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Necromancer faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorNecromancer faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
@40 Generally speaking necs are good in pvp against any type of opponent ... BUT they are strongly depending on their racial skill, because it will enlargen your skeleton reserve, which you can bring into combat (additionaly). So be prepared for a hard trail while you bring your racial up with hunts or mercenary quest. Another good way are pvp 3vs3 as poison build, you wont win, but you can deal out some damage and gain fsp.

General tactics for necs stay back and let the enemy come to you ... SPOILER works only if you have the ranged damage superiority which in turn relies on high racial level.

General recuitments: max bows > max vamps > max ghosts > liches > zombies ... for poison build exchange pripority of zombies and bows.

good luck
I'm wondering if necro 2 would be a good moment for me to switch to might necro. I'm level 10 and "recently" switched to necro. I am a poison necro, trying to get skillpoints by losing ambushes (I've won some, but I can count those on one hand :D). I never recruited extra skeletons, since I was going to lose them anyway.

On the other hand I have also been doing quests and hunts (assisted) with phantoms of appas and vampires, with good results. Now, the problem there is that I "wasted" 10 points in knowledge and spellpower, which could have been in attack. I could rearrange my statpoints to everything in attack (which is then 17 attack with min ap) and getting knowledge (and extra attack) for phantoms with exp erudition (+ basic nature magic). I'm not sure then though what would be a good build for thieving, since phantoms will die fast there. Maybe erudition and all points in attack (and 1 knowledge for a raise)?

I could recruit 18 extra skeletons, bringing them to 72. I have quite a reserve now, so it won't be bad to lose some from time to time. Now my skeletons don't do much damage, but with 22 attack that will be different I guess :p.

Do you think it's possible to get good results with that number of skeletons? With poison I get around 0,2 fsp for a (good) loss, on the other hand I don't get much fsp when fighting wizard, necro and barb and I can almost never win. Can anyone describe a good strategy? I don't think waiting in a corner and shooting with the bows will do enough damage. Or do you think I should just stay poison necro until necro 3?
I would advice against changing to soon, you should have at least lvl 4 (+22 skeletons) or lvl 5 (+ 47) before you consider might as an option. Of course you will get some fsp even with low skeleton reserve, but I think magic build will serve you better.
That's kinda late I believe, as you seem to have turned might. If just for thieving, I would stay as poison necro; else, might can be an option, as magic is really weak in hunts and merc most of the time.

You really won't get anything good with 72 skeletons, no matter how high your attack is. Before faction 4, they are really crappy at lvl 10; with 40 from recruit (not 27, fortunately ^^), it begins to be interesting.

Anyway, you'll have a hard time no matter what you do, without a decent faction level.
Well, at the moment I'm testing as might. It seems I can recruit 103 skeletons if I save on liches. So far I'm getting very good results in hunts and quests. In the few ambushes I have done I got 0,2 fsp, which is the same, or even better than as poison necro. I'm doing all things in min ap, so my poison wasn't strong enough to kill the caravans. I'm going to test a bit more now and will see what it gives. I'll need to find some good talents though. Not sure if it's good to take vitality and losing extra points from expert erudition (for ambush)? My skeletons might live a bit longer, but they'd to less damage.

Anyone knows a good setup for thieving at level 10? Maybe some examples (if I have time I'll dive into your combat logs anyway :p).
I don't have much tricks to tell; vitality though, is useless in most cases without high faction level; in hunts, thieving and most merc quests, you'll want to deal high amount of damage in a short time, so, erudition is way better. Your skel bows won't be in trouble for most of the fight, and your other units won't benefit much from it. IMO, it's more some kind of GB talent.

You may want to use mass disruption for thieving though, but I tend to find erudition better, as in many caravans, troops will split before your hero's first turn (you could use AI to force them to go to the same stack to be able to use efficiently mass disrupt though, but it's not always easy to do).

You may consider good to use raise from time to time, to have a hit from a big stack, or a spell from the hero from caravan taken (always works when raising vamps ^^); with 30 mana, you still will be able to summon ghost then, wich is your best option is most cases (I mean, summoning ghost :) ).
Mixed Tourney, Seems That Mass Disruption is the greatest along 6-7 Knowledge, is it true ?
for necro level 11 mixed tourney, is it better to get vitality and basic nature magic and erudition and go might?
Level 9 talents?
To Moon, It Depends On What You Are Gonna Do, PM me and Ask me :D
Mostly hunts and sometimes tourney
Get Advanced Nature Magic, Dominion Of Life And Spirit Link
Talents for MQ?
I'd say this depends on the kind of merc quest, for army or the like basic erudition + adv darkness + dominion of pain might be good (mass desruption 5x5 rules) decreasing all enemies defence by 5 for only 10 mana.

Your current set of talents also seems good for lots of raising, though I cant suggest for which kind of quest that would be useful at the moment.

For raids I would probably use expert erudition and put all in attack.

hope this was helpful
Thanks alot :)
For hunts,PvP and tourney?Especially EOFO
Should I use advanced nature+dom of life+spirit link or my current one?

With erudition I get 14 attack but without it only 12.
no one has answered my question..... am i the only high level necro here.....
for mega0impact:

Its all depending on what you wanna be : Support Necro or Lead Necro

If you wanna be support, go with Spellcaster : Dominion of Pain (Disruption Ray Mass Spell)
If you wanna be lead, go might with Erudition, Defense and Vitality.
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