy is a crime in many countries that supposedly support Christian values, so, why do they support the old testament Sodom and Gommorah, but not the putting to death of people who work on the sabbath? Throw in that Genesis contradiction answer while you are at it.

Do I know the book better than someone who's remembered it chapter and verse? No. Can I discuss it better than someone who is blind to it's flaws? I think so. Show me how much better you know the book by answering my questions.

In regards to morality. You damn yourself by your own words. I behave in an ethical manner because it's the right thing to do. The world would be chaos if everyone did what they wanted when they wanted.
In regards to morality. You damn yourself by your own words. I behave in an ethical manner because it's the right thing to do. The world would be chaos if everyone did what they wanted when they wanted.

Who says? You? You are just an accident of nature. Shall we laugh?
for Barbarian-Fishy:

Allow me to suggest a better use of your time. Instead of wasting time debating about something you think is a myth, why don't you start a campaign to correct the secular version of Moses?

I mean, being a man of science and reason, you should be appalled that evidence is being ignored about such a famous and historical figure as Moses.
This is a wrong that needs to be righted.

When your side deals honestly with evidence, I will gladly go into deep theological discussions with you.

Finally, you told me in PM when I asked you about the prophecy foretelling the Jews wandering the earth for ages and returning to their land, "sooner or later, they'd be back."

I realized then for sure I was wasting my time and I stand by that.

Go to answersingenesis and do your own homework.
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