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Mana Recovery


AuthorMana Recovery
Well make the time shorter for a winner battle is fine but it doesnt work.
And if you look at the combat i posted and sven91's you see that there isnt a time bonus just less points for the winner.

Comes down to this a winner fight without mana recovery isnt shorter but just more annoying due to immense waiting time for just attack with weak hero attacks.

Big picture is you think it worked well but it doesnt changed anthing but the you have less points.
Leads to a useless rule with less possibilitys for the wizards.
Less possibilitys less fun.
The best solution to this is that they add the "+1/10 speed boost" rule to the survival tournament. Then no faction can run around endlessly. And they can allow mana recovery back in the survival tournament.
Actually the ManaRecovery Removal had the exactly oposite effect than you all thought:
People now just run with gargs as before and kill the enemy with hero attacks instead of spells! That makes fights last 16 hours or so now (fights can be interrupted and finished another day).
Maybe you should look at the wizard winner of lvl 10.
There are still freaks like him that desparately want/need the money. Few people did such "tactics" and although he played bad in the total fight he won due to his invested hours/days whatever.

People (me aswell) start 1st fight and wonder if there is a bug or why the hell our skilled talents don't work properly! That costs many of us 1 fight and therefor due to lacking information flow from the admins to the players, the lowest element of the food chain, they just didn't gain much points of sympathy by that.

If you want to make all factions equal why not remove all but one?!
As we said all factions are different and everyone has special abilities and is better for anything. Factions are judged separately and there was absolutely no need to do such an action! The removal of Mana Recovery created anger/confusion/frustration for the admins so heavily disliking wizard faction. When one picks a talent it has to WORK and the only excuse for it not to do that way is a bug/mistake/error.

There are always differences and wizards can be good at anything, but that seems to disturb admins heavily in their big plan for this "balanced" game.

Second point:
Admins didn't remove gating of the demon faction in the Throne Tournaments, so why do they have to remove the most effective skill of wizards for the tournament without a warning?!

Maybe you could say that gating comes from the units ability, but Mana Recovery comes from the most important part of a wizard and its absolutely NOT OK by the admins to act like that!

They didn't earn much favor points at the mob by that and I hope they either undo their mistake or apologise for their fail.


P.S.: This is no "whining" as some unknowing people might call it, its just a mere summary of facts.
Well, I_Own_You_All, you had some different opinions on this subject previously. You also used to think that removing Mana Recovery would reduce the length of time people could play for.

When you take the time aspect its much better now without mana recovery, but what i complained about is the fact of not being informed about this change and that some people wasted a try on the tourney with that.

The previous complaints can be found here - https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1871836&page=3

Since all Wizards are equally affected and results are based on the best performance within factions at the same combat level, everyone has the same opportunity to win. If someone wishes to invest the 10+ hours required to get a high score as a Wizard and others aren't prepared to do that, that's their choice.

Are you sure you're not whining? I don't think it's so much a summary of facts as you having changed your opinion and now making another attempt to convince the admins to do what you want.

Admins didn't remove gating of the demon faction in the Throne Tournaments, so why do they have to remove the most effective skill of wizards for the tournament without a warning?!

let me make this clear. eh, gate is troops ability. all demonic unit have this passive ABILITY.

demon faction skill only improve your gate efficient which grant you to gate MORE; it isnt a key to ALLOW you to gate. that's why no matter how high in your demon faction level, all demon player can only gate same amount in throne battle.

DAMN, why is everyone misunderstood on that.

If you want to make all factions equal why not remove all but one?!

lmao, remove all in survival tour? as a wiz, you have no idea on what you talking about. wiz and knight will suffer the most later on; while other factions dont really affected much.
I hadn't thought about the wizard attcking with his normal attacks. If there are enough spell casting or range attack creatures though, the wizard hero not being able to blow them up in to oblivion before they kill the gargoyles, will still mean you should have quicker combats that shouldn't take hours.
I dont like too long battle with neverending running gargs and hero attacking with wand, but i have to agree with few people here, that disable mana recovery is not fair for wizards. For wizard is his main power in mana, not in units like other factions. And pool of mana is very limited. Of course, amount of units is limited too, but that units can do much more damage than wizard with his mana pool.

Each faction is based on different strategy in survival tournament. For barbarian is really huge advantage bloodlust, for necro and elf phantom spell, for demon gating, de has shrews (enough said :)), maybe only knight dont have nothing "special". Part of wizard tactics was mana recovery talent. If we would disable bloodlust for orcs, phantom spell for necro and elf and gating for demon, that factions would be much weaker. But only wizard has been "nerfed".

Yes, you can say (and already said), that mana recovery is talent and gating and bloolust are abilities. This is true, but they are key for good performance in survival tournament and really important for tactics. Mana recovery is part of wizard tactics. With mana recovery we have more available talent builds, not only lower mana cost for spells and use magic arrow all the time, because it is the cheapest.

I am really not whining now, because i have played survivals for nice exp+sp and can do max exp+sp without mana recovery, but i want only say, that disable mana recovery is not fair for wizards.
Isnt anywhere near a point because the same applys for Manarecovery.
Of course it depends of the creatures that show up.
As a wise person said before.
Sry for double post but who said that it is ok to disable talents but abilitys arent OK?
Isnt logical is it?
It is illogical comparing factions as you only compete against your own faction, so bloodlust, phantom spell, etc isn't relevant.

The problem was, Wizard battle were going too long. You can still use the gargoyles to fly around and have your wizard hit the enemy physically when mana recovery is gone, but without the wizard being able to do his big attack spell, magic using enemies, and range attack enemies will make the fight stop quite a lot earlier.
Cut the crap. It is a game. You invest, you gain, be it time or money. Nothing wrong with that. If someone's determined to put in 8 hours of his time and win while I can't afford that, so what? Is winning so much important to you, so that you have to jump up and down yelling they should not do that?
Mana recovery IS part of the strategy in wizard playing. The choice of using it or not should be left with players. If you look at the necro playing, you might say spiritual link makes the game too long now and what's next?
Nah, why not just kill talents for the tourney. Not like it would matter, since every faction is by themselves. It would avoid this discussion, and you can't get annoyed because it would happen to everyone. Also, level 4s and 3s don't have talents at all, so you can't really complain that we need talents.
No, talents are a part of strategy. Just ignore all those whinings.. simple :p
So, when talents are part of strategy, why remove only ONE specific talent?!

As said, there are other even stronger abilities/talents that should be outtaken, but it was only this one thing: Mana recovery. This change made Tournament much more unfair for the "normal" players (the players that don't want to invest 8 hours for one fight and don't even gain xp/sp by that). There are players that then just play as if they had Mana recovery by doing the same tactics and just attacking with the hero instead of casting spells.

As said: Guys that don't catch one's eye by good tactics but only by abusing this change win Tournaments undeserved. Whether it is deserved by his sacrifice of so many hours of his life can be argued about, but in my eyes with such a tactics there it shouldn't be possible to achieve an advantage.
Cut the crap. It is a game. You invest, you gain, be it time or money. Nothing wrong with that. If someone's determined to put in 8 hours of his time and win while I can't afford that, so what?

For everyone else, if you think Mana Recovery leads to long fights, do check the winner for the last tourney @ lvl7 Necro and see how much he waited with the vampires so he could have, with 1 Knowledge, up to 60 mana.

Lastly, I have a question for you: If not being able to play for 8 hours is the reason, then why are arts allowed? Hey, only kids who can play 12 hours a day and enroll non-stop can have good arts, right? Or players who have been in the game for more then 1 year. Why should they have an advantage just because they have time to spend in the game???
So, then, that's a good reason to remove arts from the tourney, too, right? Think about it.
Yeah, they made 2 mayor mistakes (gating in throne tour; which IS NOT AN ABILITY, no mana recovery in 5th survival) but be happy there are only 2, there could have been a 100. Speaking of flaws, this game has the least of all MMO browser games.
ivo678: I invite you to check out the "Is this server dead" topic and my impressions there about the flaws of this game. You say there's only 2, but you're missing the big picture.
The funny thing is that the "Mana Recovery incident" was totally unnecessary. Before their change it was just fine, but the did the change and that made it bad. I wonder who came to this "glorious" idea of introducing a flaw on purpose.
There was no need of doing anything, but they had to make it bad, thats what i am angry about. Many of their actions just are just unlogical.
The same counts for the introduction of workaholics. For me in specific it made me NOT fight more! I now wait 10 hours enrolling until i fight the hunt or look for hunt assisting. I now fight much less than before!
I know it has nothing to do with this topic here, but it shows another senseless idea that was implemented with having the opposite effect as they wanted.
I enroll 10 hours then fight once too. Because if I fight too often, battles become tougher and I won't earn much anymore. I have also boycotted the last 2 survival tournaments. Pay 2000 gold and get nerfed? Silly to pay full price yet can't bring your best. Fuhgeddaboutit.
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