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.ru event over. Townhll meeting answers coming soon.


Author.ru event over. Townhll meeting answers coming soon.
dArtagnan if i may ask where you heard this from? i would advise you to disregard anything else they tell you or have them give you a time table because the answers never came soon
i understand that admin are busy on russian server..but at least they could appoint a few local juries so that they can hunt down and ban those cheater..is that too hard to do that?

this game is full with cheater and only a few honest player into it
already 10 pages of complain that no one do something about it

like i said before we are in middle of desert waiting admin come to rescue us..i hope the 'admin' not a mirage but it really come to save us
dArtagnan if i may ask where you heard this from? i would advise you to disregard anything else they tell you or have them give you a time table because the answers never came soon

He is an admin and will be doing the townhall post so you can accept he knows what he is talking about. I don't think he will let us down but do hope his update here comes sooner rather than later.
maybe they're too lazy to end this server

As long as this server pays itself off (and there are still new players willing to enter Thieves' Guild or to have diamond-upgraded units in their path to higher levels) there's no reasons for admins to shut down anything. Sure, the complaints here and there are not doing the game any good, but efforts to quench them isn't worth the trouble. I doubt that many players even get to forums.

Since .ru is so much popular, any time spent improving things here is a waste. Honestly, if you were in admins' shoes, would you design an event for 1'000 people or for 100'000 people? Admins just plan their effort to get the best results (money-wise). .Com server certainly yielded some expectations at start - being ˆ-based rather than $-based - but these hopes haven't been met by a long shot.

It will go on exactly like it did during previous months - nothing at all, complaints, and silence - for months to come. Then, maybe in a year, maybe later, we'll just get a 404 when trying to log in here. Face truth, people, and behold.
I don't know if I would bother designing events for this server if I was in admins shoes , but I certainly would answer the townhall questions . Thats basic human decency and costs no effort at all.
Basic decency? As soon as one "decides" to ignore and let die a whole community of a slow death, all matters of decency have been long forgotten. Admins will never dare telling they have no plans to update this server whatsoever. Ironically, it's probably better for them to leave us in the dark.

Enjoy the server as it stands now. Enjoy the computer-generated survival tournament every other week. Enjoy the 8-regions map. Enjoy the peace (defined as lack of any war event). All these are going to last for a while.
for Kotrin:
You can't just start a business (like this game on .com), and wait for it to become profitable. Admins must work the business plan out, in order to make this happen.
From a statistic point of view, .com can have millions of players and a lot more gold pouring in. All they have to do is invest time in marketing and client (as in players) fidelity programs. Unfortunately they do non of the above...
Bad situation, but must agree with Kotrin.

Imagine situation they tell us they plan nothing to us.
Unfortunately they do non of the above...
Why should they, when they already have that and even more with the .ru server?

He is an admin
Is dArt an admin? O.o
Isn't he more of a (much loved) assistant like arctic or lexa?
Truthfully i believe that this is a form of racism
racism? how is this racist?
Maybe asking them admins to answer Qs is way too hard for them.

BUT, can some kind soul who plays over at .ru at least drop them a PM to tell them to refill some ELEMENTARY arts that has 0 stocks (Heavy mithril coif, Heavy mithril boots etc) for ages now?

How are some players gonna compete on an equal footing with others on battles like Survival if they can't even buy.. basic arts from the shop/map (??)

Now how hard can THAT be.... ?
Is dArt an admin? O.o
Isn't he more of a (much loved) assistant like arctic or lexa?

dArt is a moder on .ru server... I have his skype , mby i can tell for him something ...from here , if needed :/
Imagine situation they tell us they plan nothing to us.
Quite ironical. Even more people understand that when they don't answer even those townhall questions.

BUT, can some kind soul who plays over at .ru at least drop them a PM to tell them to refill some ELEMENTARY arts that has 0 stocks (Heavy mithril coif, Heavy mithril boots etc) for ages now?
Maybe that's a event, which they're giving to us. They're gonna crush the whole economy, so certain artifacts, resources and goods become more expensive.
Maybe that's a event, which they're giving to us. They're gonna crush the whole economy, so certain artifacts, resources and goods become more expensive.
That is already paranoia... At least someone have hope.
This is Fire!
it was over at 04.07, 16:30
for -Quzya-:

you mean 1 month ago :P lol
for Darkcanis:
dArt is a moder on .ru server... I have his skype , mby i can tell for him something ...from here , if needed :/

Please do.
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