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Author | May 21, 2011-End Of The World? |
Can you make that shorter and more understandable?
I understood some but then they started talkin about zeros and such and I got lost. | for Grunge:
Yes Mr Wiki, I have heard of video editing. The leftists news outlets here in the States do it all the time to smear the right.
Again I go back to the recent proclamations that there was never a king David by your side. Proven wrong, your side then tries to belittle the man they said ddin't exist by saying he was just some 2-bit tribal leader.
This is what happens when you are dealing with people who have no humility at all.
Also there is the fact that many scientists get funded by certain groups or industries to draw a particular conclusion supporting the companies funding the scientists.
Also there is political and theological bias to deal with. It's not as simple as science making mistakes anymore. There are purposeful lies being told across the spectrum. Climate Gate shows just how petty leftist scientist can get and how they fudge data to make their case.
In fact they are crying about the Freedom of Information Act because they don't want to have to show the data they derive their theories from. I wonder why? | for mageof10:
Basically he is telling you that the odds are so against the universe forming by accident and bringing life that it is theoretically impossible.
Take a roulette wheel. It is possible for you to spin the wheel and have the ball land on red, 1 million times in a row, but the odds against it happening are so great that it is deemed impossible. | for Modi:
I thought so but wasn't sure
But as you said it is possible that the red ball lands 1 million times in a can the universe
Also just because humans can't live everywhere in the universe doesn't mean something else can't | for mageof10:
And believing that happening is no more or less based upon faith than those who believe in a Designer.
In fact we can argue that because of the complexity of the universe, there had to be a Maker.
We will all see at the end of our lives won't we? Best thing is that if I am wrong, not one of the mockers here will have any time at all to gloat or even think a single thought in satisfaction.
But if they are wrong...uh oh. | I think you should stop writing messages each other that don't go anywhere. I don't see one agreeing with the other soon.
And if you're interested in this subject:
1. Read all the Bible.
2. Discuss in PMs and if you come to a conclusion, you can share it with us.
3. Read the Bible over and over again.
I personally agree with Modi in the most ideas (I didn't read everything), but as far as I know, people that know about God and don't believe in Him won't convert until they pass through an experience. I think it's enough to tell people the Gospel and pray for them, but arguing is nonsense, because nobody will ever give up saying "You're right". | for TBI:
Oh this isn't about the Bible at all. I only come to the forums here and there and those two have all this energy bottled up that just explodes all over their keyboards when I appear. :P
I must admit I have been chased by women many times, but the tenacity of those two dudes makes me wonder if they really are in love with me and in denial of their carnal desires.
What do you think? I suppose I can't blame them. I'm pretty great ya know?
lol | Sorry guys but this forum is for discussing the End of the World or just to END THE WORLD (^^;) | | David Ussishkin
"I'm afraid the existence regarding the magnificent Solomonic capital was not discovered because it is nonexistent, not because it is not still hidden in the ground."
Nobody SHOULD go out of their way to proclaim such nonsense but congratz, secularists found the nerve to do so.
Notice the date of 2003. They moved from the Davidic capital not existing to his son Solomon because David was proven to exist in 1993 and they had to shut their yaps about it. So they conveniently move on to his son Solomon. I'm sure I can dig up more quotes just as outlandish as this one. Shall I?
Distasteful and just plain bad science here. ^^
One more for the road, shall we?
Niles Lemch
Uni of Copenhagen
"Archaeological data have now confirmed that the empire of David and Solomon never existed."
Ahahahaha really? Now who is fooling who? I am glad you agree that such outlandish statements are so pathetic that we now must view all said proclamations as biased.
Reality can be hard sometimes. | 1 religious guy claimed the rapture was going to happen sometime last week. You are religious. Therefore I should judge you as foolish and as deluded as the rapture guy? That's the standard you are applying to secular people.
In regard to the probability thing. In Australia the chance of winning weekend lotto is 1 in 8,145,060. I used basic maths to get that number. I didn't have to make the Wild assumptions Penrose did which makes his calculation meaningless. That is much less than 1 in 1050 so winning lotto is impossible by your standards. But yet i still happens.
The fact is we are here. It's all about the observer. There may have been near infinite universes before ours with no life. We may be the (stupidly large number) version of the universe. Saying it's improbable is not the same as saying it's impossible.
And the question that no Intelligent Design person has ever been able to answer proplery. If we are so complex that we require a maker, who made the maker? If he can just be, then why can't we? | I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you showed that there is *proof* of "King David". The circular argument "the Bible mentions the existence of David, mention of the house of David confirms the Bible" is getting a little tiresome. While there are indications of small tribal populations in the area at the alleged time of David and Solomon, there has never been evidence of the "mighty kingdom" as recounted in the old testament.
I can understand Lemche's stance. I mean, how much of the desert is it necessary to dig up while still finding nothing like what is mentioned in the Bible before we can say "Enough"? However it is perhaps premature to make such a claim. However I would put forward a claim that the Empire of David and Solomon, *as described in the Bible*, did not exist. If there was such an "Empire" it's nature was entirely different from the myth recounted in the Bible.
So I take you *still* can't refute the Genesis contradiction?
Care to explain? (Historicity Debate) (Challenges to Historicity)
But of course Modi will not explain. Because providing an explanation only provides additional opportunities to find an ever increasing multitude of problems. That's why religious groups are more focused on attacking and not providing convincing evidence. Why not give *us* some answers Modi?
So, more than a page and a half of providing responses to Modi queries. As I noted Modi's tactic of simply continuing to attack while ignoring his own inconsistencies have been proven out.
At this point I think it is time for some quid quo pro. So Modi, can you answer these questions that I have asked you repeatedly and that you have steadfastly refused to acknowledge, let alone answer? Of course the simple reason is because you are unable to provide any real answers or explanations.
I'll be taking a break from playing Modi's "game". Lets see if he can provide a plausible explanation for any, let alone *all* of these flaws in *his* arguments.
The ball is in your court. Lets see what you can do with it.
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Many religions don't actually predict the "End of the World" will happen directly. First there will be a "second coming" then, invariably, there is supposed to be 1000 years before everything ceases (sometimes to be renewed).
Have Fun
Grunge | 1 religious guy claimed the rapture was going to happen sometime last week. You are religious. Therefore I should judge you as foolish and as deluded as the rapture guy? That's the standard you are applying to secular people.
Look how idiotic this statement is. First of all, the Christian world openly and loudly disregarded this "pastor's" position. Want the proof?
Secondly, the people making statements about David, Solomon, the Exodus are paid experts, teaching in Unis. I mean, really Fishy?
First I was told I was exaggerating. Then when I show a couple proofs, that no longer matters.
It doesn't matter because you are not here to debate, you are here to try and agitate and you fail badly.
I can make an observation that you and Grunge chase me all over the forum and can back it up with threads. Now what does this say about your sincerity here? I have already told others multiple times BEFORE posting about a subject, be it a simple comedy thread, to a mundane thread about lead miniatures, that you and/or your pal will come there with a contrary opinion or just to flame.
Tell me I am lying so I can place all the evidence before the community.
You two better get all your shots in now before I go on vacation and leave your game a big empty hole once more. Without me, your game is obviously boring, is it not? | I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you showed that there is *proof* of "King David". The circular argument "the Bible mentions the existence of David, mention of the house of David confirms the Bible" is getting a little tiresome. While there are indications of small tribal populations in the area at the alleged time of David and Solomon, there has never been evidence of the "mighty kingdom" as recounted in the old testament.
Oh let me help you out.
Start at 44:52
The woman in charge of this dig, proposed before shovel went into the ground, that Davids palace was in a particular area, using the writings available as a guide. That would be the Bible.
Aw, that's really too bad for you Grunge that she found exactly what she said would be there. Don't be too sour and do a better job with your homework son.
Why won't I spend time with your questions? I've already answered that Grunge. Because you aren't looking for answers. How do I know that? Because you and Fishy follow me around the forum about any and all subjects.
The evidence shows I am telling the truth, and you are a man that likes evidence, are you not?
I mean really, even a simple off-game lead miniature thread saw you come and get yourself a nice ban.
I don't spend serious time with frauds and you happen to be just that. Or admit I am a prophet for being able to predict BEFORE I open a thread that you or Fishy will post there. lol | "Even in Israel, this new school has found its voice. Israel Finkelstein, chairman of Tel Aviv University's Department of Archaeology, began championing a theory several years ago that the biblical accounts of Jerusalem as the seat of a powerful, unified monarchy under the rule of David and Solomon are essentially false. The scientific methods for his assumptions, called a "lower dating" which essentially pushes archaeological evidence into a later century and thus erases all evidence of a Davidic monarchy, were laughed off by traditional archaeologists. But his book, The Bible Unearthed, wound up on the New York Times' best-seller list and he became the darling of a sympathetic media. He concluded that David and Solomon, if they existed at all, were merely "hill-country chieftains" and Jerusalem a poor, small tribal village. He claims that the myth of King David was the creation of a cult of priests trying to create for themselves a glorious history."
Hilarious. Let me put this into context. The enemies of David took the time to create a stone monument touting a victory over the House of David.
Imagine commemorating a victory over a small tribal chieftain? Yeah that makes total sense. Notice the statement,"if he existed at all." Covering all the bases, eh? Just in case they did find evidence of David, and they did, they already had another lie in place to diminish his name.
Of course we all know the reason why, don't we? We wouldn't want to offend the Muslims who claim there was never a Temple. The rest of the West, eager to please those who sell us oil, simply commit fraud while still holding their positions at Unis.
Disgraceful, isn't it? | Still can;t provide a straight answer Modi?
No surprises for anyone there.
Modi's going on holiday? Frabjous day! I won't have to listen to his baseless claims anymore? It will be just like a holiday for me too! I can't wait!
So I take you *still* can't refute the Genesis contradiction?
Care to explain? (Historicity Debate) (Challenges to Historicity)
But of course Modi will not explain. Because providing an explanation only provides additional opportunities to find an ever increasing multitude of problems. That's why religious groups are more focused on attacking and not providing convincing evidence. Why not give *us* some answers Modi?
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Interesting that Judaism seems to have a predicted date for the "End of the World". Just note that the Jewish year 6000 is predicted to be the start of the Messianic age. Not the actual "End of the World", which would presumably happen in the Jewish Year 7000.
Then again, since man "knows" of this date, it can;t be true according to other biblical sources. Right?
Have Fun
Grunge | Why won't I spend time with your questions? I've already answered that Grunge. Because you aren't looking for answers. How do I know that? Because you and Fishy follow me around the forum about any and all subjects.
The evidence shows I am telling the truth, and you are a man that likes evidence, are you not?
I mean really, even a simple off-game lead miniature thread saw you come and get yourself a nice ban.
I'm sorry Grunge, maybe you missed my answer. Here^^ it is again. | Interesting that Judaism seems to have a predicted date for the "End of the World". Just note that the Jewish year 6000 is predicted to be the start of the Messianic age. Not the actual "End of the World", which would presumably happen in the Jewish Year 7000.
Then again, since man "knows" of this date, it can;t be true according to other biblical sources. Right?
Oh wow, are you saying that after so much time spent on a subject you don't even believe in that you don't know I am a Christian? Did you miss that in your lame attempt to flame?
Really? | I behave in an ethical manner because it's the right thing to do.
This is funny. See guys, the Bible included you in prophecy so don't feel left out.
2 Timothy 3
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Look at verse 5 and see Fishy's quote, living an ethical life but denying where it came from. As for the rest of the verses, wow looks like the very day we live in.
And let's not forget Grunge:
3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4And saying, Where is the promise of his(Jesus) coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
See, at the time of this writing, the world believed in the great deluge that covered the earth at one time. So predicting that in the future there would be those not only denying it, but mocking the Rapture or return of Christ is well on the mark....again.
I just love that old Bible, don't you? :P | I'm sorry, I must have missed that "evidence". Can you provide a post number please? Or was it just you stating "I am right!" and variations thereof, which you seem to think is a an acceptable substitute for evidence?
Christian? I know you have told me in the past that you are a member of Messianic Judaism? Although it is similar, it is not quite the same thing. It's odd that a Christian is so rabidly supportive of Israel, which is a Jewish state. Judaism believes Christianity to be Idolatrous - a terrible sin indeed. Shouldn;t you also be telling them that your religious beliefs mean that many aspects of their religion are basically flawed, like the year 6000?
So I take you *still* can't refute the Genesis contradiction?
Care to explain? (Historicity Debate) (Challenges to Historicity)
But of course Modi will not explain. Because providing an explanation only provides additional opportunities to find an ever increasing multitude of problems. That's why religious groups are more focused on attacking and not providing convincing evidence. Why not give *us* some answers Modi?
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The year 6000 relates to Judaisms belief of the "End of the World". Just as Ragnarok relates to Norse Mythology's belief in the same. Christians can make of that whatever they wish.
Have Fun
Grunge |
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