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AuthorMay 21, 2011-End Of The World?
@243. What the? When have I ever said anything about you being against Muslims or a bigot. On the other hand, in this thread, You have incorrectly said I dislike you because you are Jewish. It is you who have said after I have given my reasons why I think Israel is flawed that I'm a Jew hater.

You seem so intent on telling me what I think of you when I haven't said anything of that nature, so I'll put out one for you. What I will say is you have an over developed persecution complex where you see leftists and liberals in power everywhere when they just aren't.

You think the meia is controlled by the left. Most media companies are owned by filthy rich people who tend to be known for favouring the right. Fox news is as right wing as it gets.

The gap between rich and poor has grown incredibly since WWII. The Welfare Systems and Unions of England and America which became quite strong after WWII have been crippled. The treatment of the bank after the GFC shows the right is well in control. Privatise Profit, Socialise Loss, the new capitalism.
@244. A combination of things can be more than the sum of it's parts. A brain cell, a neuron, by themselves are nothing, but together they can form a greater whole with feelings, emotions, etc. Just because an individual cell can't have emotions and feelings, doesn't stop a complete being having those things.

As you have gone to where does will, emotions, etc, come from, I put this to you. If a creator exists as in the book, all powerful and all knowing, then our free will is an illusion.

All knowing means he knows all, past, present and future. All powerful means that when he creates us he can create us however he wants. He knew when he was creating me that I'd be an atheist. He knew that I'd be writing this post, and that with a simple change of his mind he could make me a christian, or a muslim, or make me stop writing and grab a cookie now.

Everything I do, he could have changed me to make me do everything differently. Nothing I do is my own free will. I am just a character following the script he wrote for me when I was born. An all knowing all powerful god means free will is an illusion.

It also makes a lie of "God is love", as what kind of all loving god creates me as an atheist, knowing that I will go to eternal torment in hell?

I think this is too much for us to understand. Eternity, all knowing, all powerful, these words are not a thing we can really get into.

But about "programming" us, I think God gave us the power do decide our fate. He made us in His own image, so we are not like "robots", which have our life programmed.
Yes, the free will part is what God gave us to make life interesting. His omniscience doesn't include knowing our future choices. It is because we have free will that evil exists. God gave us the freedom to choose between evil and good. He is also all powerful, but he does not interfere with our free will.
@243. What the? When have I ever said anything about you being against Muslims or a bigot. On the other hand, in this thread, You have incorrectly said I dislike you because you are Jewish. It is you who have said after I have given my reasons why I think Israel is flawed that I'm a Jew hater.

Reread what I wrote. I gave an example of the crap I read on political blogs.

So let me give you a chance to clarify. Are you against Zionism?

Hilarious that you mentioned the ONE news station that favors the right. This is how deluded lefties are, ignoring all the other stations that are biased. I can post lefty bias from these stations all day long. You can only point out Fox, like every other lefty parrot.

The BBC came out and ADMITTED to left wing bias, so keep telling yourself we are paranoid while your head is buried in the sand. Whatever works for you.
for Barbarian-Fishy:


Forgive me if I WON'T listen to anyone telling me I am paranoid. Gee, I wonder why Jews don't trust other races.

It couldn't be the past 2000 years of history showing we have every reason not to listen to bull,could it?

Last time we went unarmed into cattle cars. The people who survived are still alive to tell about it. The embarrassment felt by the haters wore off quickly, didn't it?

Watch the anti-Israel push this summer, leading to a crescendo in September. Should be very interesting.
So are you giving us a timeframe Modi?

5 years? 10 Years? 20 Years?

If it is as imminent as you claim Watch the anti-Israel push this summer, leading to a crescendo in September. then surely it can't be that far away?

get some stones and put your money where your mouth is. How long do we have to wait before we *know* your "prophecy" is rubbish?

for Grunge:

Well either you are having a comprehension problem or you are just playing stupid. Go back and find the explanation yourself.

Why are you not addressing the uncanny prophecy about the contention over Jerusalem? Too near the mark for you?

God does what he wants at his own pleasure. Surely he isn't concerned that you are impatient. When you stand before him you can ask him yourself.
Actually, it's a fairly simple issue.

There have been a whole bunch of people/groups that claimed the "End of the World" is coming "soon".

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfulfilled_religious_predictions and

Predicted many, many, many times. Most are religious predictions. Many have resulted in a windfall for those predicting the "End of the World". Obviously none have been correct so far.

Some of my favorites -

Edwin Sandys (1519–1588), "Now, as we know not the day and time, so let us be assured that this coming of the Lord is near. He is not slack, as we do count slackness. That it is at hand, it may be probably gathered out of the Scriptures in diverse places. The signs mentioned by Christ in the Gospel which should be the foreshewers of this terrible day, are almost all fulfilled." (Sound familiar?)

Martin Luther (1483–1546 A.D.), "For my part, I am sure that the Day of Judgment is just around the corner. It doesn't matter that we don't know the precise day... perhaps someone else can figure it out. But it is certain that time is now at an end." and "In all of [Luther's] work there was a sense of urgency for the time was short... the world was heading for Armageddon in the war with the Turk."

This is a popular theme repeated many times in differing details from several sources. People will see what they want to see from these so-called "Prophecies". There are plenty of Biblical entries to choose from that can be fitted to a variety of current events to make it seem that the "End of the World" is nigh.

They were, for the most part religious people using biblical interpretation to make their predictions, as you and your friends have done. Can you explain how you and your theories are more correct than any of these while being based on the same premises?

A brain cell, a neuron, by themselves are nothing, but together they can form a greater whole with feelings, emotions, etc.

amazing, Fishy. what you're saying is: we can see there is no spirit in cells; yet, when they "work" together, a self somewhere emerges (i say "somewhere", because the spirit can't obviously be found in any of the cells that support the self). so to draw a simple conclusion: what a self is cannot be found in its origin (the cells). this is part of the answer to your subsequent question.

If a creator exists as in the book, all powerful and all knowing, then our free will is an illusion.

as you correctly stated, we are able to represent a structure where the effect ("ourselves" here) does not lie in the cause ("God"). meaning: if we live in a world with a single historical thread, all we can know is historical linear; but you should not expect that the source of the world has to "live" in the same way. in God, all-knowing means he is aware of all possible historical threads that may derive from every possible choice a human beeing makes.

going a different way: you believe in experience (what you see) to back up your stances. so, tell me: do you feel free, or not? if your line of reasoning takes you to dismissing something evident, just drop it, mate.

as for "God beeing love": for me it is. all wickedness comes from man, and precisely because man is free. again, don't try to relieve your responsability in your actions, by invoking God's name. you won't find evil in God, just as much as you won't find it in cells either. want to know where evil comes from? look no further. it's you (and me, and everyone else).

the question now is: can you recognize evil? what is evil to you? how much evil have you done, how much are you planning to do?
They were, for the most part religious people using biblical interpretation to make their predictions, as you and your friends have done. Can you explain how you and your theories are more correct than any of these while being based on the same premises?

Same premises? Sorry son but I stated that ALL the signs must be evident in the same era for the return to come.

How could any of the people you listed be correct when there was no Israel at the time of their writing? Clearly the Bible says there will be an Israel in the last days.

It isn't my problem that people have predicted this or that. It also isn't my problem if you believe it or not.

You don't even believe in a higher power while most of the world does. That makes you pretty much marginalized, even though you think you are mainstream.

Truthfully, you don't give a hoot about any of this. Why would you if you don't believe in God?

Again, why are you dancing around the Jerusalem issue? You are so bitter that you can't even give a single evident prophecy a nod. Your problem son, not mine.
@264. I did reread what I responded to. Did you? How about reading this part again. "so call me a bigot if you please but try to sound a little more informed when calling someone out in public."

I dislike Israels policies. If zionism is Jew ahead of all, no matter the cost, then no question, I'm against Zionism.

How long did all the TV staties not show body bags? How long were TV reporters from all stations "Embedded" with US troops in Afghanistan giving an incredibly generous view of the war, with no real questions being asked. I mentioned Faux as they are so right wing, no one questions there bias.

Also, care to show me where the BBC admitted a left wing bias?

I also said you had a persecution complex, not that you were paranoid.
I did reread what I responded to. Did you? How about reading this part again. "so call me a bigot if you please but try to sound a little more informed when calling someone out in public."

Again, that was NOT directed at you. Over your head.

Also, care to show me where the BBC admitted a left wing bias?

Care to show you? Uh , yes I will.

Yes, BBC was biased: Director General Mark Thompson admits a 'massive' lean to Left

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1308215/Yes-BBC-biased-Mark-Thompson-admits-massive-lea n-Left.html#ixzz1ODyLbvGA

There are multiple articles about this. Now before this admission, the right accused the BBC of bias for years. We were told it simply wasn't true. Really now?

I have some news for you...they are STILL biased to the left.

Here are some juicy excerpts.

"Whatever the United Nations is associated with is good — it is heresy to question any of its activities. The EU is also a good thing, but not quite as good as the UN. Soaking the rich is good, despite well-founded economic arguments that the more you tax, the less you get. And Government spending is a good thing, although most BBC ­people prefer to call it investment, in line with New Labour’s terminology.

All green and environmental groups are very good things. Al Gore is a saint. George Bush was a bad thing, and thick into the bargain. Obama was not just the Democratic Party’s candidate for the White House, he was the BBC’s. Blair was good, Brown bad, but the BBC has now lost interest in both.

Trade unions are mostly good things, especially when they are fighting BBC managers. Quangos are also mostly good, and the reports they produce are usually handled uncritically. The Royal Family is a bore. Islam must not be offended at any price, although ­Christians are fair game because they do nothing about it if they are offended."

Notice the last paragraph? Say it ain't so Modi, say it ain't so. This is why little cowards can attack Christians. They have little fear of reprisals. Go try that at your local mosque and see what happens.
And while leftist politics color the news at the channel, they also dictate its corporate structure and inner workings, according to Sissons. One's politics, he writes, can dictate one's success or failure in climbing the Comany's corporate ladder.

If Human Resources — or Personnel, as it used to be known — advise that it’s time a woman or someone from an ethnic minority (or a combination of the two) was appointed to the job for which you, a white male, have applied, then that’s who gets it.

But whatever your talent, sex or ethnicity, there’s one sure-fire way at a BBC promotions board to ensure you don’t get the job, indeed to bring your career to a grinding halt. And that’s if, when asked which post-war politician you most admire, you reply: ‘Margaret Thatcher’.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/lachlan-markay/2011/01/28/bbc-veteran-liberal-bias-its-very-dna#ix zz1OE0KCOi9

Gee, sounds like a religion to me.
Modi conservatives control all big businesses and oil companies, and their bias. Are you going to bash them?
Same premises? Sorry son but I stated that ALL the signs must be evident in the same era for the return to come.

Sorry to say Unc, but it must be the case that ALL the signs *aren't* evident yet, otherwise your "End of the World" would already be here. You really don;t have a grasp on even basic logic do you Modi? I shouldn't be surprised that you can't grasp more advanced concepts like Evolution.

Same Premise. You believe that your interpretation of the Bible shows that the "End Times" are here. So did they. You just don't want to admit that your predictions mirror a bunch from over 400 years ago who were also wrong.

Don't worry, Unc. I'm sure you'll catch up sooner or later.

Sorry to say Unc, but it must be the case that ALL the signs *aren't* evident yet, otherwise your "End of the World" would already be here. You really don;t have a grasp on even basic logic do you Modi? I shouldn't be surprised that you can't grasp more advanced concepts like Evolution.

Sorry son, but that isn't what the Bible said. Jesus said "when you see these things begin to take place, your redemption is NEAR."

Go back to school.
for mageof10:

Gee that's funny. Is that why big business gave more money to the Dems last election, including BP oil? Yeah sure.
This is going way too deep, but hey thats maybe cause my brain does not understand the need for religion and so on the end of the world.
The end of the world we be upon us when the sun dies or when a super nova occurs, or maybe a nice meteorite or something like that.

anything else will not be the end of the world. The end of man yes maybe when we receive the next ice time within a year or after 2000 we will see.
for Grunge:

I'll show you something about your side.

Scientists are searching for life on other planets. They are looking for any form of life, even microscopic.

Now Dawkins says life began when the first cell was able to replicate itself.

Ask a lefty if life then begins at conception and you will see them bend their rules to say...what? That you aren't killing a human because _______(fill in the blank). Whatever it takes to soothe your conscience, eh?

It's so easy to catch them in their own lies.
for Modi:

Big companies enjoy being big so why would they waste money on a candidate who EVERYONE knew wasn't going to win?
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