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second blinfold battle


Authorsecond blinfold battle
have a look at this battle:
three players are from the same war clan. you'll be amazed by the blatant cooperation among players from the same war clan. they even manage to put all the units from 3 players into a 3x3 square place so the magic DE could maximize his last fireball.

this tournament is going nowhere.
[Post deleted by moderator FaithBringer // Please keep friendly.]
[Post deleted by moderator FaithBringer // Please keep friendly.]
I have a question.
This tournament is called "Free for All", and (nearly) all people complain about it. How would a tournament "Not-Free for All" be?
What is the difference between FFA and "Not-FFA"?
i take it as a serious question..

Opposite to the EfO battle is the one Vs one or Team Vs team battle, where as the names say, either a player will fight alone Vs another one, or a team of 2 or 3 players will fight a team composed by the same number of adversaries of the same level(s).

These would be the "not-FFA" battle kinds.

You can see all the details about tournaments in the help section.
I think admins should create a special server just for EW and those who can't win with their brains! What do you say about that!

now that's stereotyping. just restore the blindfold rules about max 2 players from same clan will do.

at the same time, new rules suggested and implemented on clan setting were needed, such as:

- restrict the max amount of members for a clan.
- restrict player to join other clan for 1 week if he leave 1 recently.

and any other possible useful rules.

it could reduce the problems of big clan cant join the blindfold tour. ofc, what if 2 clans form alliance while tour on going is another story.
for Pang:
Those are good suggestions, but like you said, that still doesn't prevent Team1 vs Player 1 vs Player 2 vs Player 3 battles.

My last tournment battle: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=485136712

In the middle of the battle it was obvious that the 3 EW players were Team1 because the vampire, tree, and hydra just walked past each other.

If it was going to be like this, then this tournament should have been made military clan tournament or just regular 3v3 tournament.
European Foreign Legion are cooperating in turnamet too :(.

Send gargs in the midle of enemy units, and survive it without scratch for few turns.
They earn my despite.

this battle is actually Dark alliance cooperating.

well, if the previous suggested rules implemented, other possible rules can be used, include:

- if there are more than 1 player from same clan, system should have priority to set 4 or 6 of them in same fight depend on 4 or 6 blindfold fight. (allow big clan member inter fight)

- otherwise, only allow max 1 player from 1 clan to join blindfold tour. (it wont hurt much if the clan was limited on max amount of members)
sometimes it hard to have even one group of 6 players on level 10 in my playing time:(
So what is worse:
to have troubles with grouping players from one clan
or not to have possibility to participate in tournament at all?
^^ Its always better to fight uneven match than have nothing or even AFK opp. >>> Clan restrictions or any rule wont full stop that grouping. Like AFK's, there's many possibilities but no official rule can handle it all.
287otherwise, only allow max 1 player from 1 clan to join blindfold tour. (it wont hurt much if the clan was limited on max amount of members)

It is impossible because less members are playing in this server and also max members of certain lvl are joining 10-12.. and sometimes 6-8.
So if one clan person at a time means it will take nearly 20 days to complete
It is impossible because less members are playing in this server and also max members of certain lvl are joining 10-12.. and sometimes 6-8.

you just skip some previous posts.

as i mentioned, 1st limit the max members of a clan, for example: 100 members or 200 members.

it will result that less players in same clan to allow more players join tour. also, if more than 1 player from same clan, for example: 8 players from 1 clan join tour, system should take 6 of them into 1 tour fight, the rest of 2 will random put into other fight.

SO, even big clan still be able to join tour with a 'fair' playing, excluded alliance among clan while tour
Pang, I should imform you that military clans are already limited by 250 members (and it's been like this from the very beginning).

we still need further cut down the max number. our server doesnt have as much players as ru server. anything implement in ru IS NOT always suit in com server.
for Enlightened:
lolz..u say that off topic..

i will never join the tourney..my AP is so low

At least there were only two players from European Foreign Legion? That is under rules (the original rules)

If you have a problem even in this, then better not play at all!
I think what people dont understand its

The tournament is a Blindfold for that simple reason to make you team with people you dont actually knows if they are teamates, clanmates or complete stranger and then when you have the chance, and see your temporary teamate is about to get away with the win, give it one hell of a backstab where it will hurt the most, so you can win in the end.

Its all about getting first place. 2nd place is "Well you are the 1st loser"
I'll show you how to defeat 3 evil necros in the next post, just bumping it to 300 for attention, it is a historical moment in this tournament!!
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